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Everything posted by Mango

  1. My GF and I were talking about this. We live together and own a house, so we might be doing it backwards. But we were both like, “for $5-10M I’ll see you in 6 months” now imagine if you’re playing for a new contract.
  2. The NFL and NFLPA need to come to an agreement here. It’s in everybody’s best interest. As camps begin, players and staff need to hunker down in their teams home city, and go full Cuomo with a “stay in place” that either includes family or their family stays away. I have spoken to a few people at the Olympic Training Center who have come down with a COVID. It’s been a few months past recovery and they are really struggling to keep up with full volume and pace because their aerobic capacity is still far from normal. They’re starting to show some concern even 400 days out from the games.
  3. I second this. I have a couple dolphins fan friends, they’re generally good sports. My GF grew up a NE “fan” she’s coming around and becoming more tolerable. We use the pats blanket to line the dog crate Bills flag hanging from our house.
  4. Opinion from a DA friend. Probably a plea down, otherwise it would have been released.
  5. Leseans peak with the Bills is by far much better. But Hughes belongs in the hall of very good in terms of longevity with us and productivity. I am going to go Hughes on this one, just because he's been an integral part of our defense for 2 playoff births, and still is heading to 2020. Shady was the best player on the team on either side of the ball. But resulted in one playoff run, and the offense has grown without him. Had we kept Shady last year, I would probably vote him. Cutting him was stupid. He very much still had a place on this roster. He might not have done much on a stacked KC roster, but he would have still been our bell cow last season instead of Gore. I would bet my mortgage we would have gotten more production. That whole thing was wild, keep pushing Gore, even though he was toast, use Motor but only in spurts. Cut Shady for now real reason other than not crowding the room. That is one of the head scratching moves this FO has made that I cannot wrap my head around.
  6. Right. But going off what I stated before, if the FST is done with my back to the camera, it’s not really in my interest to do it. Take it, you decide I failed, get pulled in and now have “bad credit”. Or, don’t take it, get hauled in anyways, and instead of having bad credit, I have no credit. Which is better.
  7. I posted earlier how I don’t think it will happen, but my guess is weighted lottery based on the previous years draft order.
  8. Curious/Questions Can you decline field sobriety tests? And if you can/do, what is the outcome? Or specifically refuse unless you are facing the camera?
  9. Literally zero people on this message board are going to stop watching the Bills. Players on the roster have been kneeling since 2016. If you’re fanatical to post and lurk here, you’re not going anywhere. I’d be curious to see the metrics from this site for 2016 against the average for things like posts, new members, clicks etc. Also OAN is getting brought up. It might as well be 24 hours of Alex Jones. It’s not news. It’s not FOX, CNN, or MSNBC. It’s trash, absolute trash, and shouldn’t be taken seriously...ever. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/06/one-america-news-network-staff/
  10. I think you have a fair point, but I think you are giving it too much significance. It is a simple comment sort of made in passing. Ugh, I hate this. Obviously everybody in the NFL is obviously better at everything football than basically everybody in the country. Part of the fun of being a fan (especially in the offseason) is having an opinion on things. While true, it is a BS retort to post on a team message board.
  11. This is way overblown. I quickly googled articles to refresh my memory on this, and it seems the ratings drop was much-ado about nothing. The NFL ratings are in line with the drop in viewership with all pro sports in the US. Including a sport like NASCAR that doesn't have any kneeling. Over half of those who said they wouldn't watch due to kneeling also stated that they do not follow sports to begin with. https://www.tampabay.com/sports/football/bucs/politifact-trumps-mostly-false-claim-that-nfl-ratings-are-way-down/2338751/ Also, Sr. VP of Research for Fox emphatically says that kneeling is not a reason for drops in games. Also states total viewership in 2016 actually GREW! https://www.si.com/media/2017/08/31/colin-kaepernick-nfl-ratings-cbs-study-sean-mcmanus
  12. If the NFL wants the season to go off without the loss of anymore revenue (empty stadiums), they need to work with the NFLPA and get an agreement for quarantine for entire rosters.
  13. Anybody else find it interesting that Pegula is 0-fer on Pittsburgh guys with the Sabres (and I guess Bills if you count Whaley). I have had my criticism of McBeane. But watching the Sabres circle the drain for a decade is a good reality for how bad this organization could get. Pay McBeane whatever the hell they want. Forever 9-7 would be better than the decade of trash Terry has put on the ice for 10 years now.
  14. The headline should just read "Jack Eichel on Suicide Watch".
  15. Business wise, the world is changing rapidly. They are now on the right side of history. In the long run they’ll be fine. Even if their statements have just been for PR, it will do them better over time. From a personal perspective, if people are no longer watching the Bills or the NFL because they have said they stand with BLM, then eff them. It’s a sport/entertainment that is largely played by POC, they don’t deserve to watch. And frankly I would prefer not to affiliate with them at all. I was ashamed to be a Bills fan when thousands and thousands of people showed up to the stadium with Kaep’s face in cross hairs. People can rag on Gen Z all they want, but they’re largely good people who will change this country for the better. At least from the 100’s I’ve dealt with coaching. I’m 20 years out of HS and it was kind of “cool” at the time to mouth off to your teacher on occasion. Or to copy homework. Get smashed on the weekends. Kids now look at kids who don’t read, or are rude, and they shun them. The “cool” kids now are smart, thoughtful, and empathetic.
