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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Since Defensive holding is 5 yards and a first down, shouldn't offensive holding be 5 yards and 4th down ?
  2. If you want hot showers, don't beat the home team ... The Highmark stadium crew could learn from this.
  3. What kind of Steak? ... Shaved steak I've found at the grocery store with the other fresh meat. So much better than frozen stuff they call steak. What kind of Cheese? ... Swiss or Provolone What kind of Bread? ... Hoagie roll Condiments? ... Sauteed sweet peppers and onions
  4. On Offense Josh seemed to be having fun, he sprinted all the way down the field to congratulate Shakir after his 81 yd TD. On Defense it's amazing what playing against a QB who couldn't go back to his alma mater to start can do for you. The turn overs, pressures and sacks made life easier for the Offense. Now lets see them do that against a very good team like the Eagles instead of the Div III Jests.
  5. When have the Bills beaten Wilson ? Wasn't the Bills victory over the Jets last year over Mike White in the game that Milano bent White in half ?
  6. Whatever the Raiders do, you know they'll lose on the deal.
  7. Ban it ... We need more things forbidden in the league to throw flags for.
  8. He's still driving ... His vet minimum would probably kill the Bills cap.
  9. Until you fall asleep in your seat ... at which time the camera catches you for all America to see.
  10. Sam Martin - He'll be heavily used and put two out of bounds inside the 2 yd line ... Bills Defense will end up scoring on both.
  11. Coke Zero Worst Coke ever. Outside of being at a stadium, screaming is unnecessary and annoying. This one gets muted every time.
  12. People say stupid isht when they're angry ... They stay away for an hour or two and realize their addiction overrides their anger. Can't really blame people for being angry, this team is playing far below their talent levels, the coaching has been weak and they gave a home game away (a fireable offense) to a team that would've been competition for a higher playoff seed, had this actually been a playoff caliber team. Now lets see if the players react positively or negatively about the Dorsey punting. If they don't wake up from that, maybe it's the DC they want ousted.
  13. Josh may have had input on bringing back Brown and Beasley last season and maybe Gentry to the PS a few years ago but I don't think he has much say in the major decisions. In promoting Dorsey to OC, I'm guessing McBeane asked Josh if he could work with Dorsey and Josh said yes... there's your recommendation.
  14. The Chefs are about to go on a roll and take the #1 seed. I think the Ravens will win the North and take the #2 seed The Sunshine state gets the #3 & #4 seeds ... Pittsburgh #5 ... Houston #6 ... Los Angeles #7
  15. The road to the playoffs avoids route 90 New England Buffalo Cleveland Chicago Seattle ???
  16. An undersized DT ... I take it the Bills didn't fire McDermott over the offseason.
  17. The Dolphins had a bye week so they've only lost one.
  18. Michael Vick could take over the face of the franchise role while Watson recovers from his numerous surgeries.
  19. Sounds like a man who bet 5k (his kids Christmas money fund) on the Bills to win the Super Bowl.
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