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Everything posted by BringBackFlutie

  1. I don't have any links, but I heard yesterday that Josh Allen is the highest rated QB in the league against Man.
  2. "May the football gods shine in Orchard Park. Accounts!" Yes! Accounts!
  3. And faster than most of them. And the ball leaves his hand at 74 mph- good for strongest arm in league history.
  4. All air yards. It's the bomb to Diggs down the right sideline that led him OOBs immediately after he caught it.
  5. These are the times when I know the internet is lying to me.
  6. I wanted an appropriate reaction emoji and not to have to reply. ...alas, there is no reaction empji for drooling.
  7. It doesn't matter. We're going to hang 40 on the Dolphins. This isn't a conversation.
  8. My favorite part of this is...all the comments at the bottom, thinking the article is real.
  9. Bruh, there were plenty of people on here saying crap like, "they have us between two big division games. Hoping they overlook us a little!" I didn't say it.
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