  16. If I am reading this correctly, we aren’t totally on different sides here. I do think you are over simplifying a complex issue (which you said). Violent crime (I think) is generally linked to poverty. The tough part in boring out those stats, is that there are very few communities in this country that are as systemically disenfranchised as the black population. And we have done (and continue to do)that systematically through redlining, zoning, eminent domain, and the failed urban renewal. Pruitt-Igoe is a great case study if you’re interested. Similarly to Buffalo. St. Louis basically uprooted an entire black community (Federal Housing Act) because they wanted to stop black people from infilling the city as white people were heading to the suburbs (see the new deal, which I generally like as a whole. But not this) and put them up in high rise projects. Closing and demolishing homes and businesses. They paid next to nothing for the land and basically gifted it to white developers to cater shopping centers to the white middle class living in the burbs. Crime rate increased and the neighborhood went to poop. Think the Kensington Expressway on steroids. I think the best way to look at police in regards to racial interaction is search, arrest, and imprisonment rates in comparison with the actual data on who commits those crimes. POC are pulled over at higher rates, searched at higher rates, arrested at higher rates, and given longer prison sentences for the same crimes. Similarly, all races use drugs at similar rates and data shows most people buy drugs from their own race. Yet POC make up a vast majority of those imprisoned on drug charges when the data shows it should be equal based on usage and dealing. Anecdotally I went to St. Joe’s. TONS were high all day long, (weed, coke, pills, etc.) I knew more than one kid who would be able to move a pound of weed a week at times. It was obvious to a bunch of 16 year olds, but apparently not to adults (sarcasm) because NOBODY ever got in trouble. EVER. But I grew up on the WS, so I had a bunch of friends at Hutch Tech and McKinley and they’d call the ***** police. Moral of the story. If you don’t want to get in trouble with the cops: 1. Don’t be a POC 2. Don’t be poor 2a. If you are poor definitely don’t be a POC. 3. Go to St. Joe’s. They’ll ignore anything big that goes on within their walls so that they can save their reputation and keep charging a stupid amount for HS. (Getting in a fight on campus or failing 2 classes was about the only thing they’d kick anybody out for)
  17. I would assume the NFL will go all 16 games unless the infection rates spike drastically again. I don’t think they’ll be any fans. I do think the NFL and the NFLPA should work on an agreement for “stay in place” for all staff and players. Things start to get dicey if players start getting infected and spreading it to other rosters. As much as it sucks, they should take a few months of lockdown. Them and their families. No restaurants etc. It seems like the only way to ensure that the league doesn’t lose more revenue or players. I think college is 50/50 at the moment. If they start as normal and with fans, I don’t see them either finishing the season and/or allowing fans at any stadium. College is sort of a scary proposition in general at the moment.
  18. Except that both black and white people sell drugs at similar rates. So your assumption that more black people are selling drugs is just wrong. The below data is pulled from the census bureau and the FBI. https://www.hamiltonproject.org/charts/rates_of_drug_use_and_sales_by_race_rates_of_drug_related_criminal_justice
  19. I mean 80% of people in federal prison and 60% of people in state prison are there for drugs. 69% of all prisoners are people of color. Which is wild because according to the Journal of Criminal Justice, white people are actually using drugs at a higher rate than POC. So POC are disproportionately having more interaction with both police and the justice system. The problem starts with the over policing of people of color and the blind eye turned towards Caucasians.
  20. Just for reference, about 16% of Americans live under the poverty line and about 9% of Canadians. We do a poor job of economic equality in our continent.
  21. QB: C- Josh is currently slightly below average. I hope he is in the B/B- range by year end RB: C+ Unsure if Singletary can be an every down back, and Moss in unproven TE: C- Mostly because of the drops from Knox. If he can clean those up we are probably in the C+/B- range WR: B+ I think we actually had a slightly above average group last year but we were not great at passing the football. Adding Diggs is a huge upgrade. CB: B They play well as a unit but individually not great. If Norman can get close to form and EJ Gaines can stay healthy, they have the potential to be an A+ unit S: A Poyer and Hyde are a great pairing LB: C+ Edmunds especially needs more consistency. Milano has shown flashes and can be exciting to watch. DL: B Great depth. If we can get good production out of Espenesa and Oliver this could be a very difficult unit for teams. ST: C For consistency
  22. If I am reading your response correctly. You are saying IF you were the commish or an NFL owner you would have a discussion on whether your players would be allowed to kneel. And possibly would not allow it because of strife in either your revenue stream and/or your workforce. But as of right now, the NFL at large has given the OK. So your issue is no longer with the kneeling, it is the fact that they are allowing it, because YOU THINK they shouldn't kneel.And YOU can't kneel at work, so they shouldn't be able to kneel either. But the NFL has basically come out and said, for the time being, they don't give a crap if you turn off, and they are OK with it. Right now, people are making it a player issue, but in reality it no longer is an individual player issue. They can all kneel if they want. Their employer is allowing it.
  23. I don’t get it. And by it, I mean your point. The Bills aren’t playing so why would he be in any “danger”. Even then there are only a handful of stadiums around the country where that danger is real. Even so, we shouldn’t carry all HS logic into our adult lives. It’s not sound advice. Sound advice is, other adults shouldn’t put their hands on other adults over a football jersey. There are a couple of very realistic answers though: 1. He’s a Buffalo transplant, living in Seattle. Got some tickets to the game.Went, had a blast, repped his favorite team with a player that also played in the city he now lives. 2. Maybe a Cal fan. Bought a Lynch Jersey when he got drafted. Wore it to his favorite NFL team.
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