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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. If Denver caught the Chiefs, wouldn’t that be something? I’m traveling down to Miami for the game. Thinking we’re going to some pretty solid fan representation there. Would be so awesome to have the division on the line and be there to watch us win.
  2. Didn’t someone here on TBD claim to have inside knowledge that DaQuan was actually targeting next couple of weeks? It was past few days this person made a comment. Think they even claimed he was targeting Dallas, although that would seem extremely optimistic, as I’d think there would be a ramp-up period along with how long recovery from a pectoral injury normally takes. @warrior9 You said you worked with DaQuan’s cousin and had inside info?
  3. This. The way I’ve looked at this stretch of games is that if the Bills ever had a shot at winning a Super Bowl this year, then these are the kind of teams they need to beat. Both Eagles and Cowboys are live contenders to be the NFC representative, alongside the 49ers. If we can’t beat the Cowboys in our place in December (or come close), we’d be crazy to think we had a Super Bowl shot anyway. Josh said after the game yesterday that they’re essentially playing playoff football now. We’ve got a shot to make a big statement next weekend.
  4. Just watched the play again, for old time’s sake. And I think it looks like a forward pass because of where Wychek’s body was relative to Dyson’s. But if you watch the ball only, it does at least stay parallel or even go backward a little. All that said, RIP Frank.
  5. Couldn’t stand their playcalling from late in the 2nd quarter on, aside from opening drive of 2nd half. The Bills were having lots of success on the ground, yet kept going back to the air, even when game management would say to run the ball, even if only for a couple yards. But is that McD calling the plays, or mostly/entirely Brady?
  6. Josh gives him the look like get over it dude, I’ve been there many times.
  7. Not that it’s saying much, but anyone else think Von looked at least a little more active out there today? Maybe I’m just being optimistic, or maybe there were some glimmers of hope?
  8. Don’t underestimate the power of the 12th man. These boys usually bring some extra juice at home.
  9. Andrew Jared should be top of BBB’s resign list this offseason. Guy’s been making clutch plays all season. Fingers crossed his rib injury isn’t too bad.
  10. While it helps us for our head-to-head against the Chargers, I was kind of hoping the Bolts could possibly knock off a couple other teams in their schedule.
  11. It is still true that we don’t control our own destiny yet. I just worked up such a scenario on the ESPN playoff machine, where we’re 11-6 and don’t get in. We really need Denver to lose against Detroit next week, otherwise they could very easily win out and we won’t surpass them. A Titans win against the Dolphins tomorrow night would also obviously be very welcome (as unlikely as that is) 😎
  12. I agree with you. Not seeing Rapp as one of our safety solutions next season.
  13. Should have run on 1st down and just gotten to 4th quarter
  14. I am, I’ve been told by multiple sources that the Bills are going to win out
  15. McD’s idea of playing aggressive is playing dumb
  16. Between regular season and playoffs, a 9 game winning streak in 1964 was their longest ever. https://champsorchumps.us/team/nfl/buffalo-bills/longest-winning-streaks#tab-with-playoffs
  17. Would love to see that Jets upset, and can totally see the Chargers taking down the Broncos.
  18. Allen prob sick of being McD’s whipping boy. He’s prob heard McD tell him so much about how he’s “got to be smarter than that”. This is Josh’s way of telling McD the same in return.
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