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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Most rookies drafted as high as him do look lost at times & great at times seeing as he is still very young & still growing I'd say the 3rd will be totally worth the move up unlike the Watkins move was . This kid not only has the Bills staff behind him showing him where to grow within the position but he also has his dad with all his experience to help him along this off season watching tape to tell him where he needs to improve so i believe once that light goes on he will be a monster ! 2 first round draft picks in one season to solidify the corp of the team for years to come is a feather in Beans cap, He along with McD have a plan & it looks to be the best plan laid out in the Bills recent past ...
  2. This would be a good pick up as long as he doesn't think he's worth more than what he is which is normally the case . This off season there are plenty to choose from in FA at the same position that are much better than he is at this point of his career the only thing is they will cost much more money so if they can get him at a reasonable contract then draft a rookie that would be their best plan for the future . Which Bean probably already has that figured out ...
  3. I wouldn't put anything past Bean he seems to be a master (to this point) at negotiating when it comes to making a deal weather in the draft or other wise .
  4. Now thats some funny S**T i don't care who you are !! ? Especially the Dabol one !!
  5. I noticed a lot of the mocks have him going to the Bills at 9 but i thought the kid from Bama Williams was suppose to be 1 of the best O lineman at the top of the draft has that changed ? What i don't understand in some of the mocks that i have seen is that they have the Bills going with a defensive player at 9 which Bean has said he will go with BPA at that pick instead of a need player but given the state of the O line with a young QB i would hope that the O line would be a huge consideration with the first pick. Unless Bean feels he can get more better ? players later in the round ...
  6. The only thing with that is if the QB is running for his life because of a porous O line then all that speed means nothing as we saw this year because Allen will be running it himself . It all starts in the trenches O line i hope will be the top priority in this years draft ! What i don't understand is how with all the mocks coming out now they have the Bills taking defensive guys with the first pick ?
  7. I was going to watch more but that announcers voice DAM !! ? I hope he developed into that guy, he would be a great QB for the Bills fans to root for the next 10 plus years for sure & i love that he is all in on B/lo !!
  8. Sure all the scouts for each team will be watching but if it's another one of those ESPN things where you have to get a cable subscription like the MNF thing they can count me out i like my free antenna TV ...
  9. I'm stoked about this hire !! I believe Dorsey will be a huge get for Allens progression especially seeing as Culley had little to no QB coaching experience before he came to Buffalo, his history as a coach was mostly WR's. I never got that connection sure the WR's catch the ball but didn't know how a WR's coach knew about QB foot work & all the intricacies that went along with being a good QB coach . I now don't see why they need to keep Anderson around to take up a roster spot that could be used for another position unless he will be a sounding board for Dabol & McD as far as the game plan but Dorsey one would think could be that guy too ??
  10. They use to say defense wins championships & you need a strong running game to play in the play offs & go to a championship but today they say that these are no longer true in order to win . I'm calling BS ! If you look at the last few SB Champions what are the things they need to win a above average QB (good passing game) a top 10 defense (you have to stop the other team from scoring) & even though they say RB's are a dime a dozen & they aren't as high touted as they use to be just look at what the Bills went through this season with virtually no running game . Last year the Eagles had Blount & a formidable running game, the year before the Patriots had Blount & a really good running game, this year the Pats again had a really good O line & a really good or above average running game when they needed it so as far as i'm concerned the "Experts" can piss off because if you ain't got a good running game you ain't got S**T ... Which goes along with the thought that defense wins championships ! With out all 3 pieces of a team playing good you won't even sniff the play offs !! MPO ...
  11. Yah he is, he has more rings than any one that has ever done his job before in the NFL which next year will be 100 yrs & if he wins another next yr that will be the definitive one for all time . No i'm not talking about Brady I'm talking about his coach Bill B. he has now with this win 8 Super Bowl rings as a HC & a Coordinator that's not including his AFC divisional championship rings which you get when you lose, if he wins one next yr it will have to be a toe ring or he will have to put the AFC championship rings away . https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/heres-why-bill-belichick-was-wearing-10-huge-rings-at-the-patriots-ring-party/ Also if he goes to the Super bowl again next year he will be the only other team to go to 4 SB's in a row which we never thought we would see in this lifetime so i hope McBean & company can put it together this off season to keep that accomplishment in the Bills wheel house & no one else despite the turn out . Shoot give us one thing to brag about Bill !! I know most of us here can't stand the fact that the Pats have whooped up on us for so long but when looking at what Bill has done the title of G.O.A.T. can't be taken away from him anytime soon . Sure there has been a lot of other really good coaches that have come along & changed the game but none of them have as many Super Bowl rings as he has & i think if he had been given more time in Cleveland he may have given them one too but we will never know . So as we hate on the Pats after their latest win while Bill is on his boat fishing with some hotty & drinking a totty I'll bet he don't care that we are hating on him & he's making plans to hire some one to help him when he's a old man to carry all his super bowl bling around . The only thing he won't have is the perfect season & he came real close to achieving that not so long ago but the story isn't complete yet so who knows ? Hate on Bills fans Hate on !!
