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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. Saw this post just prior to my FFL draft. Picked up Josh & Bass as my starters & Moss as a backup. Can’t wait for season to begin.
  2. I can vouch that this is true. But she is in the wrong sector of that hot/crazy graph.
  3. Neuralink received ‘breakthrough device designation’ by the FDA last month (July). That is mentioned in the video from yesterday. Musk also said they were working closely with the FDA. This designation will assist for initiating clinical trials which were also mentioned as starting soon for paraplegia and tetraplegia.
  4. Thx for posting this. I was going to post a link to Neurolink’s demo today but a link to it is contained in the article you posted. Musk is a visionary & super genius. Tesla, SpaceX, Boring, & Neurolink are each amazing technical achievements that he created. If he is correct on Neurolink, it could address a myriad of health issues via a device rather than medication.
  5. Would I be correct to assume that AWS is too pricy? RAID Is not really a consideration there.
  6. I have tried not to comment on these type of discussions but will add something here. FL is #5 in deaths in the USA. At current rates it may be #3 sometime in Sept. That may not represent ‘sensible, target safety measures’. I may not agree with the complete lockdowns either. But could FL have saved a few thousand lives by requiring masks rather than advising to wear them? Is it really that much of an imposition to wear a mask when not eating, exercising, etc.?
  7. Superman & Batman...please crush these guys, Bills.
  8. I am flying to BUF anyway...visit family there & watch a win.
  9. Party on, Dude! I’m streaming next weekend. Recent interview with Reaves & Winter. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/08/18/movies/bill-ted-sequel-keanu-reeves-alex-winter.amp.html
  10. I am guessing Ellen based on the blue eyes & hints.
  11. Nice table but was the empty row where Sal was going to place DBs?
  12. This may be of interest to some. ‘COVID-19 vaccine development and a potential nanomaterial path forward.’ Published in peer-reviewed Nature Nanotechnology in July. Department of NanoEngineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA. Contains some good vaccine background summary and you do not have to be a research scientist to comprehend the gist of it. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-020-0737-y [Edit: it's a good article but note that it was: Received25 April 2020 Accepted22 June 2020 Published15 July 2020 thus the information about where different vaccines are currently in clinical trials is out of date. Thanks!]
  13. I will guess Peter Frampton because he has had a long relationship with him.
  14. More than 80% of Packers season ticket holders opt out for 2020 season. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29667030/packers-president-says-more-80-season-ticket-holders-opted-out Wonder how many Bills season ticket holders opted out? I did not.
  15. ok, that did it. Van Williams
  16. I am bummed about not being able to travel to Buffalo and be at the stadium. But...I may be more excited for the opener than in other years. With no preseason and limited media at camp, I have no idea what to expect. It does appear the Bills have a good strategy to limit infections at camp. It will be interesting to see how much impact that Bills’ planning and preparation (Beane acquiring Diggs rather than acclimating a rookie WR; sending rookies to their local residence early at camp, etc.) for this unusual season have on game performance.
  17. Does anyone have an answer for this? Why is Type 2 diabetes an opt out but not Type 1? This came from the CDC.
  18. https://www.foxnews.com/health/man-penis-infection-arm This presents so many possibilities.
  19. I will be listening to ‘72 Wembley Empire Pool as that was on my bday. @Logicis there a ‘He’s Gone’ from any show that stands out for you?
  20. His wife had stage 3 Hodgkins lymphoma that went into remission last year. https://www.google.com/amp/s/billswire.usatoday.com/2019/09/11/buffalo-bills-kyle-peko-wife-is-cancer-free/amp/
  21. @sherpa & @apuszczalowski - thx for feedback I obtained 1 quote for solar & waiting on another from established companies. We live in an historic area so do not want visible panels on the house. It ends up the far side of the garage (facing away from the house and not visible) is south facing with no shade so that is where the panels would be placed. Payback would be ~10 yrs based on calculations for current kWa consumption & reduction from solar. Prob going to do it due to Solar Fed Tax Credit of 26% this year which changes to 22% next year and disappears in 2022. Getting two quotes for geothermal system next week. This would replace current HVAC systems. Plan to use existing duct work and will ask if current hvac fans can remain. Expect this will have to be a vertical install which will make it expensive so may wait until next year and leverage the tax credit solar system this year.. A geothermal system will reduce energy consumption so the solar payback will be extended by a few years. But the solar system we are considering is ~33% of our energy consumption and geothermal may double that by reducing our overall consumption but still below 100%. No reason to give free power to the grid.
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