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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. They have the Bills - Dolphins on the NFL network tonight because they will no longer let us watch the Thursday might game with out paying for it . The Bills Mafia was so loud at times you couldn't even here the ref while on his mic making a call . AJ is also proving he was the one they should have kept with his play getting his hands up, INT's & his pressure McD & Beane make another good call on who to keep . I hope they can get him under contract to keep him around ...
  2. For coming into the situation that he did he did a really good job for what he did & it wouldn't bother me if they brought him back but i think because he was only on the team for 1 season that may not happen . He will always be a part of Bills history !!
  3. A NFL Icon that defined toughness in his day !! RIP 🙏 Prayers up to his family .
  4. But isn't it amazing that there are those here along with the judge that just don't understand how real estate comps work just so they can push there agenda to like i said in the OP keep him tied up with this BS ... Can you say POLITICAL SCAM ???
  5. I have a feeling even though the Bills have been a top of the league team just a few things were missing . One of the biggest to this point was aggressiveness on the part of the defense Frazier was a good coach but only took it so far McD is finishing the job there . The O line has not been real good but this version is much better & last but not least the RB's are much better in moving the chains where ever they may be on the field . This year could very well be special, when Von comes back the D will go up a notch I only wish Tre could have stayed healthy . GO BILLS !!
  6. May be terrible but that's how it works in the real world not really sure where you live but any one can inflate a price i actually did it on a house i sold years ago i wanted this price & didn't sell until i got what i wanted i didn't care what the comps in the neighborhood were this was my asking price & i got it . But if you think that the price that this liberal judge has put on that property in that neighborhood is anywhere close to what it's worth you nuts the comps in that neighborhood are triple for a lot less property So your personal opinion on my terrible analogy doesn't hold any water at all . So i would advise you to stay away from realestate you will lose a lot of money .
  7. A English Muffin with a lot of butter for breakfast then for lunch some tea & crumpets or fish & chips ! Tally Hoe .
  8. So then this would mean that every single car salesmen should be jailed because they inflate the price of the true value of a car correct ? Or if i put my house on the market for sale & i start at say $30K above it's actual price so if someone try's to give me a lower bid i can have room to move so i should be jailed for that then too correct ? And with that being said every Real estate agent that has ever sold a house especially in todays market should be thrown in jail because i bought my house 7 years ago for $66K & got a appraisal just 6 months ago and now they say it's worth $270 K which if the market is correct again that makes Mira Lago worth a hole lot more than $18 Million . So throw every one in jail that says their property is worth more than it is meaning anything cars, motorcycles, houses, all of it . Freakin morons don't know how the market works just trying to push a bunch of BS once again but he's the liar WTFE !!
  9. So what time do we need to wake up to watch this game 2 am ??
  10. It just amazes me how many lies can be allowed to be told in a court of law to purposely make someone look bad . I worked on a house in south Fl. 20 years ago on the ocean that was 32k sq. ft. under air in Naples Fl. & it was built for $40 million & Mira lago is 62K sq. ft double what the house i worked on was but it is only worth $18 million can you say BS !! Plus Mira Lago is a business so when the you include the clientele in the sale of the property which is what they do when a business is sold the property is valued at a higher price . Then another home much smaller in sq footage on the same street not to far from Mira Lago sold for some $43 million but Mira Lago is only worth $18 million ? Again i say BS, for christ sake the crooked ass DA Bragg didn't take up this case because he knew it's BS !! It's all to keep the man from running because the opposition is running scared & know Joe is a joke . In 1920's when it was built Mira Lago cost $7 million which in todays money is equivalent to $100 million, and in todays world where in my neighbor hood a 2100 square ft house sells for $650K and Mira Lago is SIXTY TWO THOUSAND SQ FT !! I'LL SAY IT AGAIN SIXTY TWO THOUSAND SQ FT. But it's only worth $18 Million HAH !! Someone is full of S**T !! Then they say that Trump is lying about his worth but it's okay that Joe said he graduated at the top of his law school class and the many other lies that he has told like "if you get the covid vaccine you will not get the virus" but all that's okay because they want the pawn in place . Then Hillary buys a dossier that has been proven to be paid for & had nothing but lies & is pretty much a total fallacy yet they kept that BS going for 4 years yet there are those here that still argue that it was full of the truth even after a 4 year investigation has shown that there was very little to no truth in those papers especially enough to get FISA warrants to falsely investigate a US citizen but that's okay . If there was any kind of truth in this it might be valid to invest the time in such a bogus scam as this but anyone with any common sense could look at this & see that it is nothing but a ton of BS right from the start with the judge & the DA it's all part of a plan to try to keep him from the campaign trail .The DA ran saying that she would bring Trump down so what is her true motivation ? Will the BS never end ??? No Victims - No Crime ! Don't read about or listen to Bidens lies & corruption but look at Trumps by making up another Scam .