  12. Yes it was . I did forget about the Bubly one that was good too !!
  13. I was bummed that there was a show prior to the SB that showed most all the commercials that were going to play during the SB so i turned that show off as to not be disappointed so i could see them during the TV production of the SB . While the game was a defensive game with not a lot of scoring 2 commercials really got a chuckle out of me when aired . The first being the NFL commercial where one Marshawn Lynch trying to be the sneaky little guy (perfect characterization) that wanted a taste of cake before it was handed out fell off his chair & knocked the ball of the top of the cake onto the ground & it was on, that was such a good commercial i went back after & watched it again & laughed a second time . Payton Mannings comment in that one after his throw was typical Paytonesque it was the best of the commercials !! The second one that i thought was pretty good was the Hundya commercial which was where i shut off the TV show that previewed all of the commercials & i'm glad i did because that one wasn't bad . Which one did you all think were the better commercials ? I know there was a lot of duds for me & only these 2 made me LOL especially the first i talked about . So what you think ?? Sorry should have looked before i posted didn't realize there was a similar post !!
  14. Beer !! ? I haven't made it beyond that yet ... Sounds good but you forgot to send my invite ... ?
  15. I predict i will go out back & shoot my guns, then i will go in the house & drink way to much beer, eat way to much food then there is a really good chance that my wife will have to drive me home because i'm just responsible like that ? !! In a redneck kind of way its going to be a awesome super bowl ? !! GO BILLS !! And i really don't care who wins cause the Saints got hosed ...
  16. You can bet McD has already talked with him it may be a good veteran presence in the locker room with Kyle retiring if he can still play !!
  17. I'm think the way this kid has tip toed around what he may or may not do i would think that would make a bunch of NFL execs a little gun shy, i get that he want s to do what's best for his future as far as making money but if that is the biggest thing he's worried about is who will pay him the most then i would avoid him ! Taken isn't all you need to look at when considering a player to draft if he is more worried about a pay check & not about which game he has more love for & wants to make his career then it just adds one more "It's all about me" player to the NFL which there is no shortage of ...
  18. The Super Bowl use to be the biggest game ever, the most anticipated because of the teams, the players, the coaches the half time show, & one of the things we all couldn't wait to see & a big part of the reason why we watched was because of the commercials some of them have become iconic in nature . As i sit writing this there is a show on that shows a lot of the classic TV commercials but before the end of the show & i'm not sure who gave the okay to do so the past few years they will show most of the TV commercials that will air during this years Super Bowl . So i ask you if they show all the TV commercials made especially for the SB what's the sense of watching to see the Super Bowl commercials ? Although i know what some will say then don't watch them but what is the sense of even showing them ? What happened to the teaser in TV sure they could maybe show a small piece of a couple to get us to wonder what happens like they do in TV shows but why show them at all ? If the NFL wonders why viewership may be down could this type of thinking be a part of the reason ? If this is what they do with the commercials why not show us what the half time show before the game too, just have a show that goes inside the half time show practice so we know what that will be like too ! The Madden thing is all in fun because we don't know who is actually going to win the game it's just speculation, but showing the commercials just takes a little bit away from the game .It's just another thing that has changed the watching of the game that was so Super just a little bit less Super than it use to be ...
  19. That''s awesome !! To bad some in B/lo didn't have a clue how good a coach he was when he was here !! I wish i could say i was routing for him but i can't given what happened to the Saints !!
  20. Seeing as his history in coaching has mainly been as a WR coach & the fact that the Bills QB's haven't been all that productive in his time here McD probably wanted him to go back to being the WR coach with Robisky being fired . I think Josh & the Bills will be better of with a new QB coach ! I remember a recent post saying something about Anderson being the QB coach as to open p a roster spot, now would be the perfect time for that to happen if they have that much faith in Anderson & how long it took him to get out of concussion protocol after the hit that really didn't look that bad !! They could use the spot for another player & Anderson will more than likely be the #3 QB any way with Barkley resigned so why not ??
  21. From anything i've read Cully JA's QB coach was a WR coach before coming here & that there has been thought of putting him back in that spot as a coach so who better to listen to a guy with 10+ yrs on the field playing the position or a guy that has coached a different position & is in a relatively (new to him) coach at a different position ? I'm thinking Josh is also smart enough to take what he here's from who ever & uses it as he sees to fit into his game. The experience that Jim has could be very helpful ...
  22. Good i would rather the Bills beat the Pats convincingly with him than with out him then there are no excuses !!
  23. Which both of these things were what the Bills looked at when they brought Shady here he was under 27 & quite possibly the best back in the league at the time & it was thought he could make our running/passing game better & he did so i think Shady signing was a good move !! I just hope like he says he can bounce back & be that guy going forward this year to allow a new RB to be brought in through the draft to carry the torch because i think Shady could definitely be on the down side of his career but would like to see the team do enough for his career so that if & when he does get the call to go to the hall he would go in as a Buffalo Bill !!
  24. Who ever was the one to agree or make the recommendation to resign Bortles to that kind of contract was as foolish as the guy that offered the contract to Fitz when he was in B/lo . I hope that this new regime was watching & learned to stay clear of any such thought of such things as what you are asking ...
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