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Everything posted by Mango

  1. stevie as well as every player in the NFL, would benifit from an advanced aerobic, plyometric, core, and stretching regimen in the off season. core in particular will help reduce some of these injuries and will increase functionality and coordination. if sj was more prudent in the offseason there is a good chance these things would prevent his constant nagging groin injury.
  2. Yes elite athlete will take 2 or 3 weeks off to decompress after the world championship, longer after the Olympics. No sophisticated schedule is taking off for 9 months from January to September. At the end of the day the rest these guys need are to recover from injury, it has almost nothing to do with their physiological need. No reason for SJ to not begin a schedule on March 1.
  3. I am a Buddy fan, but of he is truly in charge of the roster as Uncle Russ says then this gets done or worked on regardless of whose coaching. The conversation would go like this. -Hey Buddy can you wait to sit these guys until I can evaluate them? -Doug, you just worry about coaching I'll get you the guys. You can evaluate their film to see what you will be getting next year, but they're coming back.
  4. IN 62 Games Byrd has 3 Sacks, 10 Forced Fumbles, 18 Interceptions, 27 Defended Passes, and 2 Touchdowns. Byrd's stat line is flat out better the Donte's and he has played 2/3 the games. By drafting Best Player Availalable, Byrd is still a good pick. The Bills only lost by not getting any (or what little) return on Donte. You could make the argument that drafting him in the first place was the mistake. The best thing for Donte and Buffalo was that he left. Case Closed
  5. A) NO B)Without beating a dead horse or taking this thread a rye, you are suggesting that skin color would be Flynn's main motivator. He'd be less motivated if he where competing against a fair skinned QB? He would be happier in seattle if he lost to a white guy? I know I go to work everyday just being mad at all the black guys who are better then me at their jobs, but less perturbed at whitey for sure.
  6. huh?...so Flynn is racist. I just don't want to hitch our wagons to one guy or this year for a QB. If Shanahan taught us anything it's find a guy you love and throw everything at him. Getting the wrong guy NOW could set us back 5 years and commit us unnecessarily. Flynn has played 1 good NFL game.
  7. not to mention that the guy wasnt even originally invited to the game, which would put him at about the 6-8th rated qb coming out of college. no thanks
  8. we can compare them to each other, they all have the same issues, we can see what others are capable of. trying to stay objective, some good moments for EJ Manuel, Wilson, and Glennon. Some scary stuff for Landry Jones, Dysert, and Nassib, looked pretty bad in comparison to the other QB's in the game. Missing throws, misreads, throwing into 3 defenders. I can forgive timing with recievers, but these guys aren't even playing the same game. Rate the better QB's however you like in the draft, but the bottom 3 are significantly worse given the same exact preparation coaching and receiving THIS Yes his stock could go up, it could also go down. which it did. he did not have good accuracy or even make mediocre reads. his mobility seemed sluggish. I wasnt a Nassib fan to begin with looking at tape, but given the same amount of time to prepare as the other QB's he was bottom half. Hell he wasnt even originally invited to the game. He did what he should have and stunk it up.
  9. he doesnt really make bad decisions, and has tremendous confidence in his wide recievers. his ability to read defenses and make calls at the line is good. he just doesnt have the physical tools to get the ball where he wants it to go. fitz to fitz may work. he seems to get respect from a lot of coaches and defenses around the league. i dont think we give him enough credit for how bad our wr's and ol are. i think fitz hides some holes in this team...then screws it all up. we need a replacement for him for sure, but next year could be rocky offensively
  10. Exactly... guy starts for a year or so, then holds the clipboard. if we don't like our mid round project we aren't stuck like cleveland or jacksonville are with their guys and can be aggressive for a better prospect the next year, maybe trade up. i am terrified of the bills reaching for a guy who isn't good in the first and then being married to him for the next few years. bet the house on a guy you love like washington did, don't settle
  11. this dude still sucks....not in the first round conversation. wouldnt touch him until the 4th
  12. wide open tight end running the seam. no pressure in his face. totally misses....pass on this dude. we have a guy with way more smarts and ****ty accuracy i hope we see more of manuel. just two drives? but starts?
  13. also i am not a fan of the ot pugh he seems like a dud on the outside, better inside, but not that impressive
  14. its because he is a one read qb, he has to throw it because thats his first receiver
  15. that int is mostly because he stared down his receiver.
  16. solely based on these two drives, last one in particular, if we reach for a qb it should be Manuel in the 2nd
  17. id like to see manuel use his wheels a bit better out there. looks a little uncomfortable. should have picked up the first on that
  18. manuel is consistently considered a third rounder by almost every draft guru, not good for tyler wilson
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