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DC Greg

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Everything posted by DC Greg

  1. Jed sounds like an intelligent and thoughtful human being.
  2. I feel like he will never really leave the locker room. This guy will always be a Buffalo Bill from now until the end of time... for at least a few weeks every season. Good for you dude! Keep getting paid!
  3. It was a bonehead play. I think defenders are probably wary to dive at guys on the ground because if they had been touched down you can bet there's another 15 coming. Still no excuse. I don't think it was a lack of effort as much as a brain fart. Hope the coaches hammered on it and he learned from it.
  4. Oh and that decisive run that he makes for a first with a little over a minute left to go in the half looks hella better than any run I've seen EJ make this year. Not mobile? Looks mobile enough to make the right decisions when they're there to be made. Terrance Willams. my bad. Slip of tongue... err type.
  5. Love it. That long seam to Roy Williams in the second quarter is exactly the type of throw EJ refuses to make. Receiver is open by NFL standards. Orton led him with the ball, put it in a place where only he could get it. Great vision, great timing. Hope he's ready to do that on Sunday. Good find on this video.
  6. Pass that Kool Aid over here baby!! I'm all in on Orton!! MMmmmmmmm tastes great
  7. You are correct. EJ has never looked that sharp, especially on downfield throws. The decisive running and elusiveness of Bridgewater is very impressive here as well. It's only one game, but yeah... sorta wish we drafted that.
  8. The bar of the Washington DC Bills Backers is Laughing Man Tavern downtown near Metro center. I've never been to Jimmy's, because LMT is the best!
  9. Can't believe there are 109 richer people in this country!! So much wealth
  10. The homer denial is tough. Keep holding out guys. "Buying that #3 jersey was a good decision! You'll see! He just needs to complete a season start to finish, THEN he'll be able to complete a pass to a wide open receiver."
  11. It's obvious to the players, analysts, and casual fans. Hackett is a disaster and so is Marone, by proxy.
  12. That was what... week 15? Give knee j 11 more weeks. I have confidence we can get there. I billieve... sry just puked on a bay as i said that. Dude. You are right in the sense that it would mask the real problem for another week. We'd toast being 3-1 and talk about those wacky Bills. Fact is we'd be lying to ourselves, just like i lied to myself after we beat the fish. Complete domination on both sides of the ball for a half... 3 field goals. The problems with this offense and quarterback are deeper than you care tp admit. It's really, really bad. At it's core, the best EJ can do is not lose us the game. He will never win it.
  13. I hear that. Sorry to pile on. But today's performance is hard to view with "pessimism". Pessimism would be like oh we lost and that stinks and i don't think we can win these close games etc. The last two weeks have been more like... wow. This is the most incompetent display of (offensive) football I've seen at almost any level. It's really that bad. I'm watching a real NFL game right now. Watching the saints get down but not completely crumble. Watching them to be able to run some plays and sustain a drive here or there. The way the Bills lose is just... i mean how do you describe it? How do you describe a team (or offense rather) that always shys from the moment? Never lifts the team. Better hope the D or special teams (or fred jackson single handedly) makes a play. Otherwise, forget it. 3 and out like clockwork.
  14. That is so pathetic and so, so true. How low have we sunk that people are still like "just let him get through a FULL season. No not just 16 games. Start to finish. If he gets hurt again... one more do-over" There have been no "flashes" with this kid, people. We deluded ourselves into thinking him making a few STANDARD nfl throws here or there were "flashes". What a complete joke.
  15. Feels GREAT actually. Knew he sucked tried to do my part as a Bills fan to Billieve. I mean there are just no positives to be found in his play. None.
  16. Also, as you rush to defend poor, delicate EJ, please consider his salary earned NOT taking the hits to earn it. Literally avoiding contact at every turn. Even though (please dear god) he'll never get the big NFL payday, he's still taking the Bills and us, the fans, for all we're worth. Hope his mental coach is the best money can buy.
  17. Please. His weakness is the sign of weakness. He's a weak runner, a weaker passer, and a weak quarterback. This forum is the most polite internet thing I've ever seen. Credit to the mods for keeping it so clean. But knee j is on blast tonight. Let me clean it up a bit... EJ Manuel plays football like a coward. Better?
  18. Seriously. In the words of an FSU QB who is a degenerate but can actually win. "F@#$ this PU$$Y." Football, and especially NFL football, is not the game for you EJ. Get the f!@# off the field. Jim Kelly beat cancer this year. You can't beat Fitzpatrick. Best thing you can do right now is take a que from kevin kolb and slip on a f!@#ing mat and be out for the season/forever.
  19. EJ got beat by ryan pickspatrick who is absolute trash. Who we rightly discarded. EJ is absolute garbage. Just move on already. This is sad. Yes, sometimes it takes QBs time to develop. But there has to be something to develop. He is garbage. Overdrafted because he is big and tall. Won a few games with a great team arouns him at FSU. Underacheived. What happened when they got rid of him? Oh yeah, they won the national championship. And Hackett... wow. JV is right. What and embarrasment. Other coaches are cracking up watching game film on us. Probably saying holy hell, it's a good thing they are so dumb because they are actually good. Too bad they're too incompetent to realize it. I'm tired of being an embarrassment in the NFL. And that's what this team is right now. When my friends watch the games with me, they are absolutely dumbfounded. If you are an NFL fan and not just a Bills fan, it's quite apparent how unbelievably inept our offense is. The game plan, OC, QB, and by proxy, the head coach, are beyond bad. They are disgraceful to professional football. They should be ashamed that people pay to watch their coaching ineptitude.
  20. Yeah. Honestly guys nothing else matters without anything resembling the most basic competence from our starting QB. Who gives a **** about a RG when EJ is your starting QB. Swing and a miss by the dougs on this kid. Time to move on.
  21. Again, if the Bills score 24 I think they win. Bills 24-20
  22. Boy that last one where he didn't see Chandler wide open... c'mon EJ.
  23. I think a blowout would be great, but i would also love to see a come from behind win where EJ is throwing down field and making big plays with confidence. I know, he's flahsed it (Carolina), but we're gunna need that typeof play from our O to be really good
  24. I saw 80% chance. Did anyone see this forecast? Late afternoon or during the game?
  25. I used to DESPISE Tirico. He knew nothing about the intricacies of the game, and always said the wrong stuff at exactly the wrong time. Now he's the best out there, and my favorite. He does an amazing job, keeps a great rhythm, is exciting to listen to, and banters very well with Gruden (which no one else on the planet seems to be able to do). I gotta say, he has really impressed me. That guy must have worked hard at it, which is pretty awesome.
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