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Everything posted by pocoboy

  1. Hey now, that "pick the new guy on defense and hammer him" train has already left the station, don't bother stopping it now!
  2. I should start a companion thread, "Why oh why can't the Bills research time travel so they can kidnap Jim Brown and the Hogs and bring them to 2022?"
  3. I kinda hope that the coaches & medical staff all know it's minor, but that they've decided to slow play it to let the players think about their season hanging in the balance. This team lost motivation around this part of the schedule in 2021, and Sunday (and the last quarter or two of GB) should be flashing lights. This Minnesota game could quickly turn into last season's Indianapolis game if their heads are in the clouds. It sucks to think these guys need reasons to get up for games.
  4. My thought was with some rain in the Meadowlands on Sunday they didn't want to expose him to those conditions on turf in his first game back. Although you're going to have to rip the bandaid off sooner or later, and it's rare to have pristine conditions.
  5. Pretty sure their fanbase is clamoring for more running and smashmouth too.
  6. Ok I guess I hadn't heard. Are we sure that Irsay didn't hire Russ Brandon as his CEO?
  7. Buy a mansion on a golf course and read about the games in between 18's.
  8. General theme is probably solid - Josh's mindset is reverting back to his early days of gunslinging.
  9. I don't think that there is a single position group, player, or coach, who will look at yesterday's game and think to themselves, "Hell man, not MY fault!!!" I can't think of a single player who turned up to their full potential. Humbling.
  10. Yeah it was a real %$(*$& %$&*$( %& *%($&^W@_) &%($#& of $%&$(%& #&%$(@ %&@^.
  11. The Country Club of Orchard Park will be closed today for green aeration.
  12. Use Probability Law to assume you are still the best team on paper, keep going, assume that the chips will fall where they may.
  13. Dougie P ran the Iggles offense.
  14. It's more fun to assume they're fans of other teams with so much time on their hands that they go post on other teams' boards to assign meaning to their lives.
  15. Is there really anything there to develop? My guess is that ownership wanted the Ryan/Foles ship fixed & he went his own way and lost.
  16. They're built to the liking of the Stat Nerds who don't believe in momentum or smashmouth trench warfare. Is it any wonder that the team fancies itself as too dainty to be willing to play through a sore toenail?
  17. Of course, and as I said to the morons, they're about as far from a league MVP QB as anyone could be.
  18. If we want to get all semantical and punctuational here, only the employee can resign, the employer terminates.
  19. I'm also going to add this - being at the game yesterday, the general sentiment being spewed by the Jets' faithful is that Allen is a paper tiger MVP candidate - that he can't make the big throws, and will look to run as soon as the situation turns dark. I don't think that's true, but I do believe that - generally speaking - this team is generally viewed outside WNY as majorly overrated. Some of it for sure is jealousy, but these players have to learn that they have a target on their backs every single week. Coaches, or QB. Who knows? What one can say is that they've spent considerable resources towards RB, and to not be effectively using that position group is some kind of knock against the OC. On the other hand - JA17 is often checking at the line, and if he checks into a run when it's ill-advised, it'll likely fail.
  20. Another part of winning ugly - look at the way they treated Milano, Poyer, and White this week. 1) Teams shouldn't need extra motivation to beat you, but clearly that kind of thing happens in the NFL - and if they had given any indication that those guys would be in there in a big game, it's just the kind of disrespect a coach like Saleh is going to pump his team with. 2) You're also without those guys, which puts your team at some level of disadvantage 3) It also COULD signal to your own guys - who each may be fighting their own level of pain/injury - that "man maybe if I were more important they'd look to give me the week off" & bag it. Of course it would mean risking each of those guys getting injured worse (Poyer may be an outlier, he seemed to be the worst of the bunch not practicing at all last week). But if I'm evaluating my coach/GM, they'd better be considering a division opponent an important game - especially when you're already 0-1 in the division. Again, the loss is the generator of every overreaction in the book - but I believe it all adds up to the team not putting much importance on @NYJ, and while there's a good chance it won't impact the playoff hunt, you never know.
  21. After 9 weeks? I mean, that would be extremely harsh. Reich's been there longer, and definitely crapped on the QB they went out and signed for a lesser draft pick.
  22. Week 9 was the start of the 2021 Malaise. Yes, they lost to Tennessee, but they were right in position to win that against a perennial challenger. Week 9 vs Jacksonville was where the wheels fell off and caused the descent to being 2nd in the Division, before they turned it around in the closing weeks and got the 3 seed. McDermott should take a look back at what learnings he had from that point up through the 1st half against Tampa. Because this could just be an aberration game. But you just have to make sure it doesn't become another major skid.
  23. I think there could be some thoughtful discussion on the effects that a platoon/rotation have on DL effectiveness. In other words, yes, you may be reducing the amount of wear and tear by rotating guys and keeping them fresh, while also in theory improving the energy they can exert on their downs. On the other hand, maybe the lack of flow in the game causes them to check out and not be as alert throughout the course of the contest. Oliver was consistently in the 60-70% snap count in 2021. After an early injury, they ramped him up to a season-high 63% vs KC. But the last two weeks he's been under 50%. And Jordan Phillips has moved up above the 50% mark along with DaQuan. So whether that's managing his snaps for fatigue, or whether he's just underperforming, the numbers show he's not out there as much.
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