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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Yah not a bad choice for sure alls the dude did here was play ball & did it well enough for the Pats to want to take him away from us so what does that say bring him back !!
  2. I would rather them be more viable in real football !! Just saying !!
  3. Given the way that either Reich or Lynn are leading their respective teams i would say that if McD doesn't make it happen that the Pegs will be kicking them selves in the ass & if they don't some one else should remind them & kick them in the shorts !!
  4. I've seen others post that we have nothing on this years team but there has been a couple of bright spots that can be carried into next year & i think Foster could have a good role in that future ! I hope if they get some other talent they don't just forget about him when it comes to looking for him on the field but i think Josh won't let that happen !!
  5. Excellent late season pick up i don't know why the dude sat as long as he did given how he played in Chi town, it wasn't great but there was a whole lot worse to choose from & his play the first time he stepped on the field with the Bills says it all I hope they bring him back !!
  6. Next year is the last year on Shady's contract isn't it ? It has been said that McD plans on him being brought back & used next year which he should be given that chance just because of his status as the player he has been in his career in the NFL BUT 11 If he has definitely regressed & shows his best years are well behind him & he has hit the proverbial wall then trade him or release him to give a young up & comer a bigger role don't waste the roster spot on a maybe !!
  7. A young QB's best friend has been said to be a good TE & to say that Clay is a competent weapon for Allen to depend on is not accurate IMHO ! When he was brought here i thought along with others that he was or could be a really good player for the Bills & he has shown that he is average at best but i think he has ran his coarse . He is always hurt & it's usually his knees so given his contract get the dam things fixed so you can be out there practicing all the time to develop a rep ore with the young QB or any QB the Bills have had for that matter ! The guy just seems to be here to collect on his contract instead of working for it . I think O'leary was a better fit & worked harder in practice & during games than Clay & was definitely a better value & if given a bit bigger role could have been a better & more dependable weapon for Allen the Clay !!
  8. There are a couple of players on the offensive side of the ball that could contribute as long as others are brought in to compliment the offense, i think Foster & McKenzie are 2 that could have a role going forward not to mention Murphy, & we have yet to see what Keith ford brings to the table . So although there are a lot of question marks that surround this team there are some positives to take into next year . As far as the coaching DC is in good hands & i think OC should be given another year & some more talent before closing the door on Dabol ! Some position coaches need changing out i think O line coach & QB coach could use a upgrade which could go a long way to improve the team & our young QB & i wonder if Dabol will be given the chance to bring in some people that he may see as a better fit for the implementation of his offense . Only time will tell now But i believe we are in a better place than the OP thinks ...
  9. I was really hoping Marty Ball would come to Buffalo but Marty was the guy that wanted to be in charge of the team & Ralph probably didn't like that & there was probably something we didn't know about when Marty played for the Bills back in the day so it never came about that Marty came to be the Bills HC !!
  10. Well once again we have to look forward to next year but i think we have seen some good things from this year that McBean & company can build on to make our team better in a lot of places Allen, Foster, Millano, Edmunds just to name a few along with others . In 2019 the Bills will not only have more cap room due to dead money being gone but the cap is projected to be at around $190 million which will be a increase from last year & given the deficiencies on the team only so many can be brought in through the draft others will be needed via free agency . Here's a list of projected FA's for 2019, who would you bring in given the opportunity to spend the cash the Bills will have on hand ? And would you retain some that are already here ? Some players on this list have already moved but for the most part it will give us a good idea of who will be available check it out !! http://walterfootball.com/freeagentspreview2019.php I think due to the Carolina connection one FA that could be brought in may be Ryan Kalil the center for the Panthers if they let him walk ? We are in need of a upgrade at that position & if they don't address it in the draft i think he could be a target for McBean this coming year . There are many more to choose from & as of yet we won't know which will be retained but see what you all think & take your pick to upgrade the areas that are lacking on our team ... If something like this has already been posted excuse me i didn't look to see if it had .
  11. There always has to be "that guy" in the room & most of those guys do well because they go against what some of the fans think so by creating subjects while having a opposing view of what was suppose to be & what is he pisses people off & it keeps fans engaged to see what he is writing . Every year we are all in hopes of the Bills doing better but there has been a lot to over come this year in some key areas but i have faith that McBean will get the players needed to do well going forward ... Despite what that guy thinks !!
  12. WOW must be something pretty bad coming out of the FO in his direction get Jerry Sullivan on it anything he can get that's bad about the Bills organization he'll be on that like a coyote on a dead carcass !!
  13. Grudens ego is going to do 1 of 2 things either make him look like the smartest guy that ever coached in the NFL or make him look like the biggest jack ass that ever coached in the NFL . Out side of Chip Kelly dismantling the Eagles this is one of the epic team destroying moves i've ever witnessed ! Gruen is IMHO a fool especially getting rid of the caliper of player like Mack he is a once in a generation type player !!
