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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Geez there are some really ignorant folks here. Being found "not guilty" doesn't mean you didn't commit the crime (in this case murder), just that a jury didn't find you guilty of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Let's not forget he was deemed responsible for the deaths of Ron and Nicole in the civil trial. He's by no means innocent. He just avoided life in prison thanks to some great lawyering. All that being said, I say keep him on the Wall and in the Hall. Guy was a great football player. He belongs there. And given what we now know about CTE and its effects on self-control, emotional stability and decision-making, it's not far fetched to think this may have played a part in some of OJ's violent and/or stupid behavior over the years.
  2. This Omicron variant is going to really screw up some teams' seasons down the stretch (and possibly in the playoffs too).
  3. And there are even others would say we lost because McDermott is bald.
  4. Sorry Josh, but you know what needs to be done. https://youtu.be/Gt7nhSS9Adc?t=5
  5. Not true. But I think the ref spotted the ball a good yard forward of where it was downed on the punt in order to give Brady the space to kneel. At least that was my recollection of the play. But maybe they're doing that now to protect QBs in that situation? I don't know. Yeah, I don't really blame the ref we can see in the replay, because his view seemed to be blocked by Diggs' body. But how could none of the other crew members come in and correct the situation?
  6. Holy snot. I wish I hadn't gone into this thread to see all these stills and replays, because now I am extremely pissed off about that loss. And to the Dave McBride fella in here who keeps defending the refs and claiming the takedown of Diggs in the endzone wasn't a penalty, regardless of what type of handfighting occurred at the beginning of the route, once the ball is in the air, the defender cannot continue to tug and tackle the receiver to the ground. That is 100%, clear as day, defensive pass interference. Very good chance we win that game (though no guarantee given our redzone execution struggles) if that very clear and simple penalty call is made.
  7. Yesterday's game was an outlier as we rarely ask Josh to pass that often. You'd think that based on that article and this thread, we'd lead the NFL in passing attempts. We are 6th in passing attempts (18th in rushing attempts). And our offense is still ranked in the top-10 overall (8th in yards, 4th in scoring). The two big issues we have is our inability to stop power rushing teams on D and an inability to score in the redzone. We are going through a rough patch these past two weeks and it seems as if the sky is falling, but we lost one score games to two of the top-4 or 5 teams in the entire league, almost entirely because of the two issues noted above. If we can make some tweaks and show some modest improvement in those areas over the soft schedule these next four weeks, we can enter the playoffs as a threat to make some noise. But yes, the O and D lines are serious issues from a personnel standpoint and we need to address them in the offseason.
  8. The QB and receivers are fine, obviously. Our O-Line sucks, and on top of that, we don't have a dynamic running back who can make a play in tight space or serve as a real pass catching threat in the RZ. I think it's mostly those two issues at this point. Defenses are begging us to run the ball inside the 10, knowing damn well that we can't do it against their base 3 or 4 man fronts.
  9. You can't see the defender clearly pulling the neckline of Diggs' jersey almost to the point of reaching his beltline? May need to invest in glasses or Lasik.
  10. LJL at people who think Josh is part of the problem. He's the only thing keeping us from being the Jets or Texans.
  11. Nah. It was the Jax game. They broke our will and our brains apparently. Couple dead cat bounceback wins against the Phins and Jets, but otherwise we've been a rotting corpse since Jacksonville.
  12. Don't know, but I'm certainly sitting in an Angry Chair. That rainbow from Brady to Evans is this game in a Nutshell.
  13. Holy crap. We have a ton of work to do in the offseason. Need a complete rebuild on both lines or we risk wasting Josh Allen's career.
  14. Kick was the right move. Need something to show for your efforts especially in light of the last two drives last week. Next time, you go for 6.
  15. I assume the 5mph "winds" are just fans being pumped into the laboratory to circulate the air?
  16. As soon as I saw this thread title I ran here to post the similarities to the '89 Bills. Very similar vibe to this team - both teams were less than the sum of their parts - lots of turnovers and sloppiness from both teams in their losses. Started off dominating for the most part before mid-to-late season slides with some headscratching losses.
  17. Lol. On Monday evening I didn't think I would ever get over this loss. Told my wife and kids I was done watching the Bills and started making plans in my head for golf this Sunday. Went to bed salty as hell and woke up not wanting to think about the Bills. Then I checked in here, started posting and processing the loss, started feeling better in the afternoon, and by the time I woke up this morning I had convinced myself we were finishing 12-5 and poised to win a Super Bowl if we could just clean up some of our sloppiness. So, I guess somewhere in the range of 36-48 hours.
  18. Bingo! I'd like to add that it's almost all self-inflicted wounds. In the games we are losing we are almost always losing the turnover battle and/or making other negative plays (blocked punt TD, penalties/dumb sacks taking us out of FG range, slipping on QB sneaks, missed FGs, multiple redzone 0fers, etc.). We outgained Pittsburgh by 120 yards, TN by 70 yards, Jax by 80 yards, etc. That's a big difference between this year and last. We are clearly better than a lot of these teams we are losing to, but our inability to play 60 minutes of disciplined, focused football is killing us.
  19. That's nice and all, but we get zero push and Singletary/Moss aren't the type of dynamic athletes that can conjure up yards out of thin air like a prime Shady McCoy could do. If we try to run it 30 times against a decent front seven, you'll be looking at a 3-and-out rate north of 50% and a lot of exasperated fans and players (even more than what we're seeing now). The commitment needs to be made in the offseason. Nothing to be done at this point other than scheming some tricky stuff to hopefully break open the odd 15-20 yard rush. Our RBs suck, but in their defense, on about half of their carries they've got an interior o-lineman grinding up against their crotch by the time they secure the handoff.
  20. A dynamic every down back and a new interior line would change quite a bit. Our three running backs combined (Devin's shiftiness, Moss' "toughness" and Breida's speed) barely add up to a good NFL starter. And we don't have a single guy who looks natural catching the ball out of the backfield. Even if the o-line sucks, just having a real third down back type would make a world of difference at the moment. It's really frustrating to watch and unfortunately there is nothing to be done about it until the offseason.
  21. I generally agree with your original take, but I think the issue with much of the fanbase is this: if a team is essentially 100% one-dimensional in it's playcalling to the point that you know they are going to run it on every single down, you'd expect your defense to be able to completely stuff it from a pure "mano a mano" numbers perspective. And that feeling of frustration was exacerbated by the fact that the Pats "big" drive of the game was chewing up clock during much of the third and fourth quarters when we were already losing and in desperation mode searching for a stop. So, I definitely get both sides of the argument. But yeah, regardless of what you think of the defense last night, this offense had more than enough opportunity to put 14+ points on the board if not for their many gaffes.
  22. The first drop (which was horrible) kind of colored our perception of him for the rest of the game. I agree that the other two "drops" weren't drops at all. They were pass breakups and no one was catching those balls. He was also horribly held and interfered with on the 3rd and 14 "drop". He wasn't good, but he wasn't the reason we lost.
  23. 100% agree with everything you said. He hasn't come through in the clutch this year. I think he almost feels too much pressure not to settle for field goals after the way the AFCCG turned out last year. But in some of these games (last night and Jax for sure), just avoiding negative plays (the stupid sacks absolutely must stop) and kicking FGs would have been enough. Something a seasoned QB like Brady is great at is just accepting that you can't get a TD every time.
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