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Everything posted by Mango

  1. At this point a bit of wasted money. We would be dedicating a ton of money to 3 back up qbs. Then lets say we draft one in the first. 4 Qb's all making 2.5 mil per year or more. Doesn't make sense to
  2. Geno Smith has actually been pretty terrible when playing in stressful situations. Look at the end of this season.
  3. The Bills are scrapping by to fill holes because of how poorly this team was assembled 3 years ago. When was the last time we even franchised a guy or reigned one of our better players without letting them walk after their first contract. For this alone I am glad he is here, and changing that could be devastating. Most list the Jets the past few years as what can be done quickly to fill holes. Tannenbaum is out of a job, Sexy Rexy is holding on by a thread in NJ. They are even considering trading the best defensive player in the league. Their Salary Cap is a mess. Meanwhile we Franchise one of our best player, hopefully sign our best OL, grab Mario, and have enough cash to make a splash in FA.
  4. Bills would be better off with Lynch and Spiller http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2013/1/22/3892690/chan-gailey-sitting-out-2013 decided to take the year off before the playoffs ended, and was actually contacted by atleast 2 teams. i think you will find how terrible this offense can be with chan. bills where noted with the best screen game in the league. why? because we have an average at best o-line, and our receiving corp is garbage. was chan cut out to be our hc, nope deserved to be canned, but you can't just say he was awful in every facet. ps tavaris jackson was the worst qb on his team and vince young hasnt had a job since September. soon to join them in unemployment is thigy I think you have to take into consideration where this team is as far as the quality of coaching talent seeking us. 3 years ago we basically had to settle for chan. now Lovie is contacting us, Marrone from what I hear was highly sought after by a number of teams and very well respected in the NFL. Pettine left a team in the division to take the very same role with us. Remember what it was like when guys turned down our interview. The organization is now properly run and that has everything to do with the General Manager. I am not defending everything he has done. TJ Graham may actually be his worst decision by the end of his career. However people are asking to be apart of this organization which hasn't happened in a long long time.
  5. The guy was 4th in the league in sacks on 3rd down. I was hating early on as well, but he became a very good player for us post wrist scope
  6. If you break it down into credit, there is good and bad. Coming out of the season after the pinstripe bowl, Nassib had good credit. The more he throws at the combine, senior bowl, and public Senior Bowl Practice, the more bad credit this kid generates. Now there is something to be said for showing up, but it doesn't really mean anything if he can't ever produce. Barkley and Smith by not throwing or showing up, keep their credit where it is. Kid is a career back up JP Losman>Ryan Nassib every day, possibly even right now.
  7. I feel like if Wood plays a full season at a high level, and no injuries, he will get big money elsewhere, injured season, bills pick him up on the cheap.. just a thought
  8. I'm not sold on Geno Smith, but I think Locker was taken at 8, he's way better then him. That's me selling this team to myself like always.
  9. Not even close to necassary. He'll be there at 41. May even be there in the third, most likely not though.
  10. i agree with you to a certain extent...until i watched a bunch of clips on JJ Watt, and each one was him literally bench pressing a lineman off of him. it is more sport specific then I realized. also being explosive by definition is the quick change in direction. the bottom of the press has to be explosive. in fact his lack of explosiveness is likely part of the reason he can only get 12 reps. his max bench might be twice as high as everybody else at the combine.
  11. i dont know squat about him, and have no reason to make an excuse. just a physiological point it makes a huge difference. shorter people are generally better lifters because the range of motion is so much less.
  12. Dude is a product of super hype and media attention from being at Notre Dame. Don't forget Notre Dame has a contract with ABC or all of their games. It's easy for him to be in the spotlight and be over hyped. Not a first round prospect.
  13. Sometimes in madden if I have a solid team and I have made an unrealistic trade for an extra first. I will perpetually trade that pick. You always get the next years first. So say I have an 11th trade back to 20th. Trade that back to 25th. Then the next year I have something like 6 picks in the first two rounds. This is what the bills should do.
  14. I don't think he belongs on an NFL roster. I am still working on my rankings of people not employed with the league I'd have to go back to you with that when I am done.
  15. That's silly logic. I went to high school with Naaman Roosevelt, yet I don't think he is a good NFL prospect
  16. Josh reed? James hardy? Demetrius Bell? Lee Evans? Lynch was sad to see go. The fans ran him out. He was on thin ice here as well. One more problem and he was looking at a long suspension. Whitner is not highly regarded in the league, just plays on a good team. Jason Peters is over paid, over rated, can't stay healthy, even then they don't like him in Philly. Hasn't Jim Leonard been everywhere? Where is he now? I am not neccasariy disagreeing with you, but you can't just make a blanket statement like I am always right your always wrong, or the Bills only let the good ones go. It seems the players released from the Bills haven't really been getting picked up as of late or lasting very long. There are some heart breakers for sure.
  17. because for all intents and purposes, this is his team and business. simply put its his job
  18. huh...i will agree kind of, maybe, a little bit, not really with some of this. Vanek has been the best player in the league for 6 weeks. Not sure you can be mad at him for any of this. I liked Stafford a lot when coming out of Rochester, but definitely didn't pan out like we thought. Miller is an above average goal tender. Stops there. Not elite, can't handle 60 games a year. I am more upset with his contract and public percepton then I am with him. His playing time has been totally mis-managed. Leopold is doo doo
  19. Levitre isn't listed as a top 8 guard in the league, something to consider. Id like to get him for 6 and change, I think that is realistic. He isn't Mankins, Nicks, or Evans. 7 and change is relatively fair, but to get this guy for 8-9 mil is not a true representation of his talent. The fact of the matter is that the Bills haven't been so bad for 13 years because of coaching necessarily it is their creating and filling of the same holes over and over again, we never build. I think both need to be overpaid, if need be, to stay here.
  20. This kid actually impressed me. I think he is a better receiver than Nassib a QB. Nice size and physical, catches just about everything it seems in traffic. We are sorely missing that. We grab anybody from Cuse I hope it's this kid.
  21. Googled after my post. Edited to save face. Thanks though
  22. THIS. I'm not even a Barkley fan. One could make the argument that a lot of the previous guys came under Pete Carroll...so is it the Trojans/LA or is it the head coach. I didn't read the latest. A week ago he said he would throw, he must be close. In his defense he played with is through the winter. Should be ok. Look at Breese v. Culpepper. Dolphins went with Donte because they thought a QB with a bad knee was better than a QB with a bad shoulder. Our lives as Bills fans could be very different getting 4 games per season v Brady and Brees. There is a God
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