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Everything posted by Mango

  1. If I am reading your response correctly. You are saying IF you were the commish or an NFL owner you would have a discussion on whether your players would be allowed to kneel. And possibly would not allow it because of strife in either your revenue stream and/or your workforce. But as of right now, the NFL at large has given the OK. So your issue is no longer with the kneeling, it is the fact that they are allowing it, because YOU THINK they shouldn't kneel.And YOU can't kneel at work, so they shouldn't be able to kneel either. But the NFL has basically come out and said, for the time being, they don't give a crap if you turn off, and they are OK with it. Right now, people are making it a player issue, but in reality it no longer is an individual player issue. They can all kneel if they want. Their employer is allowing it.
  2. I don’t get it. And by it, I mean your point. The Bills aren’t playing so why would he be in any “danger”. Even then there are only a handful of stadiums around the country where that danger is real. Even so, we shouldn’t carry all HS logic into our adult lives. It’s not sound advice. Sound advice is, other adults shouldn’t put their hands on other adults over a football jersey. There are a couple of very realistic answers though: 1. He’s a Buffalo transplant, living in Seattle. Got some tickets to the game.Went, had a blast, repped his favorite team with a player that also played in the city he now lives. 2. Maybe a Cal fan. Bought a Lynch Jersey when he got drafted. Wore it to his favorite NFL team.
  3. haha. I already checked. The only pundits he follows are Tomi Lauran, Ben Shapiro, and Donald Trump.
  4. Just want to point out that a huge majority of this thread is arguing whether SL opinion is valid because he either left the Bills and/or plays for the Dolphins. Very few of the detractors are talking about whether or not his views as a POC are valid.
  5. I think both you and @CaliBills are correct and neither are tenuous.
  6. If it isn't at the stadium, the New Era store carries stuff that does not get released online or other stores. Might be worth a phone call. I have a feeling they are closed at the moment.
  7. A pretty quick glance has Fromm as a Shapiro, Trump, and Tomi Louran fan. You know those guys, always telling light hearted jokes bout access to fire arms and elite whites. Classic. Obviously by agreeing with those people you aren’t automatically some sort of Jim Crowe racist, burning crosses in the front yard. But when you start “making jokes” about the thing s he was “joking about” Vegas odd would probably be in its favor.
  8. Thats 8% of Buffalos police force. There’s just over 700 cops in Buffalo.
  9. Josh always does some really good things. Even when he’s having a terrible day. He has some of that special sauce in him. The issue currently is doing enough really good things week after week. That trait sort of reminds me of Favre, as well as his 4Q hot streaks at times. But Favre could take over a game, or groups of games for weeks at a time. Josh either doesn’t have that, or hasn’t found it yet.
  10. No, of course I wouldn’t be upset if a guy forgives Fromm. I’m also not going to hold it against any player that wants out of that locker room. Both are understandable to me. What isn’t understandable to me is the posts on this board (maybe not you) that imply that he apologized, POC shouldn’t be upset, and they should just move on. Which is what that post was responding to.
  11. Obviously there are a lot of serious issues worth talking about at the moment. But on a slightly lighter note... It would be very nice to see the NFL visually take a stand to start the season with home teams in these (old idea but still) and the players that wish the kneel, kneeling. https://247sports.com/ContentGallery/Blackout-Uniforms-For-Every-NFL-Team-119880563/
  12. It’s the right place for the NFL to be morally and ethically, so I won’t throw any shade at them at this very moment. Long term it is good for business. Regressives are showing to be on the wrong side of history more and more every day. I’d rather piss off some conservatives for 6 months, who will most likely eventually come back, rather than be in textbooks for making the wrong decisions for too long.
  13. The COO of my company handed out MAGA hats at our sales meeting to the entire company. I threw it in the garbage. I was very open with my company, boss, and COO that I wouldn’t wear that hat and if they wanted me to, I would just quit. And I was absolutely not joking. I would have walked. I got my 2nd promotion in the last year about 60 days after that. And received 2 awards at that same sales meeting. Our COO does all of the hirings and promotions himself. So it’s not like things just happen beneath him.