  11. I hope not because he & Josh have good chemistry & this offense I believe will only get better but if so it will make the haters very happy even if he does help the team to a SB win .
  12. the best thing they could do is do a partial Gov't shut down & send all of the congressman & those in the senate to go home with out pay & the country would be a hole lot better off with out their dum ass input but that will never happen as long as they have total control & we the people have little or none .
  13. I feel for you if you think the younger generation will save the country YOUR CRAZY !! You are talking about the same youngsters that have their head buried in a iPad or a smart phone that are all about instagram or tweeter that have little or no social skills that are playing candy crush or some other video game for entertainment & that watch the bachelor, or Bachelorette, Jersey Shore, The Kardashians as their TV programs ? And they think all of the Gov't so called free bees are deserved only because they were born in America & that puts them at the head of the line for the entitlements such as "Free Health care, College Loan forgiveness " and what ever BS they can dream up that they deserve & not have to work for . Yah these are definitely the people that live in a world of reality are going to save the country boy you are delusional to say the least ... Dude you need to rethink you stance .
  14. Will you please post the links to prove the accusations above i would like to go read exactly who deemed this to be truth & which council brought this proof to the public & please no BS from Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, because they hate as much as you do . Where's the Proof ?? Just asking .
  15. I think Bidens health director Rachel Levine has won that category hands down !! Just saying . But if Gaetz has done what they say he needs to be fired & that law should be able to be done with all the jack asses the gov't has in it including Santos he should have never been allowed to even start the job all should be held to the same standards that we are but we know that will never happen !!
  16. The NFL loves it because those that know nothing about football but love her will tune in so they will ride that horse as long as they can because this league is all about the $$$ !! The thing i couldn't believe was on 1 Bills Live both Browny & Tasker jumped on that band wagon and said they one it & said as much that they were going to ride with it . But for me i could give a rat's A** about about Taylor Swift & her love life !! What does that have to do with football .
  17. It wouldn't surprise me if it was Hill that guy thinks like every one else that has praised him to be the best & NO ONE can cover him but the Bills showed him & have in every game they have played that he can be dealt with & i hope the Bills sweep them & show him 1 more time he's not as great as he thinks he is !
  18. I don't know how any one here could have thought that this Bills offense couldn't be better than last season with the additions they made over the last off season ! Once the O line starters really start to jell OMG i think as you say it can only get better . The best thing that could have happened IMHO to this team was exactly what happened in week 1 although many here were like "See Dorsey sucks McD is a terrible HC" that i felt was so far from the truth it wasn't even funny just goes to show what the haters know !! These RB's are so much better this season the O line is better & will get better as the season goes on plus Dorsey will use more of his weapons like DK at TE & they haven't even started to get comfortable with Harte & Sheffield yet they will get so much better I'm with you bro ! GO BILLS !!!
  19. BUT BUT BUT McD sucks as a HC & there's no way he can do both at the same time - HC & D coordinator !! Then Dorsey sucks too so how can the Bills survive this year OMG !! WHAT EVER 🙄 I just wonder how many of those haters that were calling for both of their jobs just a short 3 weeks ago are saying now having to eat crow & i for one AM LOVING IT !! GO BILLS !!
  20. On the TV broadcast there were times the Mafia was almost as loud as the announcers and they had microphones CRAZY LOUD MAFIA ! GO BILLS !!!
  21. Well maybe between Tre & Roger's injury the NFL will change the rule as far as turf vs. grass fields not sure if that would make a difference for Tre but now we will never know . But it surely SUCKS he was playing so good i hope he can keep his spirits up !!
  22. I wonder if the money is worth that such feeling in his stomach every week to go from a team like the Bills to the Bears & then every week watching his old team doing what they are doing & seeing Bernard filling in for him the way he is the guy must be sick !! Sure the money is nice but i think i would rather be on a winning team than i would playing for a loser .
  23. Yah to all the Dorsey haters that said he needs to be fired & he wasn't worth his salt after last years rankings & this year being the second highest scoring offense in the NFL - S**K IT !!! 😆
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