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Everything posted by klos63

  1. If you aren't concerned about the Patriots, you should be.
  2. are the Bills the most hyped 6-3 team that lost to Jax?
  3. Just in case you weren't sure it was a question?
  4. Really hitting all around the league right now. Hope the players aren't getting careless, would really mess up the season for some teams.
  5. If the line played better, we can live by the pass, like last season. But that's no longer the case. Lost in much of this is 3/5 , 60% of our line did not have the starter playing . That's significant. We fix 40% of that tomorrow with Brown and Williams. That's also significant.
  6. You really can't go in expecting to fool the defense. You have two options, run and pass. You need to execute both well without playing a guessing game with the defense.
  7. The 'talent' has nothing to do with the broadcast of games. ESPN + , for $6.99 is a great deal.
  8. I'm sure if there was a player that could help, he would go after him. He did draft 3 lineman this past year and one of them will be starting RT Sunday, when Brown was in the lineup and Williams moved to RG, the line was much better. Hopefully that will be the case on Sunday.
  9. I think Spencer Brown returning to RT and Williams moving back inside, along with Knox returning could make a tremendous difference to our offense. With how Brown has started, logic would be that he will continue to improve as the season goes on, Williams is a solid lineman, but appears to be move valuable as a guard. Knox being a legitimate weapon obviously adds a dimension to the offense severely lacking with his backups playing. That's 27% of our personnel on offense being upgraded. That's significant.
  10. Did you watch any games last season? Pretty much all offense.
  11. then by my calculations, this will be their 3rd 'wake up' call of the season.
  12. No, I would hope he would do well, otherwise I wouldn't suggest it.
  13. Breida needs to get in the lineup next week.
  14. Get Brown healthy , move him to RT and move Williams back to RG, get Knox back healthy. That would be a good start. And as MAJBobby just said, get Diggs involved early and often. Stop throwing 2 yard patterns. We don't have the quick/speedsters to make those plays work.
  15. I wonder if other fan bases think as highly of themselves as Bills fans do. Bills fans are insufferable, they call themselves the greatest fans in the world, they deserve more, if they don't show up it's not on them, if they do show up they're awesome. They're like most fan bases, mostly good, some crappy, some great. This 'we deserve' something is BS. You get what you get, that's it. I first went to a game in 1970, I don't feel like I deserve anything, I just hope for good things. I'm usually disappointed.
  16. Why would he sacrifice a head coaching opportunity for Trubisky? What has Trubisky done this season to warrant that?
  17. sure it can, but it's not the sole reason kicks are made or not. It seems Bojo has his issues on holds, but to me, the kick was poor to begin with.
  18. The first one is on Crosby, it was a bad kick regardless of where the laces were. Kick it in the center of the uprights, not right at the upright. 2nd was a bad snap, not really on Bojo.
  19. He wasn't any better than anyone else today, yeah he had little help, but he had his worst game in years. Not protecting the ball, poor decisions on both interceptions, then he apparently didn't see a wide open Sanders at the sticks on 4th and 16 and threw across the field to end the game.
  20. you don't think the kick had anything to do with it. Kick was heading right towards the upright as soon as he hit it. It seems Crosby has never missed a FG on his own, he's blaming the long snapper for the blocked kick.
  21. I can't respond to comments on here because you don't understand things?
  22. I think it still would be an upset, but I also think you get my point about the common sense precautions.
  23. This seams like such common sense. Basic precautions can prevent a big upset tomorrow. Play it smart and stop the whining.
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