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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Well, until we find out what the illness is, its all speculation. But it sure smells like a "message sending" move. Either way, bad for him -- but I just never saw anything that indicated he might have character or wisdom issues (which, of course, is all relative, especially when considering how the NFL judges character - there is normally a strong correlation to ability and value to the team). Anyhow, in the harsh cruel world of the NFL and football fandomhood, I like really liked Kamar Aiken over him. I hope he gets a chance.
  2. good stuff, nice words, nice he is paying attention to the Bills . . . now, if we could just get his son up here, that would really mean something
  3. and of course, the mad geniuse running the Pats knows how to take full advantage of that
  4. ooohh! I got deafly sick on a batch of bad wings one time, it wasn't petty . . . but it passed in a day or two, can't believe that would keep you out two games
  5. weird man, really weird . . . by the way, the Bills let good players go to give this guy a chance, I can totally understand being upset if it was some kind of self-inflicted injury or illness.
  6. Spiller just frustrates me, and I think it's more an intelligence issue than an ability issue. What was his wonderlic score? I think I heard single digits. I know it was mentioned as one the all time lows. I know this doesn't sound nice, nor is it politically correct, but it seems to me that lack of ability to make a quick decision hurts him (I know, there are many exceptions to this theory; for example, I'm sure Trent Edwards had a much higher score than CJ and he seemed to have the same issue--but I would add, that there are many poster here on TBD who will point to the concussion game in Arizona and say he was never the same, and I tend to agree with that perspective). Back to Spiller: I think it shows when he is running, he seems to lack that mental acuemn to make an instant assessment and decision to hit the hole and go forward, or to try an alternative route (which he usually does, to the outside, and other than the TD yesterday, it seems to always be the wrong decision). If you've ever read the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, he explores this theory of mental process in a very engaging way. And I can't help but see applications to Spiller. The subtitle of the book is: "The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." Isn't that exactly what great players do? They make quick, instinctive decisions, and go without hesitation. Gladwell talks about and gives many good examples of how indecision causes so many problems in situations that call for quick mental process (like police work). I have to think playing football at it's highest level is a place where instant/instinctive decisions are called for on every play. Well, I hope he does get it one of these days. There is no doubt he has the physical tools, but he just hasn't put it together yet. But as a huge Bills fan, I really hope he does.
  7. I've got my wife trolling the internet for a Sam Chandler jersey today . . . nobody has it, can you believe these marketing fools
  8. great point, beat the best teams, and you'll get recognition . . . it can be earned, winning will fix this problem for us
  9. If the biggest thing we can complain about is a 3rd string QB who only converted a few short first down runs, and wasn't too impressive on kick-off return . . . well, it was a very good day. Because as we all know, converting 3rd and short yardage situations is so overrated in the NFL. By the way, he was pretty impressive on kick coverage -- always around the ball.
  10. A great win, but we have to take every team seriously. This is young team that needs to learn how to win. And one huge factor in learning how to win is learning how to forget yesterday's game and start focusing on the next opponent. This next game will be the next test of how far this team has come.
  11. They were better than last year the day they showed up for training camp . . . just look at the roster.
  12. "I'm also concerned about Spiller and would be interested in any insights into his play good and bad." This is all you need know, Jackson is the starter, and he has no reason to worry. Accept for the TD run, Spiller is the most frustrating player on the field for me to watch--he seems to have a knack for making a five yard gain a two yard loss, can't he just take what's given him? He is just so frustrating to watch as a RB. Regardless, loved everything else, a great a day to be a BIlls fan!
  13. My thoughts on the o-line: consistent push in the run game all day, protected well-only one sack and pretty solid protection against what was suppose to be a better d-line. I thought the left side was particularly strong in both the run and pass protection. If this can be turned into consistency, watch out!
  14. really? the Bills used a TE? to you Scott Chandler
  15. only rushed four all day, sometimes only three . . . didn't really worry about applying pressure. But I would guess that injury didn't help either
  16. why? better coaching better quarterback better running back better o-line better defense etc., etc.
  17. who cares, it's still an NFL team go Bills
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