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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. The way I see it, If they are able to hold up even reasonably well (@2 sacks, 1 INT, 3.5 ypc) this weekend on the road against the Ravens D, then it will show that there is not a defense in the league that this line can't atleast move the ball against.
  2. I'm not so sure many would understand your sarcasm here B)
  3. Nick, I know you play football but either you do not understand the MLB position in a 4-3 or you have not seen all the games. I'll give you the few bad penalties, but his positives immensely outweigh his negatives and he may be having an overall better season than even last year.
  4. Very good post. All valid points. Welcome aboard. Ok I haven't added anything to the thread so here goes. I still fear for our protection up the middle because although their DL may not penetrate well, Their LB's are speedy and have an very good attack mentality.
  5. BTW I'd love to see JP in goal line situations...
  6. And what that has happened this season would possibly bring this about?
  7. Sorry for puttiin' that spanking on ya this week Rich ! I can't help it that Culpepper scores enough points for 4 players on most given weeks
  8. Oh I agree with you. My point was less of a defense of GW than it was about the decline in hype with those two coaches.
  9. Speaking of GW and his coaching peers, has anyone noticed that a little of the luster has come quickly off of the two "great" coaches that we "should have hired" (Marvin Lewis and John Fox) ? Players win games. Coaches help, but players win games. (unless you are New England :-) )
  10. I'm not sure, I thought you knew from the sounds of it....
  11. Ok it sounds like Bill NYC knows (see above post) what this guy is talking about. He must have had his laser guided Travis Henry positivity sensor left on from last night, and is responding immediately.
  12. Aren't you a Pats Fan? Actually, he also demonstrated it multiple times in game 1 vs. JAX
  13. That was very cool and caught me much by surprise as well because it was delayed a bit.
  14. Actually you were very perceptive there, but the technique was undiscilpined by SA. In fact I believe that the play you mentioned was what initially got the staff so upset. Sam's job on that play should be to occupy blockers, not penetrate and create a new void or hole where he exited from. Sam still wants to be a star still and gather QB sacks and national attention. The Bills have a very sound scheme that only works when the players simply do their own specific assignments and don't worry about trying to be "the man".
  15. Simply Hillarius!!!! Jeez what does it say about our other defenders when our best defender this year sucks ? Put down the pipe.
  16. As the cliche goes, "Where is Rico and what have you done with him?"
  17. Other than experience, Edwards has bulked up quite a bit over the past two seasons. He's got the DT "gut" now if you will. He has also fine tuned his techniques under Krumrie. He may not ever be the run stuffer that SA is, but atleast he's a team player, can rush the passer. side - Bike Mike played yet another very good game yesterday, and if you actually look at him you will also notice that the extra weight is gone and I bet he's back to where the team wants him.
  18. TH was interviewed off audio today after the game and was reported to respond with a genuine sense of support for WM. I really believe the 2 of them have come together and worked out this thing amongst themselves. They both realize that they may not remain together much beyond this season and have accepted the fact.
  19. NIIIIICE! I particularly liked Willis's stiff arm on the whatshisname db that hit him out of bounds earlier...
  20. Price again showed that he is a better than average player who can step in for fairly long periods if needed. He had a lot of help (by design) from the Te's lining up frequently on the left side of the formation and getting chip blocks on JT. Jennings until playing with the effects of a concusion, had been playing well up until the injury, and has always palyed well when not injured. McGahee played great today! Showed great ball handling and great leg drive today most of all. The good thing the way I see it is atleast for this year, we will have the priveledge of having 2 quality backs in our stable. It's not a requirement in liking one of our backs to hate the other. Edwards did play well, especially on passing downs! I couldn't believe the news about Sam Adams. It's gonna be hard to keep him on the team after that incident. The win definetely felt great as a fan!
  21. FFS, Let's just say the old television set doesn't always give you quite the perspective of reality that you think it is providing. I was at the game and the winds were a consistent 20 to 30 mph with varying gusts. Other than the ball carrying on play 1 due to a gale force gust, DB's passes today largely appeared as though there really wasn't any wind. Didn't you maybe wonder for a second why every single one of Fiedler's passes wobbled like wounded seagulls (touchdown pass included)?
  22. Fact: Spikes was in mid blitz on the screen play and pulled off due to a good READ of the quarterback and the screen setup. That is how he made the INT. Why there are complaints about the defense today I can't even begin to understand.
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