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DC Greg

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Everything posted by DC Greg

  1. Hey, it sort of seems like the brass at least recognizes that the team's preseason performance has been unacceptable. They're not saying "oh it's just preseason" and "nothing to worry about." Hopefully the team, coaches, and management all feel the pressure and come together to succeed. Might be inferring too much from the recent moves and interactions like this, but that's my take. Go Bills!
  2. Well said. Maybe EJ will get better. We all hope so. But to say "Look, these particular set of stats are similar to our greatest player in franchise history. That means he could also be great," is just such a stretch. Anything's POSSIBLE, but I agree that we're reaching a little bit here to keep up hope. Not saying burn the EJ experiment to the ground yet, but let's not pretend he has resembled JK in any form or fashion yet.
  3. Yes, that's true. It's an opinion on my part based on the assumption the the Skins front office coming out publicly to deny their intention of trading him is borne of actual interest on the part of other teams and not just responding to fan rumors. I've seen a number of NFL "insiders" also report that teams have approached the Redskins about potential trades (mostly on NFL network). I mean obviously I don't personally know the depth of it, but seeing multiple reports leads me to believe there has been interest. Every team passed on Russell Wilson two or three times. Every team passed on Brady six times. I don't mean to cherry pick examples, but just because he was a fourth round pick doesn't mean the scouts knew it all. Similarly, just because EJ was a first round pick doesn't mean our scouts hit on a winner. And KOKBILLS, you are correct. This is really just pointless talk. Will never happen. EJ is our starter. But it still interests me.
  4. Cousins has looked great at times. He's made mistakes, sure, but there is a reason there is a significant buzz around the league about him. Not just with fans, but with front offices. People who actually evaluate talent in the NFL don't just look at the stat sheet as a definitive indicator of potential success like some fantasy football owner. I'd be all about getting Kirk Cousins. Won't happen, but I think he has shown legitimate starter potential.
  5. Hey, I am available to play quarterback for the Buffalo Bills! Could probably be had for the modest price of a sixth round pick. Where do I submit my resume?
  6. Second this. Way to go Thad. You have given me a year's trash talking advantage over at least on division rival. You will forever be remembered as a true BILL in my mind for that!
  7. I used to be in the NO camp, but I'd be open to it. Have your PR people do a whole big "Come to Jesus" spotlight on him. The NFL loves redemption stories. Make sure he agrees to some extra character conditions before he signs a contract.
  8. This is very accurate. Anyone who thinks the team's play in preseason is compeltely meaningless is kidding themselves. Sure, it's not a perfect indicator of how good they can/will be, but when an offense like ours looks like the JV squad out there, there is significant reason for concern.
  9. It's really amazing how many fans couldn't see this. The stats to back it up are nice, but any real football person who watched every game could see it plain as day. Doesn't take expert analysis. The D would stuff the other team consistently. The offense failed to move the ball effectively, consistently. The offense could not capitalize on turnovers by the defense, especially if they were placed in a good scoring position. Our offense was horrible at finishing drives and scoring touchdowns in the red zone, period. There are a lot of causations for this, not the lease of which is Nate Hackett. I too am starting to doubt this guy's competency more and more. It's only the preseason, but yeah... it's been bad on O. Sensing a real inability to adjust on that side of the ball. Please dear God let them get it figured out. Nobody is rooting harder for these guys to learn and succeed more than us.
  10. Ha! The further you get from it, it just seems worse and worse. Didn't want to damage Ryan Pickspatrick's delicate ego by drafting a quarterback to develop/as an insurance policy. Because he was the franchise baby!! Oh Buddy. Dagumit all.
  11. Sanborn is not one of the best longsnappers in the league. His snap times are upwards of .68, the standard for NFL snappers. While he's never chucked one over a punters head, his snaps are often low. Luckily punters are usually good about scooping them and getting them off. As a snapper, he is mostly consistent overall. Mid to top mid range snapping talent. On the flip side of what you want your long snapper to do (admittedly much less important than the snap itself by NFL standards) is blocking and coverage. Both of these are hardly his strong suits. He is looks very out of place running down field and trying to make tackles against real NFL caliber athletes. Not sure how much better Lee Smith would be, but if he can snap decently, you save a roster spot for a real player. You're certainly not losing anything on the coverage team by not having Sanborn on the roster.
