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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Whatever. people like you make me want to trade the entire draft to trade up for a RB that we could have had at 57 anyway just to watch your head explode. stay safe out there. Enjoy your misery if they take Hall tonight.
  2. The point is, they are connected. If a RB is having a good game/year in fantasy they are likely producing for their teams in major ways. And that makes it beneficial to us. I don’t play fantasy anymore. But I laugh at guys like Schoop that will sit there and say things like “never ever a first round RB” and then in the next sentence talk about drafting Taylor or CMC as their #1 fantasy pick. It’s just comical.
  3. Recent movies being shot in Buffalo seem to suggest this is incorrect. There’s been more shot in Buffalo in previous years tho point to Buffalo actually spending some tax incentives to do it. I just think it looked bad for us and that’s why they nixxed it. Just my opinion.
  4. Yeah. It’s tough for people to argue against it but they somehow do. All because theyve been indoctrinated into thinking the RB position is useless. Yet every single year in fantasy leagues they are like the top 3-5 players taken. I guess those fantasy points don’t actually mean anything on the field during games.
  5. Yup. I’ve seen the line play in each of the last 3 years with Singletary as well. He doesn’t have it. He’s not any better than average. He’s exactly the kind of player you get at the position when you draft one in round 3 every year. At some point we need to stop spinning the wheels and just get a good one. oh, and they aren’t drafting an OL in the first round anyway because they have done too much this off-season to justify it. They are going into the season with what we have at OL regardless how many people think we’re taking one. Unless someone slides way down the boards and we pick them up in mid/late rounds that shouldn’t be there anyway. So what your saying is the RB had the ability to score from just about anywhere in the field and ripped off a 40 yard TD to make it 2 for him that day and you say he had nothing to do with winning the game? got it. Makes all the sense in the world now. Your football knowledge is baffling.
  6. Yet here we are, 4 years into Devin Singletary and we still can’t get 100 yards out of a RB. Isn’t that a reason you should find one young and in their prime in a rookie deal and have them locked up for 4-6 years while your QB is also in his prime and in a super bowl window? I forgot, we’re not talking logically. So yeah, we shouldnt draft a RB.
  7. Until one of them gets hurt. Because everyone gets hurt right. So maybe we should just exclude ourselves from the draft process altogether because eventually all these guys are gonna get hurt anyway. Or want big contracts when they get good
  8. Yeah I was wrong. But kinda right about the position and it’s importance. So I’ll take that.
  9. Well, you kinda made me look foolish but at the same time proved a point. In the Super Bowl the Chiefs won, they had Williams who rushed for over a hundred yards. A TD, a 6.1 yard average. Caught 4 passes for another 29 yards and another TD. All whine Mahomes only threw for a very low total (for him) of 286 yards. so your point about CEH is true. However it emphasizes the importance of a good RB that can be counted on in your offense. when they lost to the Buccs, CEH was limited to 64 yards. So the fact must be there that having a 100 yard RB is incredibly important to winning a SB. In that argument, Singletary will never get us there because he had like 2 his entire career.
  10. Maybe we should draft a punter in the first round because they never get hurt then.
  11. Well, the Ralph did have a small part in the movie so that might be why. Costner contacted Russ Brandon about a trade. It was about 30 seconds of Bills game in that movie. Brandon looked like a tool.
  12. This is comical. Hall is definitely better than CEH. In just about every way, shape, form. but the funny thing is, the year they had CEH healthy and actually contributing, they won a SB. How’s that wrench in your argument?
  13. Guys coming off the books like Singletary? Our only current RB that we have any trust in? How much more critical of an offensive piece can you get than being a player that is on the field for the offense more than anyone other than Allen or the OL. end of the day, when you find a good one you don’t have to worry about the position for a few years. Which goes for pretty much every position in the league. But it’s obvious we keep looking for a RB considering we’ve drafted 2 of them in recent years, and picked up multiple FAs every year looking for that piece. We just haven’t found it yet.
  14. Yes they are. Can’t stand listening to them loose their minds but I love the thought of them being unhappy. Lol.
  15. From Punta Cana, happy draft day fyi, I didn’t actually take this pic. Apparently every pic on my phone is too large to be added. Still don’t know why or how that works. Not very tech savvy. But this is where I’m currently at all week. LAMP I guess. But I’ll take it.
