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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Sorry for leaving that out but i had to do a bit more digging for those . Derrick had 74 tackles for a loss in his college career & Reggie had 51 tackles for a loss in his college career .
  2. I'll pass just from what i've seen we have people already that can drop passes ! Let's just continue with the youth movement !!
  3. Is the alternative worth no solution ? They can stay where they are at lose the team , jobs, & revenue to the state, county & city or look forward & keep the Bills where they belong in B/Lo !! Also give the area more jobs, more revenue, & hopefully when the stadium is finished bring more in the way of other economic growth from bringing in more entertainment & growth from brining in other people to enjoy the new part of Buffalo . Change can be good !!
  4. This is great news for the Bills & keeping them in B/lo ! I am impressed that they are moving forward due to what was said when the talk of using the water front as a site was mostly of a negative vibe . If the Bills want to stay viable in any way they need to have a new stadium & the people & the area have to start realizing that there are only 32 NFL teams in the league which is something special to have . The Bills are a part of the great history of the city & it would be terrible if they left for all concerned . The city, state & county would lose a ton of revenue & jobs that help the local economy not to mention what the mentality of the area would be with out the team . I'm not saying they need to stay at all costs but i am saying they need to do as much to keep the Bills in Buffalo as the were willing to give the Mets & Yanks new homes , beside the Bills are the only true NY state team ! The others only have the name but the Bills are the real deal in NY !! Go Bills !!!
  5. I was reading about how good J. Clowney is & how he will project to the NFL with his skill set . One writer was comparing him to 3 great pass rushers of the past so i just had to see if he was even close to those 3 guys while in college. And those 3 are Derrick Thomas, Reggie White & the Bills own Bruce Smith . In comparison while the 3 were in college there is NO comparison to how great their college careers would project them to be in the NFL. I will start with the best college career of the 3 to the least of those 3 then Clowney's . 1st. Derrick Thomas - his career at Alabama was the best of all 3 ! He had 52 sacks in his college career at LB & a remarkable 27 in 1 season which he still holds the single season collegiate record for . Also i didn't know that he & C Bennet were college team mates ? Can you imagine looking at those 2 across the line as a QB getting ready to hike the ball I can only imagine what Derrick could have done if his life wasn't cut so short !! 2nd. Bruce Smith - His career as a Hokie where he was a menus to QB's as we all know. He had 46 sacks & 22 in 1 season, plus 71 tackles behind the line of scrimmage . Good enough for number 2 ? 3rd. Reggie White - His career as a T Vol. he had 32 career sacks & 15 in 1 season, but those numbers didn't stop him from being deemed "the Minister of Defense" & second in the NFL only to Bruce . 4th. J Clowney's - numbers really don't come close to any of these guys. He ha 24 sacks & 47 tackles behind the line of scrimmage or for a loss, which i guess if you take into consideration that he is coming out a year early he could have gotten closer to Reggies numbers . But when it is all said & done it tells us all just how great these 3 players really were & why they are forever engrained in the NFL as the best of the best !! Well it's just another off season observation but i thought inquiring minds might want to know ... I had to add Derrick had 74 tackles for a loss in his college career & Reggie had 51 while at UT ..
  6. I agree with all you have put here , but the note of "not parading it & not putting it in peoples faces" & more so the "what ever that means " comment i don't get ? My reason is because by him coming out as publicly as he has this will be the biggest , most talked about , & probably most published story for the next year so, how can we even think that this will not be paraded & put in peoples faces ? Sure it's not Sams doing, & yes he is as you said being honest but it has become pretty clear (& if i am wrong i'm sure some one will say so) & i will take the criticism but there seems to be some type of possible agenda here what ever it may be . I think if your not trying to draw attention to your self then you do your thing & don't announce it unless you are trying to draw attention or want people to know, especially in such a high profile sport as the NFL . Also the timing leading up to the draft (personal opinion which ain't worth nothin !!) just says HEY LOOK AT ME !!!
  7. As we can already see this will be a huge story but for the life of me i can't see why what some one does in their personal sexual life should be a huge story ? Hey guess what i'm a heterosexual does any body care ? NO ! So why should any one care what this guy does ? "Besides the manly sports thing" . Could there be a hidden agenda here ? I don't know but every chance the media gets to write about the subject (no matter what entity it is) it's in everyones face for a while & there will be segments on ESPN & all over other media out lets . SO WHAT !! No matter what our opinions, religious beliefs, or personal sexual orientations are why should this & why is this as huge a story as it will turn out to be ? What is the end result ? Sure this will open the door for many others to tell us their sexual orientation & i applaud the guy for being that courageous because as others here have said in reading other posts the guy must have brass balls ! But again, SO WHAT !! I personally don't care what he or any of you all do in your personal lives & especially don't care what you do in the bed room !! Sorry !! I will bet though that there will be plenty of ill & quite possibly ignorant words spoken on the subject by players & others that will then have to put out retractions & then a apology to all b/c they didn't intend to hurt any ones feelings !! But that also has become the norm when the subject is put into the public forum ...
