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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. A longer contract lets the team spread the bonus hit over 5 years, and reduce THIS season's salary cap, when it matters more. Then they get to restructure down the line and make more of the salary a bonus, since he has a sixth year. It gives him and his agent a big number to publicize, as well. Since I don't know his deal with the agent, I won't speculate on if this makes the agent more $$ up front. Basically, it probably be MORE expensive to make it a shorter deal, even if you could get the player to agree to it.
  2. But the first game of the year isn't too bad, as there is no short week, and you get a long week after it. But yes, as a rule I like all games at 1PM Eastern IF they were all just randomly handed out. But since better teams get primetime games, I guess I'll happily get used to it.
  3. Funny for sure. But certainly not true. The cap matters, but it isn't as restricting as many people imagine. Given the cap is about to rise dramatically in the next year or two, this is probably the perfect time to pull the trigger on something like this, IMO. Yes it will still matter down the road, but I think it will be much more manageable with less impact when the big cap hit from this contract comes around.
  4. I have to believe you know the public money is for the Stadium---which the county (not the team) will own, right? And that money has nothing at all to do with the money for players. Right? You know that? The ignorance is strong with this one.
  5. As a longtime friend of Sen, this is one thing that pissed me off year after year. STOP THE CURSE OF THE SENATOR!!!
  6. I'm convinced some of the very new posters aren't Bills fans at all. I think a group from another team may have signed up to play with us. I basically try ignore stupid posts from those who are very recent members with no credibility earned here.
  7. That's exactly what I'm saying, There is absolutely no need to post your instant thoughts (and expose your ignorance) every time an announcement is made. RELAX. BREATHE. Take a bit to gather facts. Then post. What's hard about that? Do you think other posters simply can't wait to hear your hot take? I don't mean to just pick on you, as there are many many others in the same group. You ask "What am I missing?" I think it's obvious what you are missing. The facts/details.
  8. Something you should have learned LONG ago. The contract is in the details. Maybe refrain from hot takes until you find out what the deal really is. Apparently that kind of patience and is beyond many on this forum.
  9. No kidding. Even my Pats* fans friends (who worship Brady) joked that he decided to come back when watching Garnett getting his number retired. Someone else getting all that attention was more than he could take!
  10. Or maybe, you know, just watch game video of him actually playing.
  11. I believe he has been signed by Pittsburgh.
  12. See above. This. Exactly this? Why do some people need to have a hot take and comment without all the necessary information? I think many see a name they don't know much about, so hate it. He was my #1 choice for the offense this year. JD is a pretty good consolation.
  13. You know what else happens, I'd venture to say far more often? People tend to exaggerate the level of their "friendship" to famous people/athletes/musicians, when dealing with strangers to impress them. They also mis interpret remarks and put their own spin on things, on purpose or unintentionally. A remark like "I I won't be back in Buffalo next year" (because he sees the writing on the wall) can get mangled into "He wants to leave Buffalo" or "There is no way he will come back to the Bills", etc. Now neither of us know exactly Harrison's relationship to this person, what the exact nature of the conversations he has had with him or the exact nature of the texts that prove he is Harry's best friend. I would be highly skeptical in that situation. In my extensive bar experience (on both sides of the bar) I've found bulls#it exceeds actual information by quite a wide margin. And the information that seems to be real should be treated with caution and some suspect as to its exact nature. And maybe it's because my best friend has been my best friend for 60 years, and several others with 50+ years of friendship, but I can't imagine one of them telling a stranger my very personal business. And I can guarantee you, if I found out they had, they would not only not be my "best friend", but not sure they could be considered a friend at all.
  14. When you first met Levi's BEST FRIEND did he reveal private information to a total stranger? Just wondering.
  15. Did anyone doubt he might not be back? That was a forgone possibility to most I think. That you actually met Phillips BEST FRIEND and he shared intimate details of his intentions is what I doubted.
  16. I'm absolutely convinced that's what happened, last year. And I think he realized staying in this offense was his best career move, other than perhaps a minor bit of cash. I'm thinking it might be just a little different, this year. If the teams that wanted him last year are back, they may realize last year's approach didn't work. I could be wrong..
  17. That's the guy I had targeted, too. I think the Bills could have afforded him (and maybe they still can). Might be a bit of a luxury now, but I really wouldn't hate it if they still got him. I think he's a fantastic weapon. Without knowing the real details of Dirty's contract, this is clearly wild speculation. I do think McKenzie may have been able to get a "better" contract than what the Bills likely gave him. But I don't think it would be that much more total possibility money over two years. Maybe a longer deal. More guaranteed. Just a guess on my part, of course. I will say, the signing really made me smile today.
  18. Never run with the first reported contract number. My guess is the base is decent, but with incentives to reach "up to 8 million".
  19. Exactly my feelings. He stepped up when the line completely sucked and gave it some attitude. Things have improved (and he may have declined a bit) to the point where he's not really a guy this team needs. Certainly not at his salary. Maybe he can go help another team become respectable. Good luck, you freak.
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