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Everything posted by klos63

  1. These players owe it to the team take all reasonable efforts to be ready to play each week. They rehab like crazy, play with broken hands, torn MCL... but won't get a simple vaccine to greatly increase the odds of missing as few games as possible. I have to think that some vaccinated players are pissed that their teammates didn't make every effort available to be ready to play in the biggest game of the season.
  2. That's ridiculous to think that Jerry Jones or any other owner would be ok with what you're suggesting. The league just signed a 10 year $110 billion tv deal, I'm sure they don't need to rig the next super bowl since that money is coming in for the next 10 years. It's crazy conspiracy talk, that's all. Do the refs suck? Yeah, they do, are they getting paid off? Possibly. By the league? No way.
  3. Delay? How about players get vaccinated? The vaccinated at least have a good chance to play each week
  4. You thinking that the other 31 owners would prefer other teams in the Super Bowl says more about you than it does me. Typical Buffalo, 'the world is against us' whining. Just like the Pro Bowl, why doesn't everyone know how great all the players on the 2nd place , 7-6 football team are and if all the players I like aren't voted on, it's a conspiracy. Do you really think the NFL tells the refs to favor certain teams and that all the other owners are in on it? Because the owners are the NFL.
  5. IF we keep losing, we'll really be where you're most comfortable yep, all the owners that make up the NFL will do whatever they can to assure a Patriots victory. That makes a lot of sense.
  6. I don't think they're going to lose. If Dawkins plays, I think we dominate.
  7. He's likely more correct than you think. This is a much faster spreading variant than Delta. But if vaccinated, obviously a much better chance of being cleared to play and a much better chance of staying healthy.
  8. I don't want anything bad to happen to him, but if he's not concerned, I'm not wasting anytime worrying about him.
  9. gotta think the league isn't ok with drinking beer on the field. Even if most of the beer ended up on his jersey
  10. Who would snap the ball? We would need an emergency long snapper.
  11. I can't imagine that the replacements on our weak offensive line are current members of our offensive line. That would not be a good thing.
  12. Just to keep in mind, you don't just get rid of players, you replace them. Who replaces Morse? I'd like to see Beasley stay, despite his preseason covid BS he's still incredibly valuable. The offense moves so much better when he's getting involved.
  13. Who will our new center be? i think that was always the case, lot of contracts had easy outs after this season. Addison, Williams, Hughes...
  14. I can't imagine if you're not a fan enough to watch the Super Bowl, you would watch if certain teams participated, unless it's your home city team and you just like to see your city celebrate.
  15. Why do so many people say football(baseball, basketball...) is a kids game when it is played by so many adults and most of us only watch the adult versions unless we have a child participating? It's a kids game at times, it's an adult game and it's one of the biggest businesses in the country. Do you think there are really a significant number of people that wouldn't watch the Super Bowl unless the Bucs and Patriots were in it? Anyone here only watch the Super Bowl based on the participants? And would it really matter to the NFL, advertising spots are sold out before the participants are determined I would guess.
  16. This comment made me think of something, didn't Marv take over play calling in the redzone? I seem to remember him saying that.
  17. That would make 5 'wake up' calls this season. No we don't need that, we need to play better at the line of scrimmage.
  18. That early in the game you would still be expecting a possible pass. It was just poor execution, nothing terribly wrong with the lineup.
  19. One simple explanation for tonight is that our Oline is really bad. Other issues, wasting timeouts, not trying our passing game earlier, missed FG even in the wind shouldn't have happened, nothing creative offensively, poor linebacker play, threw away great field position twice in the first qtr. Poor coaching all around.
  20. we did stack the box, didn't help.
  21. There are no elements in May to September? Then no domes either , right? Or no games in San Diego/LA...
  22. But the game usually sucks. We won the Colts game by a fluke PI call or we are out of the playoffs. This is not the way the biggest game of the season should be played. A little, yeah, but not where you can't run your game plan.
  23. But do you see this type of reaction for a sunny and 75 degree day in September? Does anyone say 'this is football weather'? No
  24. In Sept and October too? That's ridiculous. Why wouldn't you say nice weather goes hand in hand when it's sunny? This is stupid weather to play football in. Somehow people decided that of all types of weather the game is played in, bad weather is football weather. Crazy.
  25. How will that help us? Besides, the Colts already exercised the 5th year option. He's not going anywhere.
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