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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. I think he's definitely reached a higher level, but we're kidding ourselves that he's on that State Farm commercial level. I'm not sure he's more famous to the casual fan right now than Baker Mayfield. Definitely is perceived as the better player, but in terms of NFL or Big 4 Sports fame, he's still a light heavyweight. Diggs in a weird way is more famous than Allen, due to the Minneapolis Miracle and all his endorsements. He's definitely handling it well, but we'll really see after a SB appearance where he's in the entire country's living room.
  2. There was a serious incident where a SF Giants fan was put on life support after a beatdown at a game back in 2011 or so. I know what you're talking about. Cali does have that issue in some areas.
  3. My biggest concern is the media. As teams reach this type of level of attention, the attention-seekers and power-hungry come out of the woodwork. That's when you get Jay Skurskis trying to get the front office fired even after they did the right thing. Now imagine ESPN and SI carrying that torch over some soundbite a random player or coach said. Allen is sort of a household name right now, but once he reaches Mahomes/Manning/Brady levels of fame, he enters into weirdo world. TMZ everywhere, celebrities hanging around, off the field distractions to the max. When Nike starts paying you as much as the Bills do, strange conflicts of interest start to appear.
  4. I'll believe it when I see it. VS I'll see it when I believe it Let's agree to disagree. Then I guess the only thing we need to do is wait.
  5. Whenever I think about the Chiefs letdown I think about how Allen and McDermott have always stepped up their game to an even higher level after every letdown. Remember Sugar High Josh? Remember when we couldn't get past the Pats? Remember no 300 yard games? Remember no playoffs? Then no wins in the playoffs since 1995? No AFC East in 20 years? You can't teach accuracy? At some point, you got to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. I think "it was stolen from him!" Is the wrong energy when it comes to winning championships. A great guy to look at for championship energy is Von Miller. He's relaxed. Has high expectations. Doesn't get too high or low. That's what a true winner looks like. They don't sulk, point fingers, scream at everyone, blame the defense, etc. That's Josh Rosen/Ryan Leaf stuff. I know the Bills will overcome the Chiefs loss and ignore the fans that want blood. I guess it's just annoying for me when fans have a "punish everyone" mindset. Maybe I'm just being selfish when I want that loser crap to stop. They're really just projecting. I guess I just want the fans of Buffalo to act like winners and not like losers.
  6. I have enough people I know or were two degrees away from that died of overdose or suicide around that age. 99% chance it was one of those. If the family doesn't want to release details then that is their choice. I have a close childhood friend that died of suicide and even years later I don't know any details about it or even how he did it. It bothers me but I also respect the family's choice. Imagine at a public level.
  7. Can't imagine the pain. While the media in Buffalo is clutching their pearls and thinking how they can use this to further their careers (looking at you Jay Skurski), a family and their future are ruined, based on something that may or may not be true. Anyways, on to football.
  8. From a football point of view, it's a bummer to lose Araiza. We're talking somebody who would have Bills fans walking around in a punter's jersey if he stayed. Generational leg. But it is what it is. At the end of the day, we lucked out that of all positions, it was the punter position.
  9. Nice catch. They're messing with us.
  10. The yeti is fake. Santa doesn't exist. And the NFL 100 isn't voted on, it's made up.
  11. The US Department of Justice. It's not a secret. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_crime_family "According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the current boss of the Buffalo crime family is Joseph A. "Big Joe" Todaro Jr., having assumed the role after his father, Joseph E. "Lead Pipe Joe" Todaro Sr., retired"
  12. The difference between me and you is that I don't need to tell everyone I love the women in my life. Stop projecting your deep seated misogyny onto me.
  13. The media is to blame. Even after Beane cut him, they were going after him. The media even sent the females out to ask questions. "Why now?" "Why not cut him in July?" The subtext being "do you hate women?" "Why didn't you immediately believe the accuser?" "Why didn't you immediately assume he was guilty?" Sleazy sleazy sleazy. They're all desperate for a purpose and to APPEAR intrepid. If the media is so ethical and fearless why won't anybody ask the Bills why La Nova Pizza owned by the HEAD OF THE BUFFALO MAFIA CRIME FAMILY is licensed to sell food at the stadium. It's a rhetorical question. It's because they're phonies. Let's listen to Wawrow put his betters on the judgement chair instead.
  14. I'm not convinced Matt is guilty but I was going to side with whatever decision McDermott and Beane would make. They tend to know what the best move is. If they felt he needed to go, then he needed to go.
  15. Bingo. Boom. Winner. We don't need them. They're middlemen. Desperate for self importance.
  16. Thank you. It's a freaking rookie punter. I'm over it. Cut him, keep him on IR, whatever. But let's play football. I'm a fan of football. I'm not responsible for the personal lives of 53 jocks I don't know and whatever skeletons they have in their closet.
  17. Gives them a purpose again. Wawrow is having the best week of his life.
  18. Something about this world where a strong man of God like McDermott needs to listen to trash reporters try to bait him into ruining his career by asking low-ball questions. "What do you have to say to the women!" says the male reporter.
  19. What high school girl goes to a college party and tells the older guys that she's 17? In my day, when you were in High School you lied and said you were a Freshman in college at frat parties.
  20. To play devil's advocate, the LAWYER talks about possible roofies and intoxication. We don't know yet how true that is. Or if there is any evidence for that. Furthermore we don't know if Araiza said he knew he had chlamydia AT THE TIME. Since she did the sting phone call 10 days after. Let's wait for this to play out. I'm particularly waiting on McDermott and Beane.
  21. Everyone I know ever accused of that has been the same type of dudes.
  22. I've been around. It's working class/white trash/hood "it ain't no fun unless we all get some" trash. At least what you're describing. Not saying middle class and upper class doesn't have their own crap.
  23. That's white trash/hood stuff. I've never seen it happen at middle class parties growing up. With young girls it's tricky. She may have been fine hooking up with Ariaza but then it got out of control. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she just didn't have the assertiveness to speak up. Or the other common story. She was drunk and she had sex with all of them consensually. The next morning she realized what it meant for her reputation and cried rape. My guess is that it's the former. In which case, Araiza is a scumbag. But I'll hold off on judgement. Look up Cummingham in the NBA about why you NEVER immediately believe an accuser of wealthy athletes before letting the whole story come out. Sociopaths exist and 50% of them are female.
  24. He'll say whatever it takes to get his Pulitzer prize. Just the other day he was trying cause a scandal based on lack of female artists playing on the speaker during practice.
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