  12. I don't think this is an unfair thread. Someone started a "would you rather have Fitz back thread" and the Fitzbackers were quick to jump all over that one. Watched the game... I know it's the preseason, but damn, he looked just about as bad as I've ever seen him. I mean he really just looked like he didn't belong on the field at all... starter, back up, practice squad, towel boy. I'll take EJ over that any day. Kid may not be perfect, but at least I know he can throw harder than my girlfriend.
  13. He's too high. Needs to bend his knees and get lower. He may have been able to get away with being bigger, stronger, and better than most d lineman he went up against in college, but it looks like that won't work for him at this level. Proper pad level and technique gives you leverage, and you can beat a bigger, stronger guy with it if you have better technique.
  14. This. Fred still sees the field very well. If there are holes to run through, he's a guy you can count on to make the right cuts and get solid yards. His strength has always been getting three more yards than it appeared possible to get on any play. If you start to see a trend of going down on first contact and not being able to pick up those extra yards, his strength as an NFL running back will be severely diminished. He doesn't have the speed, agility, or power of the other backs on the roster. He has great football sense, takes care of the ball, and manages to escape from tackles in space and lurch forward for bonus yards that other backs don't get. He's still shown he can do it, so until that is not the case, I say give him his touches.
  15. Um I'm pretty sure security would escort them out of the building in disgrace.
  16. When he was in last year the season was already lost and the team around him was atrocious. Not saying he was the best, but I don't view the Redskins struggles last year as a final indicator of whether or not Kirk Cousins can be successful in the NFL. He has been brilliant at times. Great touch and timing on his throws.
  17. Kirk Cousins or 1st rounder. Otherwise I'm good. Learn how to use him Hackett. I know it may take some special additions to your rigid playbook to throw in a few middle screens, but good coaches know how to utilize their talent.
  18. Certainly those are the positives we've seen, and they are encouraging. By all rights the offense should have put the Panthers to bed and rendered that last drive unnecessary with how many times our D stuffed Newton in that game. Likewise in the Baltimore game, thank god for the D for their 5 picks and all the sacks because the O couldn't put that one away either. New England comes to mind as the flip side of that coin, where EJ failed with the ball in his hands on 3 late 4th quarter opportunities to even gain a first down. 3 3 and outs gave Brady the ball back one too many times. But I mean I know, that was his FIRST pro game. I'm definitely on board for giving the pass on that one. Just hoping to see the trend of confidence and aptitude in finishing games. I probably came off as too dismissive in the first post. I am as hopeful as anybody for EJ to turn out! Right now my spock side puts it at 50/50.
  19. I love CJ and think he's a great playmaker/our coaches need to find ways to use him better. That being said, I would love that trade. I doubt it would ever happen because, in my opinion, the front office is so in love with EJ they don't want to bring anyone who might hurt his ego and unquestioned grip on the starting job and potentially derail his fragile state of development. Also, I just don't think the redskins would make this trade. It's so rare to see two legit players get traded in the NFL at all, and really player for player trades in general.
  20. Ryan Fitzpatrick was and is a poor, poor NFL quarterback. He really turned it on and showed some big time stuff for 3 games one season, for which he was awarded an enormous contract. After he took a jarring shot to the ribs via London Fletcher in Toronto vs. the Redskins, he never stepped up in the pocket and delivered the ball quite the same. That and I think DCs just caught on to his limited ability and Chan's playbook full of meticulously designed single route pass plays. Whenever the game was on line, Fitz was the absolute worst quarterback there was. Every time, without fail, you just knew that INT was coming. NFL football is going to be competitive, back and forth. It's the OBs who can make it happen on the last drive that will win those games instead of lose them to take you to the playoffs. Winning those close games at the end is what we haven't done, and what we need a real QB to do. I have serious doubts about EJ, but it's only year two. I'd rather take my chances with him than what I know you've got in RF.
  21. Uh huh. Seems pretty straightforward. Don't try to shake him down for another hundred mil. Let him use that to make the new stadium even more awesome than it's already going to be!
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