  8. I am going to say that i hope EJ works out but hope that we don't put all of eggs in one basket as we have in the past & be more like the winning teams around the league & until THAT guy is found continue to bring in guys to develop . I will also go on record to say that after looking some more at Taj Boyd that if he falls to our pick in one of the later rounds say the 3rd or later that we should grab him ! If you go look at his stats over his career in college he has been above average in his production, has been very dependable & tough, & has great leadership qualities ! I think the guy will be a winner & i am predicting as i did with Russel Wilson that he will one day be mentioned among the other really good to great up & coming young QB's in the NFL !! The guy not only owns all of the records at Clemson but has brought them out of situations of being behind in very important games & i think due to his consistency he would be a great pick up to develop just incase & if for nothing else a great way to pick up other draft picks later by using him for trade bait & a definite upgrade as a back up !!
  9. Hey they have hired a senior offensive assistant to aid Hackett & Marrone & a defensive line assistant to aid the defensive line coach so why not a RB's coaching assistant to help the RB's coach ? I'm just saying ... The RB's coach could work with Fred & CJ & the assistant could work with Summers & the guys on the practice squad to bring them along .
  10. Sam Gash was hired by the Packers to be their RB's coach AND he was the RB's coach at Detroit from 2008 to 2012 . So why didn't they bring Sam along to B/lo ? Sam was one of the best full backs the Bills ever had, if nothing else make him the FB's coach to teach how to be a real FB . They say that the running game is past tense in the NFL but i think if they had more guys comparable to Sam in his hay day there would be a lot better running games ! As we saw in some of the play off games a good running game can be very effective on a team that is geared to stop the pass . They should have brought Sam back to coach the full backs & bring Andre back as a assistant to the WR's coach how much better could it get ? I bet Frank Summers & who ever else we have as FB's on the squad could benefit from his experience ... I never knew that he was a coach in the NFL . If he is half the coach he was as a player the Pack picked up a good coach !!!
  11. I read today that Mike Evans is just like Vincent Jackson & who wouldn't want a guy like him on our Offense ? We have been after (as Nix said) "a big receiver who is open when he isn't" So i would say with the history of the Bills choices i would go with him & trade Graham to another team for a extra pick because of his inconsistency , not to mention we brought Kaufman back !!
  12. With Carpenter & Mormon . I think he meant talent NOT COACHING !!! Especially seeing as they went from 8 the year before to 31 with basically the same personal & the biggest change being the coach !!
  13. Heck for the price bring them both over & make our O line the best it has ever been in years !! Being a smart a** is fun But if it COULD work WOW !!!
  14. I agree EJ should have every opportunity to prove he is the guy but i am just saying as i security blanket incase he isn't . I the past we have done that & not drafted any QB's since Edwards & we have stayed mediocre at best . The confidence in Tuel after one start is in the toilet (go figure Bills fans wanting a SB type player out of the first start of a rookie) Thad Lewis could be better but his history shows he is what he is a back up like Fitz i just think that given the opinion of Bills fans for who we have in the stable IF Murray is there it would be a great get for the price !! WOW it blows me away ! McCarron has had a great career & SEEMS to be nothing but a very level headed winner with most all the tools to be a really good NFL QB & guys are already dissin on him !! Amazing !!
  15. We all know that the Bills have backed EJ as being the man going forward & that there has been a ton of talk about drafting a QB in this years draft as a security blanket with that i ask you this ... Arron Murray hurt his ACL late in the season to end his senior year , if he is there in the 3rd or 4th round when the Bills pick should they take him as that security blanket ?
  16. Before the last couple of Super Bowls when they had some really good talent like Aerosmith, The Who, Paul McCartney, Madonna, i distinctly remember people here saying they need to move on from all the grampa type bands & get some younger newer talent - well how is that working ?? As far as i can see it sucks ! Beyoncey was less than spectacular although she did look great , The Black Eyed Peas SUCKED ! Bruno Mars was EH OK but not great by any means & the Chile Peppers never did like them ! Here are some bands that i haven't seen as of yet, AC/DC would be a great half time show ! Joe Walsh - Eric Clapton - Aerosmith one more time - Garth when he comes back . Has KISS ever done it ? John Mayer - Eagles - Chicago with Peter Cetera - Johnny Lang - Ted Nugent . Can't think of more but i know there are some so i'll leave it from here for you all to complain about my choices & add some of your own ...
  17. The Seahawks proved once again that the old adage of "Defense Wins Championships" holds true ! In the Giants win over the Bills it was the #1 offense against the #1 D just like yesterday & the D prevails 9 out of 10 times . So with that i say as others have said here, build a great D along with a great running game cause as the Giants showed back in SB 25 if you can grind it out on the ground & keep the opponent off the field you can win too & a efficient passing attack with a above average O line & our Bills can be SB champs one day ... Even though i did think the game was going to be at least much closer than it was ...
