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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Sure bring him in as long as there is a clause in his contract to leave his "it's all about me" attitude in Pittsburg the reason why i say that is because there are people writing about how he is all booty hurt because Smith Shuster was voted MVP on the Steelers . We don't need a guy that isn't happy to see another team mate do well & that be the motivation for him to do better especially after the contract he got can you say Primadonna !!
  2. I think Bean will look over every thing until he finds the right guy or players to do what they are looking to do in their offense , I would love to see them pick up some one like a Brown from the Steelers . Given the fact that he pouts so much & by his actions now that the team gave Shuster the MVP & he's all booty hurt i don't think he would be the type to go after even if he is a really really good player .
  3. It reaffirms my faith in McD as a good HC ! He's not afraid to make those decisions based on performance & to do it quickly !! And i don't understand is some here saying they don't understand the firing ? I don't know what else they need to see as far as the run game goes especially given what this says in the above picture ...
  4. I don't get why they sign a guy that went 20 & 27 W/L while a starter i know he's seen a lot of football but Barkley has as good or better insight on the game which i think was proven by his first start for the Bills . I think the roster spot could be better used maybe bring him back as a QB coach but not to use a roster spot when they could bring in another player to help the cause ...
  5. He won't be there at 9 that was one reason why i wanted the Bills to lose the game against the Fins so they would have a better shot at him with the other teams ahead of the Bills in this draft there's no way he makes it to 9 unless Bean pulls off a move to move up & get him !!
  6. I feel some of that goes on the owner ! Just since Ralph sold the team the Bills have had a really good 4/3 defense & hired a coach that was a 3/4 guy makes no sense what so ever ! If there is a need to change the HC then why not get some one with a resume that has worked with the same type of personal that the team has been building or drafting for unless of coarse you are in a place like the Cards & are going to possibly gut the team & start over & go in a completely different direction then i could see a scheme change . But to do wha the Bills have done go from 4/3 to 3/4 back to a 4/3 just doesn't make a tone of sense & they wonder why they can't start winning go figure !!
  7. He will surely be missed he was what the Bills are all about when it comes to being a player for this team !! Thanks for the memories Kyle you deserve all that retirement brings to you !!
  8. There are others that i didn't understand why they didn't go after even before him , Lagerrette Blount 2 time SB champion RB was out there & there was no attempt at all to get him bus probably a couple others that could have helped a bit . Apparently they thought they had it figured out in house !!
  9. Sure numbers re a good gauge of certain things but if there is no chemistry between players you won't have Squat !!
  10. It's time to move on if he wanted to be more dependable he would have had his knees fixed as to not have the recurring problems that he has every year he was just content with being mediocre & collecting his millions every year to be that guy . I wish they would have gotten rid of him & used O'leary in his place at least O'leary was there every game & gave it all he had each game !!
  11. IF Frazier decides to take a different gig at the end of the year & they bring WIlks in i believe Kyle will retire the only way he stays is if Frazier stays ...
  12. Sorry but although i would love for the Bills to take the Pats to the wood shed because that's always a good thing for us to beat them i think at this point i would rather have a higher draft pick this coming year so we can continually beat them for years to come ...
  13. For the money they have been paying him there should be a lot more effort on his part !! ?
  14. The Bills should officially change their home Uni's to the red Uni's ! It definitely is a change & given the name change of the stadium & ownership that would make it all complete ! Besides last year it was a clear advantage in the Snowvertime game the Bills players were the only ones that could be seen on the field given 2 things, that the possibility of snow in WNY late in the season & that we have a QB now with enough arm strength to push it through weather like that game had i think it's a must !! I cast my vote for McBean to make it official that the Bills make the change to Red even if it is Red jersey with white bottoms or all red & either helmet looks good with thatuni the throw back helmet or the knew helmets !
  15. He's #1 for right now ... Did i say how much i dig the red uni's !!
  16. Like another poster said on a different post ... Bring back TD Mike !!
  17. It would be nice but i don't see them winning either of their last 2 games ? The Pats are pissed & have had our number for years & the Fins are playing really good or at least it seems that way . I hope they prove me wrong but it wouldn't hurt my feelings seeing as the rest of this season is to see what we have on the roster as keepers a top 5 draft pick would be a nice consolation prize to get our starting LT of the future !!
  18. DUH !! Sorry ? But the guy said he wants to retire a Buffalo Bill if that isn't a direct line message toMcBean i don't know what is . This guy & Kyle are the heart of the D & both should be at the very least be given a good offer to come back & be in the rotation if they don't feel they can still play a lot of snaps !! Plus Lorax gave the Bills one heck of a contract because he wanted to stay here given what he did the year prior to them re upping him so that in it self i think he needs to be rewarded with another decent contract to show the new rookies how a true vet does it !!
  19. Don't care what the "Experts say" if your going to win a championship you still need a really good running game & a really good defense ! Look at the last 2 winners of the super bowl what did they have in common ? One being Lagarrette Blount & the other being a really good D !! Not to mention a decent QB !
  20. If we draft a stud LT & switch Dawkins to the RT position i hope he does better than he did in his rookie year on that side he didn't look real good there if i don't misremember . Given the options in FA & the draft i think we could see a big difference & a lot bigger one if McD realizes a new O line coach is in need !!
  21. Yah not a bad choice for sure alls the dude did here was play ball & did it well enough for the Pats to want to take him away from us so what does that say bring him back !!
  22. I would rather them be more viable in real football !! Just saying !!
  23. Given the way that either Reich or Lynn are leading their respective teams i would say that if McD doesn't make it happen that the Pegs will be kicking them selves in the ass & if they don't some one else should remind them & kick them in the shorts !!
  24. I've seen others post that we have nothing on this years team but there has been a couple of bright spots that can be carried into next year & i think Foster could have a good role in that future ! I hope if they get some other talent they don't just forget about him when it comes to looking for him on the field but i think Josh won't let that happen !!
  25. Excellent late season pick up i don't know why the dude sat as long as he did given how he played in Chi town, it wasn't great but there was a whole lot worse to choose from & his play the first time he stepped on the field with the Bills says it all I hope they bring him back !!
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