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Everything posted by pocoboy

  1. If you really want to know, this ain't the New England Journal of Medicine or whatever.
  2. I really hope you're updating your list, I'm pretty sure another dozen or so have been lobbed into this here forum since you first slapped it down.
  3. Occam's Razor. The simplest answer is that aliens from the galaxy Zurytnthum kidnapped Josh, fed him three levels of condriptium hydrochloride, and then put him on the Stilt-a-Whirl for 3 hours before the Jet game.
  4. probably best to not drink a case of labatt's and jump through a table but hell.
  5. One division has 4 solid head coaches, the other...1.
  6. Yesterday, a lot of them did stink. Two interesting coincidences between this game and last year's Jaguar's game: 1) Both were Week 9. 2) Both were officiated by Land Clark's crew.
  7. You forgot the "well I'm super super super confident in this team so I'm gonna list all of the things people are saying so it makes me feel better about my own underlying worries" take.
  8. Grab the inactives yesterday and you'll find a few that may have made the difference.
  9. Maybe, but I don't think so. Did you watch the Rams game? What did the Rams have that worried the Bills? Strong defensive line. So the gameplan was all about the short passing game and getting the ball out early. A competent OC would understand that DL is the Jets strength. Plays tend to have a variety of options - long, short, and mid. What you would think is that Dorsey would be trying to push finding the underneath to help negate the DL. Which I feel did happen. What I think is happening is that Allen wanted Packers 4Q to be a time to pad his stats for an MVP run. That didn't go well, his decision-making was incredibly suspect. And it seemed to carry over to yesterday, especially after he tossed another INT on the first drive checking it down to Knox. Mahomes had his moments in 2021, remember? I think Allen has lost a little bit of the plot. I'd prefer to think that it's just finally realizing he has a great chance to win MVP and lead this team on to greatness, and he felt that slipping away a bit vs GB and is pressing like a pitcher trying to guide everything. But honestly - if Gabe Davis makes a play to close that game...maybe it all fixes itself in an instant. I think there are a lot of guys on this team that need to raise their level of play, most of them on offense, but some of the s*** tackling is indicative of some coasting in a part of the schedule they might have viewed as easier than before.
  10. I wonder how many other top 5 teams have to deal with these media types who feel obligated to talk crap on them all the time. Like, I get being unbiased and all. But it sure feels like when you're 6-1 and talked about as a Super Bowl contender, a lot of the Sully miser talk gives way to the good vibes emanating from the place. But no, Bills fans must be made to feel miserable, probably because all these guys were buddies with Russ and now are jealous. And don't worry, he's gifted his little pregame show time regardless.
  11. Fully expecting this group to bounce back vs NYJ. Sure seems like this after-bye matchup vs. Green Bay turned into a sleepwalk/slough off in the 2nd half. If you can experience the "trap game" feeling in the midst of a cruising win, that's gotta be a good thing. Personally feel like a lot of the D were already checked out pretty early in the game. It's tough to lock down teams like the Bills defense does if you're not keyed up.
  12. In the heart of the night in the cool Southern rain there's a full moon in sight shining down on the Pontchartrain If you guessed that band, you're wrong. It's short for the 1/67th of Pennsylvania I'm from.
  13. This is a team likely to be in Year 3 of "Capable of making Deep Playoff Run." If you aren't hitting the Super Bowl by then, you are failing expectations. Especially when you have one of the Top 3 QB's in the league. If you've watched the NFL for more than a year, you should realize that the term "Any Given Sunday" isn't bandied about for kicks. Heck all you'd really have to do is go back a few weeks and look at KC playing Indy. Let me give you a little hint: this team may still have a Jacksonville game in their future this season, where their effort is poor coupled with an inspired defense & officiating crew nickel and diming them to death. It should NOT change the expectations. At this point, being happy with a home playoff game is a Maf move, happy for another week to demolish tables and drink themselves into oblivion.
  14. Dolphins are definitely better than the other two, Bills DB's had better learn how to knock down long bombs to Hill and Waddle. If you force Tua into making mid-range throws, that's your best bet, his arm strength isn't good enough to fit into windows. But all he has to do is get the ball in the vicinity of those two guys and they seem to have glue for hands. As long as Allen doesn't roll out a reprise of his late game form yesterday, there shouldn't be much contest vs the Jets. I do think their defense could hold them close awhile though, especially if they find ways to keep Allen on the reservation. Patriots are struggle bus really, I thought for sure Belichick was going to swap QB's in the 1st half.
  15. Yeah last year's Colts affair was dreadful. If that's what it will become, the Bills have to avoid fluffing games like that one. They caught a break vs. GB that their receiving corps was decimated.
  16. Yeah I think there was a combination of 1) Allen starting to let the MVP talk work on him, and 2) the rest of the team putting it in Neutral and coasting. I don't think it's a good time to start hero ball when your receivers are too busy barbing it up with GBDB's to execute the kinds of routes they pull off in normal situations. They really need a slot option who is reliable. If they don't pick someone up before the deadline, I think that will be a Beane miss (unless they begin to employ Shakir as the primary slot receiver).
  17. You get tape on a team, you can see during various plays where the progression lies & coach/scheme to defend well for the first 2-3 seconds of a play. I also believe that McDermott is a preacher of not complicating the gameplan for a perceived weaker opponent...so a lot of what the Bills may have done last night was predictable, especially as it got to 3 scores. I also thought the entire team started to play a little greedy, including Allen. It's not easy to remain in a focused mindset in terms of route running & following your progression reads when you feel the game is yours and you have kinda played streetball in earlier blowouts.
  18. Especially Shakir needs to be seen. McKenzie has shown on a few occasions to be a liability, and they still haven't replaced Allen's go-to 3rd down "fall down in the zone & be a target" possession guy. Maybe Shakir isn't that guy, but neither is McKenzie, and aside from discerning/abating the situation with Poyer, it might be the one thing they really need to dig into in a trade. Not easy to find a guy like that, but I suspect that's a big reason Allen was struggling in the 2nd half.
  19. I think he's resorting to the age old tactic of "reverse jinxing".
  20. Man this is a tough choice. I think you root for NYJ. I'll let you decide all the great reasons why. Actually, no, I'll tell you why: 1) There may be no further demoralization of the NE fanbase than if they were to get their comeuppance by Zach Wilson. 2) If you truly think that the Bills and Jets are in two different classes, guess what happens the following weekend, after Jets fans get all puffed up? There you go, have a nice day.
  21. I don't want to specula.... Aww after watching him destroy my team for more than a decade, what the hell? I figure they were mostly done, she gave him an ultimatum, retire or I'm gone, he obliged, but then he realized it was over and now ran back to the NFL as an out, maybe to protect her image too (since the narrative is largely that he NEEDS this, it's HIS life, blah blah blah). It may be why the rest of his team seems to be treating this season as The Bridge to Nowhereville. They know he's on borrowed time and that probably makes his virtual tantrums even more annoying.
  22. It would have to happen today, they can't move a game within 12 days of the scheduled time.
  23. I'll need a credit card number to do Google searches for you.
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