  14. I have an issue with this. Just because you seek forgiveness does not mean it has to be granted, or should it be granted. Part of being sorry is being sorry for as long as you give a s——— about receiving forgiveness from the people you hurt. Part of being truly sorry is fully owning the consequences of your actions. That goes for being an alcoholic, screwing up at work, beating your wife, or saying something racist. If Fromm is truly sorry he will have zero issue with the locker room not forgiving him. It’s the people on this board that are demanding forgiveness, because they aren’t really sorry for anything he said.
  15. I got some flack on this thread for saying how ambiguous and vague McB and TP have been in their statements. Here’s the response I, and probably guys like Tre White were looking for from the org. I’m glad the NFL is finally getting guys like Popa and Cuban.
  16. Huh? Not even a little. I’m not demanding anything of DB. There was a much better way to talk about the issue and voice his opinion. He didn’t do that, and hence the jury is in session. And rightfully so.
  17. I didn’t mean that the owners themselves were racist (the odds say that some are though). I said they have a toxic work environment and do a bad job of representing their workforce. Which is true. 60%+ of their workforce is people of color. They continue to try and quite them down about speaking about racism. Although there are no official rules. Meanwhile, they’re trying to sweep actual racists under the rug. It’s a toxic work environment, that is only put up with because it’s the only game in town for a life changing amount of money.
  18. He could have easily said: “listen, I have a long history with my famipy in the military and will always stand for the anthem. But my friends and teammates have a different experience in this country. We have to stop persecuting black people. Institutional racism is a real problem. I understand why they feel differently about it” But he didn’t do or say that, so here we are.
  19. The hard pill to swallow is that we do have racist bones in our body. And we get to control and change our behavior based on what’s important to us. I’ve said racist ***** in my life. Wish I hadn’t, but it has to be owned and behavior adjusted. It can’t be, I’ve said racist stuff but I am not racist. In regards to Fromm. It’s not that hard. People do it everyday. They think, and will even outwardly say in front of POC that black people are bad, just not the black people they know. It’s no different than saying “I can’t be racist, I have black friends”
  20. Or maybe it’s more nuanced than that? Or maybe the NFL is a relatively toxic organization when you think about their executive team (Owners, HC, GM, and league officials) and don’t actually do a good job of representing their work force. If I kept protesting racism at my employers, and they fired me but kept the racists. All the while telling people to be quieter about mentioning racism. Sure they’re within their rights, but that doesn’t make them right or just.
  21. Which is why I am largely speaking regionally and those numbers aren't specific to a neighborhood. People are just reshuffling, the overall situation is not getting better. It is trendier now than ever to live "in the city" so those can afford to do so, are doing it. But things are not better for the people who were originally there. They are exactly the same, they just live in a different neighorhood now. That isn't progress. This time I am really out. ha!
  22. Not trying to hijack the thread, so I will just make a comment and back out of it regarding this. The city is not turning around, there is almost no data to suggest otherwise. It is a myth and local propaganda. Most of the county remains under employed, the city itself has wages barely keeping up with inflation. A disturbing number of children are living below the poverty line and that number keeps growing yearly. The same people that made money in Buffalo are still making it now. Savarino, Macaluso, Montente, Paladino, Sinatra, etc. (notice a pattern there?)Hell, the Jacobs family had no intention of moving Delaware North to a new building, the city made them and fit the bill to line the pockets of Uniland (Montante). But hey, the same developers keep developing, plus a new coat of paint, and everybody goes wild! Buffalo is actually in for a rough spot if the economy continues to shudder because as of late, Buffalo has one of the highest cost of living increases in the nation, despite all the data on jobs, income, employement, and poverty.
  23. via social media it seems it will not speak well to the locker room.
  24. I was referring to regionally. Only about a 1/4 of the region lives in the city limits. Even then, if you lived in Amherst and went to Denver, you would say you were from Buffalo. Drawing municipal lines is irrelevant. WNY as a region is more conservative (and segregated) than anybody really wants to admit.
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