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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. That was my count as well, or stated another way, I can only see three Super Bowl winning QBs in that time that I can say with certainty that will never make the HOF. The others either have made it, will make it, or will recieve very serious consideration.
  2. How many of those 25 games were won by a current or future Hall of Famer? A whole bunch of them.
  3. I've seen that poll data before (the question was on universal background checks), and I think there's something seriously screwed up in those numbers. It might have a majority, but the margin is nowhere near that large. For evidence, I'd present the election results in the state of Washington last year, where it passed, yes, but by a little under 60%. Considering that Washington is a left-leaning state and not known as a particular hotbed of NRA/gun rights support, it seems very likely to me that it would be a loser in a good number of states, especially in the south, including in my own.
  4. Whatever they are, if you disagree with them, you are an idiot and you lack common sense. I hate that stupid phrase and it amazes me that they think it helps them. Sure, it may sound good when they're preaching to the choir, but for the people they're trying to convince, its pretty damn arrogant and condescending.
  5. You may need to find a better example. The problem is, Chris Christie is HIGHLY unpopular with 2A advocates for his past support of the New Jersey Assault Weapons Ban. The guy is just pandering to 2A voters, big time, and they know it. Its a big part of the reason he can't and won't break out of the low single digits nationally. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/07/10/chris-christie-s-faking-it-on-gun-rights.html
  6. EJ needs to catch those passes, damn it. And he needs to pass protect better, too.
  7. There have been some changes, but its not Season 5 of Game of Thrones in that department. For the most part, aside from some filler, its been a relatively close adaptation of the books. To this point, elevating Dutch to a major recurring character was probably the biggest change, but going forward, and if they want more than another season or two out of it, I think they're probably going to have to introduce new non-book storylines and characters, as they're nearing the end of book 2 material. On that note, I'm not sure how they're going to turn what's left of book 2 into an entire season, given that book 2's ending (you think the situation is bad now?) isn't something I would think they'd want falling into the middle of a season, but rather the end of it.
  8. I've probably already said more than I should, but...
  9. Having read the books, I won't say whether she makes it to the end or not, just in case someone decides to read them, but I will say this: she definitely did not die in that scene. Though the basic setup was similar, it unfolded quite a bit differently. Ephraim, for instance, wasn't even there.
  10. Yep. You know its going to happen. I've heard of people getting DUIs on lawnmowers. Can't imagine that Barbie jeep is going to be viewed much differently.
  11. Why not? The league has no authority to enforce its rules. I say that the next time the offense is facing a 3rd and 30, the QB needs to break out a nerf football. He doesn't know he can be punished for it, right? 5 seconds to go in the game and down by 2 at your own 40? Fill that football with some helium for the kicker! He doesn't know he can be punished, so its alright!
  12. If I were those guys, I'd be filing a lawsuit immediately.
  13. Looked like it may have been slightly tipped at the line to me.
  14. He kind of reminds me of a more annoying version of Carl from the Walking Dead...and Carl is pretty damned annoying to begin with. In their defense, that's consistent with the book version of Zack.
  15. No spoilers, but there's a definite reason for that. With the character that's being introduced next week, you'll probably have a much better idea why soon.
  16. If you think show-Dany is stupid and annoying, you should try reading her book arc. By the time I finished book 5, I was hoping one of the dragons would eat her. Otherwise, I thought it was a good episode that brings us more or less to the same point as the end of the last book, although they definitely rushed the final scene. All that time wasted on Olly this season could've been put to better use, but whatever. In any event, I'm not in the slightest bit convinced that Jon is permanently dead in either the books or the show, regardless of how many times they send Kit Harrington out for interviews saying otherwise. I don't think Stannis is dead, either, but on that, I'm less certain. It seemed to me that Brienne was unsure at the end, having built Stannis up as one thing in her own mind and instead being confronted with a pathetic, broken man in the end. I think she spared him, and at this point, for Stannis, that may well be worse than death. If he didn't realize at the start of the episode that Melisandre had led him down a dark path on a fool's errand, he clearly did by the last time we saw him.
  17. Yep. I can't see any way that doesn't have huge repercussions in any future dealings between Dorne and Dany.
  18. I'm expecting them to kill off Myrcella in this upcoming episode. By doing so, it allows them to merge Trystane's storyline with Quentyn's early next year.
  19. Agreed, it definitely wasn't a surprise. It just completely overshadowed the Mereen scenes. The Hardhome scenes last week made the episode; hell, it was some of the best stuff in the series. This week's big finale...a huge mess of inconsistency in Mereen.
  20. She apparently doesn't need them. Thankfully, when they have someone hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded, they send in one man at a time while the rest stand around picking their butts. That whole scene bothered me, not just because the harpies were so laughably incompetent, but because it paled in comparison to how horrible Stannis and Melisandre proved themselves just prior. And by the way, honest question: Does Dany have greyscale now? Jorah held her hand for a good while.
  21. Absolutely. Granted, I don't know about the whole thing with the McNuggets. Kinda gross, but oh well. You can't have everything, I suppose.
  22. No doubt that was the best episode of the season. One of the best in the series. No wonder they decided to have Jon go to Hardhome. I don't know how they're going to top that in the next two episodes, regardless of the book events that we know are coming.
  23. He meant to do that, though. His turnovers actually put them in position to win at the end, but everyone else screwed it up. He had a great plan.
  24. Can't be any worse than what Massachusetts is currently sending to DC. I'd definitely vote for him over Elizabeth Warren, which says a lot about Elizabeth Warren, I might add.
  25. No kidding. Personally, I always thought the midget was the curse. The guy was lucky he started as long as he did. It was someone else's fault. It was always someone else's fault.
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