  18. The entire NFL is getting watered down. The AFC/NFC division championship trophy's since they changed are pretty lame & now they are both the same what's up with that they are 2 different conferences So leave the trophy's different .. It won't be long & the NFL because of the tweaking of this & that will be just like MLB half filled stadiums cause the players salaries are outrageous & no one will be able to afford to go see them play, & if they add more games & teams in London & France not only that but they will have every team have to go over & play in Europe . The intimacy that was the NFL is getting watered down & eventually we the fans will get sick of it just like they did in Nascar, MLB & even hockey to some extent to much of a good thing is not always better !! The SB Logo's Trophy's & all will change the entire out look of the NFL ... Leave some of the good stuff alone !!
  19. Well better late than never seems to be my mantra . So i was looking forward to watch the announcement of this years inductees to the HOF & i turned on the show (apparently a bit late) because after sitting & watching the rest of the show i didn't actually here the announcement . I didn't realize till Bruce congratulated the inductees that i had missed it ... So when did they do it ? I thought (silly me for thinking) that seeing as the players going into the hall being the best of the best & the most important part of the show it would have made sense if it the last thing they would announce . The CMA awards leave the entertainer of the year award to be the last to be announced, The AMA's leave the rock & roll HOF inductees till the end of the program, so what is the NFL thinking . Sorry but i watched the show to see who was inducted & if i would have picked up my computer before the end of the show i would have shut it off . Cause frankly i could give a rats A** who was the "Fantasy Player of The Year " what a bogus award !! If they had any smarts at all they would make the MVP of the Year 3rd to last, Walter Payton Man of The Year Award 2nd to last & the very last thing on the show should be the announcement of the HOF inductees !! All the other stuff might be cool for the guys getting those awards but these 3 are the creme of the crop, the tops of all the awards given out each year ... And to give out the HOF winners in the first part of the show is just stupid !! What do you all think ?? Congrats Andre !!!
  20. The NFL is getting a little ridiculous if the team wants to use different helmets it's their expense so what difference does it make it's like the rule about the color cleats they wear during the game goofy plain and simple !!
  21. WOW more negative CJ talk & the dude was hurt just about all year, played less than Freddy & still put up good numbers . I will never understand the fan mentality in B/Lo , players can never do enough ! Flutie takes us to the last play off appearance & the guy is still a bum ?? Go Figure !!
  22. I think its great to be played out doors this year thats the way it was intended to be & all these indoor stadiums are nice but no grass, no weather, takes away from the game a bit . Out side of lightning the games should go on in what ever mother nature dishes out, these guys (some) make upwards of $20000 a game EARN IT don't whine go play !!! But the biggest reason why the weather is such a huge story is because they still have something like 18000 tickets left to sell i heard some where & they are usually gone by now if they are at a indoor stadium so thats the big thing . As Travis Tritt & other artists have written songs about "It's All About The Money" !!!
  23. I read a article today on Rumblings where Tim Graham was talking to EJ at a short interview at the SB & the subject of drafting another QB this year came up, EJ asked Graham if he thought the Bills should draft another QB & his answer to EJ was yes of which i agree . In the comments under the story some of the people agree'd with Graham but more than not thought he was be a smart ass which i did not understand ? Graham has 1 been on the inside of the NFL a lot more than any fan here or on Rumblings . I am not saying that that makes him a "football guy" but it does give him more in your face experience than any of us . By giving his opinion that the Bills need to draft another QB i don't think he was being arrogant in any way, he was just stating that given what EJ did last year, what was thought about some of his skill set coming out of college that the Bills shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket . Look at what happened when they did that with Fitz, they are still paying for that one & will have monies on the cap for it this year . Graham says that the competition shouldn't scare EJ it should make him better & given the way the fan base thinks about Tuel (after ONE START) & seeing what our back brought to the table to stop where they are at as far as the QB position would be very foolish to just assume that EJ is the end all be all . If you look at winning teams they always seem to have a very good back up plan . In fact look at over the years what the Pats have done besides do nothing but win . It seems like they always have a really good QB to fall back on, Draft QB's almost every year to develop & later trade them for more draft picks so what is wrong with what Graham thinks about drafting another QB . I think nothing & who knows it is a long shot but lets say (and i hope this doesn't happen) But lets say EJ continues to for what ever reason getting sidelined & can't develop the way the Bills want him to & we have another highly touted QB in the back ground that sits & learns the scheme, EJ goes down & the back up comes in & pulls a Brady & does nothing but win i would rather do that then have the FO pull what they did with T Jack blow 2.25 million & a draft pick on a guy that never even sees the active roster BRILLIANT !! Besides like Graham said it's business not personal !! Your Turn ...
  24. Another totally stupid move by the state of New York by turning down the movie or what ever they did to screw this up . It would have been free advertisement for the city of Buffalo & the Bills but NOOOOOO ! Leave it to gov't to screw something like this up !!
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