  16. As far as personality, I have no idea if he’s a fit. And I’ll admit that if he’s an @&$hole, I wouldn’t want him. But if Beane and Co believe he’s a fit then who am I to judge. But to your point about him being a triplet, yes. 100% he has the ability to step in and be one of the better backs in the league immediately. Especially in this offense, with Allen as his QB and Diggs and the other WRs giving him opportunities to shine.
  17. Well. Like I said, I disagree with just about all of that. What your saying is you’d rather draft a guy that is below average just so you don’t have to pay him big money in a few years. Makes lots of sense. Hey, that’s your Opinion, I’m fine if you want that but I don’t. shelf lives of RBs are short in the NFL. That’s why you want a good, young RB having his prime years with your team. If he holds out or wants a trade because he’s so good, so be it. Apparently he was so good that happened. Imagine Leveon Bell (talent alone) having his prime years with this team at the same time Allen and Diggs are having their prime years. Sounds terrible I know. the reason why you want 1 good RB and not 3 is because then you never have to substitute certain backs in for certain situations. The offense doesn’t become so predictable. I’m decent years because of our “rotation” When certain players are in you can tell it’s going to be a run or a pass. Ya I f one good back able to do everything well eliminates that anticipation from the defense. hey, you do you. But at the end of the day, other than CB (the consensus pick around here) Hall or an early RB picked would would be an immediate upgrade over what we currently have than any other position on the roster. If we were to pick him at 25 he would be the best player at his position available vs the 4th, 5th or 6th best left at WR, OL, CB, S, LB. I’m not going to take Hall is Olave, Garrett, Williams, Hamilton, Gardner, Stingley are all gone, but that’s likely not going to happen. He’s a playmaker and it’s something we are missing on this team. A player that can take it the distance in any given play. Rushing or receiving. If you don’t feel that way it’s fine. Really, the only person that matters in deciding this is Beane and he’s the one making the decision. Like I’ve said before in one of these countless threads, everyone seems to be impressed with Beane and give him benefit of doubt because of this. So what’s going to happen when he picks a player that many don’t want. Most likely everyone’s head will explode….. until September and Hall is having 100 yards games, scoring TDs and all the sudden they will say they were happy with it all along. Which we all know will be a lie. enjoy draft day no matter who they pick. You don’t have any control over it anyway. Go Bills Schoop is an idiot. He doesn’t really want or believe that he says things in radio because he thinks he knows what he’s talking about. He doesn’t. He’s an asshat and should end his career. Nobody wants to listen to him talking about non sport related things all the time anyway. Like 3 hours in a show of what vegetables are best or some crap.
  18. Originally Buffalo was supposed to be the main character team. I believe they opted against it because it would have made us look foolish based on the storyline. I don’t remember exactly. But it was talked about when the movie came out.
  19. It will be ongoing for the rest of his career. Might make a new record for longest ongoing thread. Every single play he’s ever been on the field for will be critiqued.
  20. However based on your argument, If literally any single player at any position in the entire NFL plays really well in the first 2 seasons, they will do the same exact thing that claim a RB would do. And the fact is still that RBs make significantly less than just about any position in the league that isn’t a kicker or punter. not to mention, if your RB is truly doing that well that he holds out for a bigger contract, then he’s probably on his way to and extremely great career. God forbid we sign a player that playing really great and making differences on the field. Or maybe when he becomes so well and a problem, you just trade him to another team and get draft picks for him. The possibilities are endless.
  21. Been saying this for weeks and somehow nobody wants to acknowledge it.
  22. This reason alone makes me want to draft Hall in the first round. Maybe we can drive Schoop insane to the point that he jumps off a bridge.
  23. IF… a big IF, Williams makes it to 13-15. Beane should be on the phone with every team that’s on the clock until we make the trade, or he gets drafted.
  24. Ouch. So tough. love: -Hamilton, Gardner, Stingley in a trade if they fall to about 15. -Hall if a trade up happens expect: -Booth/Hill -Sky Moore/Pickins Settle: -Hall -Woolen/Gordon/Emerson/Cross/Pitre
  25. I know this is fake because it hasn’t been New Era stadium in a while. Nice try though. 🤢 🤮
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