  14. I just responded to another post here & it got me thinking a bit deeper on this subject . The HC is actually the guy that is to over see the team to make sure every one is doing the job they were hired to do & he has assembled his team of coaches to do these jobs . But shouldn't the Coordinators have a say in their respective coaches ? Like we saw with Rex some HCing decisions aren't always the best for the team, like Rex allowing his guy (Dennis) to coach Rex scheme & then bringing in his brother to also help with that process (not to mention drafting 4/3 players previously only to change to a 3/4 scheme ?) & we all know how that worked out !! And this kind of thing happens a lot in the NFL & could be happening now on the Bills team . But chemistry not only with team mates but in coaching staff has something to do with the end product !! I have been a huge fan of moving on from Juan Castillo, although he may be a good coach in certain areas he has never really excelled from anything i can see from his past on other than defensive coaching stints, given that he was fired in Philly by a really good coach & hired by the Ravens at the end of a season to enjoy a SB win & getting a ring but didn't have to give much to get it ! I believe he is better suited to be a defensive position coach given what he has done in the past !! Which leads me to my questions for us fans . Given that Castillo was a previous hire to Dabol should the new O Coordinator be given the power to hire his guys the guys that he believes to be the best coaches to help him achieve his vision of the offense scheme he is implementing or like what is happening now should he have to make it work with what he has with previous hires ? I would think in some respects that would almost be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole especially if the O coordinator doesn't think that the blocking scheme is best suited for what he is trying to accomplish ! Or if the WR coach isn't passing out (pun intended) his thoughts on the routes & how they need to be ran ! Am i off base in thinking that what we have our defensive minded HC shouldn't really be the guy that is hiring the O line coach to match up with the offensive coordinators vision of his offensive scheme weather it be RB's, TE's, or O line coaches ? Shouldn't it be you hire the offensive coordinator then let him put his coaches in place that best fit what he is trying to coach . Even if he the O coordinator relays what he wants his O line, RB's, WR, TE coaches to do (if they aren't his guys) & if they are of a different mind set of what needs to be done wouldn't that effect the out come of the production of the group as a whole ? I just think & am still blowing the horn (& also beating a dead horse) to see the difference in 1 coaching change just going from what Kromer did & is doing now to what Juan has done & is doing now makes me think a change is needed still & Dabol should quite possibly bring in his guy to be that coach !!
  15. If McD is half the coach we hope he is he will see where the problem lies like he did in letting his previous Offensive coordinator go after bad offensive production that actually took the team to the play offs ! He got rid of part of the problem being Rick Dennison now if he can take off the blinders & realize that Juan Castillo has a SB ring for no real apparent reason other than he was hired at a opportune time that season than he will be the guy we thought to be !! Andy Reid saw it in Philly when he fired him now i just hope all that McD learned under Reid & his other coaches comes tot he top & he gets a different O line coach as well to complete the purge of less than elite coaching talent on offense !!
  16. At first when Marrone brought Crossman here i was like WTF this is a homer hire but since i have changed my tune just a little bit ! Is it Crossman or like a lot of other things on the Bills team this year the over all lack of talent & players that can execute the plan as schemed ? https://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches-roster/danny-crossman Sure Crossman i don't believe is a Bobby April ? but he's not terrible either maybe given a better stable of players to choose from . Just saying
  17. ST's & a Offense that can stay on the field helps immensely !! Saying that D doesn't win championships is like saying having a good running game doesn't mean anything in winning a championship !! The last 2 SB champs have had really good RB's to take the pressure off the QB but according to the experts good RB's are a dime a dozen & a run game isn't that important !! It takes all 3 phases of the team to win if your lacking in one place a good coach will find that weakness !!
  18. Not to mention the coach of the O line i think there has to be much better out there & i just hope that McD doesn't have blind faith in his friendships that keeps a underachieving coach in his position ... I believe some one like Kromer could do more with less talent than Juan could do with better talent & they need to find that guy along with upgrading the talent along the O line !!
  19. Seeing as the Bills are now up to #6 in the draft & IMHO a very good chance of them being able to go even higher this year this guy had better be one heck of a player a game changing type talent at TE like Tony Gonzalez, or Antonio Gates !! If not then NO !
  20. I watch to here what a competent football guy like Chris Brown has to say - - - Murph not so much ?
  21. If they expect Allen to develop into any thing worth being called franchise guy then they have to invest in the O line first & get him some WR's that can get separation if they can do that he can do the rest ! Brady makes very average WR's look good & if Allen can develop his skills then he should be able to do the same thing !! Maybe not in the same perspective that Brady has done given his career but he can be our guy for a long time !!
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