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Everything posted by first_and_ten

  1. Do you think Zay Jones will make the Wall some day?
  2. Well, they could say the charges were trumped up if some aspect of the report is false
  3. I like that thought. Of course, anyone who doesn't want to go should be able to get a full refund without losing their season ticket spot
  4. I think he was too good to pass up, so they drafted him. Simple as that. Haus is as good as gone.
  5. Just because an era has a ton of representation is not a reason on it's own to rule him out. He was the best at his position for a long time. Is special teams an integral part of winning and losing? Yes.So I say he does belong in the HOF. IMHO
  6. I hope he gets punished enough to make him think about losing something near and dear to him. Trying to lighten the punishment might hurt him in the long run.
  7. I think Josh will surprise many this year. He's very good on the intermediate completions. The long ball will come. I think this will be a major improvement this year. Watch out!!!!
  8. LOL, there is no all or none provision. They can sell the Sabres anytime they feel like it and keep the Bills
  9. I tend to agree with your assessment. I would add to your comment that right before halftime, it seemed as though He was playing for the field goal instead of a backbreaking touchdown. I do think that he learns from his mistakes though. Let's hope.
  10. Old man, it's way past your bed time And for my final statement: Don't worry yourselves Trumplets. It will all be over very soon. Trump losing, calling it rigged, being dragged from the White house by the same force he used on the innocent protesters and then being handcuffed and put in jail. The End!!! Happy ending anyway, for the country!!! Ciao Trumpers
  11. Did I hear an old man say something?? Speak up old timer!! A man who doesn't have the dexterity to drink a glass of water has the nuclear codes......OMG
  12. You're a fool. I sent you on a fools errand and you fell for it. What does that make you? A racist?
  13. You're hopeless. Aren't you supposed to be at a rally somewhere?
  14. That's good for you Well, you are old, right? So it's true
  15. Go away old man, isn't it past your bed time? hahaha..How's that?
  16. Yeah, thats Trump when he loses in Nov. And you and all the Trumplets At least you admit he will lose, thats a good first step
  17. All I will say to this inane argument is , November 3, 2020. The day America is taken back from the cowards and the racists!!
  18. Apples and oranges my friend. You choose to believe the racist is not a racist despite his history, then I'm done arguing with you. It's funny how closed minded Trump supporters are. Ciao, have fun in Nov watching him lose and being dragged out of the White House when he refuses to leave, LOL But I made a Trumplet look....hahaha Funny to hear a Trump supporter say you can't fix stupid. Hahah There is no vaccine for stupid, that's for sure!! hahahahah
  19. I gave you food for thought. You do what you want with it. I will say this, if a person supports him knowing he is a racist, then yes, that person is a racist. Or do you have another thought on that view? Yeah whatever helps you sleep LOL
  20. Why does that not surprise me, LOL you don't have to respond to my amateur post, right? Or are you on the edge of your seat waiting to respond? Hahaha
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