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  1. Nobody normal can afford it in USA now anyway. Try UK OR Japan for all I care. I just tune in for the commercials anyway
  2. It’s okay to try out track stars at WR. Good/risk reward profile. I just don’t quite know. Hope he learns enough Madden at St John Fisher. Madden partner for McClappyWrestler at Fisher camp. Then the door.
  3. Agree. Brady/17 was not using Diggs much 2H2023. Just a playoff dropped pass and a missed field goal folks....It feels like they are leaning in on Josh's style and frankly have come to grips and more to the point, EMBRACED, that this will never be a Brady Edelmen throw open/timing offense.
  4. I like that they’re grabbing WRs that are not timing based and depend upon 17 throwing them open. More tuned to 17 style, like it or not. So, that’s good. But without 17, this crew rots
  5. Goodell (booooooo) proposed Feb President day weekend for Super Bowl. 18 weeks. yeah, that dome!!!??? So, 1970s last regular game was Dec 10th. All you boomers saying today is same? Nov Dec Jan Feb. this is not a fall sport anymore!!
  6. Any trade with KC is like cheating on your wife. He felt great for a few minutes but next year it's gonna cost you dearly!!
  7. Ever think KC GM hangs phone up and laughs so hard milk comes out his nose (again)
  8. I think Josh playing golf in April is a perfectly good use of his time, seriously. Decompress, use different skills. I'd rather he and TE play basketball but, hey. It's pretty clear that 14 was being a pest. I'm disappointed that we spent so much to lose him. The record before and after Diggs is legit but the same can be said for Jefferson and others.
  9. You could argue the bills cut bait a little too early? did they look ahead and consider? March 5 wasn’t long ago!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_miwpIxjb3g
  10. I’m calling BS. WR FA care about ***** weather affecting their stats. Poyer and Mitch both mentioned “added bonus warmer” last week and these guys roles are less impacted than WR FA. People, just deal with this as a fact. I suspect few here throw a frisbee Nov to Mar, in Buffalo but sure do on spring break!!
  11. totally agree. A draftee can deal with it. Where I think the problem happens when 2 places are 50/50 coin flip FA. All things being equal WR/QB FA would not want blizzard conditions. It's why I strongly believe WR/QB for BUF has to be (forcibly) drafted vs. FA. Defense/OL blizzards for FA less so.
  12. Could 17 have restructured under specific premise that Beane help O? WR/draft. I’m still of the impression that top tier O FAs like WR can’t be a target due to BUF has a weather premium. Move up in draft for weather captive WR
  13. gave it his all, sacrificed family events, very good at his job, did the dirty work, many years of loyal service! He was laid off from my company last week after 25 yrs. Same happens everyday and nobody blinks
  14. Exactly. also, if Josh gets 7 on every possession, the other guys have to too. See SB 58. See Bills last game. Your team super power is 17. WR AND IT IS NOT CLOSE. btw. WR FA don’t want to play in blizzards. You MUST draft WR and QB in BUF. I know about 14 FA but there is truth here
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