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Everything posted by first_and_ten

  1. It's very unimpressive to beg for another man's wisdom. It's a bad look my friend.
  2. I will ask you a question. If a person is a racist, what do you call those who support the racist?
  3. I know. Those Trumlets live for this..lol Maybe not, you were sleeping.
  4. Are you serious? haha You must have been asleep for a few months. Go watch the traitor at he Helsinki summit. You will find it there. I'm jot going to do your homework for you when everyone has the answers I don't have to if you're a Trumlet, You're a racist
  5. Hard to get a corrupt DOJ involved with a corrupt Attorney General, so that won't work. Hard to get Mueller back since his work will be covered up by the corrupt AG. It's funny you say "make up a story" when you support the literal "Liar n' Chief". It's funny you right wing Trump supporters worry about made up stories, when you support the guy who does that on a daily basis.Trump sure looked statuesque as he walked down the ramp, huh? It's funny seeing the doddering old fool try to drink an ordinary glass of water in front of the American people.. LOL, Trump is quite the articulate one also. Isn't he? Well, actually I won't need to argue that point. I don't think even the Truplets will argue that. WE don't need any more investigations. Your candidate is doing a fine job losing the election on his own. Look at the lives lost due to his handling of the pandemic. Look at the dictatorship action against a peaceful protest. But you people enjoy that kind of totalitarianism. Until one day it hits you. Then you will wish you stood up to the dictator wanna be.
  6. Seriously, go read the Mueller report.Why do they to this day keep trying to block it's release? You think they would do that if it was good for Trump? Why did Flynn lie if there was nothing with the Russians. You saw the traitorous Helsinki meeting, right? Why is Trump going to court to block the release of his tax returns? So we all won't see his Russia deals. What did Trump do in the 90's when no US bank would do business with him? He went to the Russians. They now consider him an asset. He his neck deep with the Russians. Putin came right out and said he wanted Trump to win, Why? Use your brain man!!!! Hahaha
  7. Wow, dude, You have swallowed the whole jug of Kool-Aid. I feel sorry for you.
  8. And quite honestly , why hasn't the moderators closed this thread. This is a football Forum, not a corrupt dictator forum.
  9. What kind of a comment is it's "good vs evil" > You sound just as divisive as the guy you support. And I find it funny you say he loves his country. Honestly he couldn't care less about you or anyone else in this country. If he cared about his followers, he would jam them all into a huge auditorium and risk their lives for an ego boost. And if you really believe that over 1 million people requested tickets, I have some swamp land I'd like to sell you. The guy lies like it's breathing. When he got elected, I said I want to give him a chance. Was I wrong or what? Literally the most corrupt president in modern times. He's so desperate that he has to go to other countries to get help to get reelected, This being against the law mind you. The Donald Trump experiment will end this November. A colossal failure, and will go down in the history books as a corrupt dictator wanna be. He's a pathetic human being and a totally corrupt president. We will have a president that will hopefully try to unit the country that Donald Trump spent dividing. Your divisive comment just proves my point. It shouldn't be "us against them". This is The UNITED States of America. When you say we are not, you're going against what our forefathers fought for.
  10. I think 10 sacks are a possibility because of the talent around him
  11. Why not just ask how would we feel about a 3 game season?
  12. No worries, because I wasn't. I hate all mindless sheep, no matter what side of the aisle.
  13. Whoa Fergy, let's keep your fetishes out of this. Did your lunch pail murder a black man?
  14. You get your info from a website where people say this: Libsridiots He didn’t hit his head. It was his bike helmet that made the sound hitting the concrete. A fake blood package was found on him. He’s a Nazi liberal fraud.
  15. You're right. Without naming names, we see this at the top of of Government. It's sad how some people follow and can't think for themselves, or won't.
  16. I didn't mean that's the way for me, I meant that's the way the world is. It's pretty obvious when a "known" person gives an opinion , people give it more weight. You don't like it, you have made that clear, but you not liking it doesn't change reality. Like I said, it's just the way it is.
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