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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. In this particular instance ALL of the drama is coming from others trying to interpret this emoji. And all of the interpretations are inventions of their own minds. That emoji isn't particular dramatic on its face.
  2. I agree on both counts. I really don't like taunting. And I'm not really big on celebrating an inconsequential first down by jumping around and signaling it, either. I would prefer guys hand the ball back to the official after scoring a TD. I'm an old fuddy-duddy. So really, who gives a damn what I prefer? I understand the game should be fun for the players, and the fans. So I prefer penalties not be called most of the time, especially in an important moment like that. But celebrating to excess (elaborate choreographed bits), excessive delay of game or blatant taunting should be called, IMO. I'm not sure how I would define "blatant taunting", but I know it when I see it. Waving, a peace sign, etc, doesn't rise to the penalty level, IMO. I'd like to think the pendulum just swung a bit too far after the league made it a point of emphasis last year. (After pretty much ignoring it for a long time.) I figured they'd dial it back a bit this coming season. But judging by this news, perhaps I'm off base.
  3. Dalton, at this stage in his career, is a significantly worse option than Case, IMO.
  4. Many, many years ago she opened for someone in a concert I attended. I had no interest in her act, but her band was great. She was pretty good, too
  5. He quoted a rap song. Ignore these idiots. To be fair, some fans might have been booing. You can only be sure about what you heard. But even if a few fans did, so what? Players get booed by some fans all the time, even at home.
  6. This is what many seem to be missing. Since Beane keeps his cards close to his chest, they are very hard to read. So far he has earned my trust. I've liked Bates since he first came here. He seemed to show nice versatility and adequate competence for the most part. I never understood why Boettger got the call over Bates. Then again, I have very limited information compared to the coaches. While I hate to see him go, seeing as how his inclusion in the OL seemed to make it much better, I understand not being able to match the Bears' offer. I have to trust Beane having other quality options if he is allowed to leave.
  7. I agree with almost your entire assessment. But I'll say even if there was a "new Jimmy Johnson" in the college ranks with zero NFL experience (coaching or playing) he'd be a bad bet to be a successful NFL HC today. I'm not saying he couldn't/wouldn't be successful, but the odds would be stacked against him, IMO.
  8. If you honestly believe Brady would have made more money elsewhere, I have a bridge to sell you. He clearly didn't make as much as he could have via his contract with the Pats^ versus another team. But if you truly believe he wasn't compensated in other ways, I think you are fooling yourself.
  9. It seems his teammates have always called him Bob, but I never knew that when he was here. There were some here who insisted Woods was a JAG. I could never understand how a guy who does pretty much everything well at WR, and excels at the really dirty work, could be considered a JAG. His teammates seem to understand that, and he is very respected and loved by them.
  10. Exactly. IMO it was easier to make the transition back when JJ did it. However I won't say Johnson would absolutely fail to make the transition today. But it would be much tougher, and the odds wouldn't be on his side.
  11. I believe the last truly successful NFL coach with ZERO previous NFL experience (coaching or playing) was Jimmy Johnson. It's a sucker's bet, IMO. Show some intelligence and humility. Take an assistant/coordinator job with top fight HC/organization. Learn. Blossom. I think that would increase their chances for success in the NFL. I guess I'm just old fashioned that way.
  12. You hit the nail on the head. But he isn't worth the trouble. Horrendous/clueless poster.
  13. I'm pretty certain none of us know the details/nitty gritty of exactly who was making any particular decision back then. But your take is pretty much mine, as well. I don't believe he ever wielded full GM power, or anything close. It seems as though he was pretty passive in accepting that role. If all that is true (who knows?) does that seem like one of the qualities you want in a GM? I suspect some organizations are looking for a malleable candidate.
  14. He had a stud QB in LA and a better WR group. Maybe that had something to do with it.
  15. I agree Captain. Fromm was never going to be the #2 QB here. Maybe if he stayed they wouldn't be looking to add Barkley.
  16. I'm guessing he will be excellent there just as he was here and in LA. The guy is a stud that does it all at a high level.
  17. WTF does this have to do with his single emoji tweet?
  18. As long as, when he goes elsewhere, he doesn't leave the Bills in the mess Polian always did when he bolted, I'll be happy. Does sound cooler. Except that it has the stench of Mike Leach on it. Seriously?
  19. Love the signing. Beane is really lighting it up
  20. It's a sociological experiment. Analyzing the interpretations of a fan base to a single emoji post, with zero context. What crazy meanings will these folks make up?
  21. Indeed. When do they kick in anyway? Also the influx of the money from gambling deals.
  22. Definitely if he comes on a really team friendly deal. And I think to win the SB he might be tempted. Just a guess of course
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