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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Our top 5 in WR's in pretty similar, I have Burks not quite as high mainly because I was reading into some of the comments of Beane seeming to stress speed. I am very intrigued by Burks physical capabilities and what that could add to the offense. What is it that makes you rate him 2nd?
  2. I am still all about getting Jameson Williams with our 1st round pick. If you read in-between-the-lines from what Brandon has been saying, he wants speed at the receiver spot who can get you that RAC and he wants to get after the QB. I do expect the Bills to get a receiver with one of the first three picks and Jameson Williams seems to have that Tyreek sort of speed and ability and his rehab seems to be coming along ahead of schedule. Jameson Olave Drake London Garret Wilson Dotson In that order - they are all worthy of a first round pick ahead of other positional needs. I just think the Bills should continue to build around Josh Allen. Potential second-fifth round picks at the WR for me would be: Pickens Burks Christian Watson (physical freak) Calvin Austin Sky Moore Velus Jones In that order Out of all these players, Burks fits the least in the mold of a speed receiver but his sheer size and physical strength and giving a potentially excellent big target specially so in the red zone is a bit enticing. But there is plenty of speed to be had in the draft at this spot. It is one of the deepest WR drafts that I can remember. There are probably at least 10 bonafide starters to be had.
  3. No doubt he has been acting a fool and is still a very immature kid. But I feel for him, to get crushed by everyone on social media the way he and Mahomes soon to be wife, it's gotta be tough.
  4. Admittedly, I was a huge fan of Isabella coming out of college. It's bewildering to me that he hasn't put up hardly any production at all. Sometimes a change of scenery can do wonders for anyone who is stuck in their career. He probably could be had for a 6th rounder, and as fast as he is and as productive as he was in college, I think he could be the backup behind Beasley slot receiver for the team and who knows, if he works out maybe he could end up being the slot receiver for the team. I think trading a 6th rounder for a flyer for him is definitely worth it.
  5. He'd be a year to year rental and he's still playing at a well above average level, specially so when you consider his blocking. I also believe that the Bills will be getting a WR with one of their 3 draft picks, so I don't believe it would be an either or decision. Were you a part of this board when Tim Graham used to post here?
  6. He'd be a great signing. He's a proven winner which would instill even more confidence in the team, he is a phenomenal blocker which would help out the run game, he is still a very productive receiver and having him and Knox in our 12 personnel formations would give lots of protection to Josh, improve the run game and give us a phenomenal play action ability. Even with our 1 TE formations, they could rotate and keep each other fresh. Sign me up all day.
  7. Sure, you can make an argument to justify that amount, he certainly is deserving to have a top contract but at that contract level and considering their cap situation, it would make it very difficult for them to improve upon the team that they currently have.
  8. He looked pretty darn good against double teams and top competition. Even with the double teams he wasn’t getting pushed back. Also his bull rush is effective in helping collapse the pocket. I think the bigger risk for Davis is he willing to do what it takes to continue to improve? Is he willing to work at his craft and get in great shape? Interviews will be hugely important to determine if he is a 1st or 2nd round pick.
  9. I would love to have Hunt but I also believe Cordarrelle Patterson would also be a great fit. He would not only be the relief back that shares time with Singletary but he would also replace the Jet sweeps that we used to do with McKenzie. I see him being able to be an upgrade at both of those situations and he could play as a receiver on certain situations both on the outside and slot. He was with the Falcons last year for $3M but as good as a year he had, he is going to command a lot more this year. If the Bills could get him for around $5-$6M a year on a two year, then I'd all be for it. I just don't think he will be available at that price. I would love to have either of the two.
  10. I hear ya, but I didn't see that level of inconsistency from him for Georgia. If anything, for me the main concern was his conditioning and can he become a disciplined pro and correct that and get in better shape. He does play a bit upright and that would certainly have to improve but he did take on lots of double teams and he was a mammoth of a beast to move. Does he show lots of quickness and penetrating sort of DT play like Jordan Phillips? Yeah, he does but that isn't a knock if anything it's an added feature. You could end up being right that maybe he just becomes a decent player in the league and nothing more and I think you can always look at most players and find weaknesses to their game, but I think his floor is about as high as any DT in the draft and from my view at a very minimum he becomes a good run stuffing DT who can make some plays behind the line of scrimmage and at best become a dominant run stopper.
  11. If you can sign him to a multi year deal for around $10M a year average - sign him up. If not, trade him - I think you could get a 2nd rounder for him, I believe that a few GM's value him higher than the board does.
  12. I've said many times before that I never liked the idea of drafting a run plugging DT for your first round choice and that typically if you are going to draft a first round DT it should be someone who can penetrate and make lots of plays behind the line of scrimmage. The more I have seen video of Jordan Davis the more my view on him particularly is evolving. I can't think of anyone since Ndamukong Suh and Haloti Ngata a player dominate and stop the run as effectively as Jordan Davis. He's not just an effective run plugger, he very likely will become an elite run stuffer, top 3 kind of guy. He will always command a double team, he would most certainly free up Oliver to make even more plays behind the line of scrimmage. When you have someone who is that elite at stopping the run and who is that imposing of a figure, it alters the scheme. He changes the whole dynamic on how a team has to attempt to attack your defense, not to mention he would be a handful in the pass rush. Not so much that he himself would get lots of sacks or pressures, because most likely he wouldn't get all that many but what he would do is assist the team pass rush by helping close the pocket and freeing up other players, especially Linebackers. I'm definitely warming up to Jordan Davis if we don't go WR which is what I'd like for the team to draft in the first round.
  13. Bill Maher is an old school Liberal, he was always against the pc culture, back when it wasn’t so identifiable with the left. Now that being pc or woke is so part of the modern day lefty, they hate him for it. Its not that Maher has shifted away from his roots, it’s the left who have shifted away from him.
  14. Stafford will be fine, he won’t lose a single advertising dollar or anything over it. As it should be. The girl on the other hand….
  15. So in the end what will happen is that this girl will lose her job because ultimately she accidentally fell and the intrawebs was big mad that Stafford was being criticized.
  16. Apparently I have a few pals here who are walking parodies of people that use the same 5 words to avoid any critical thought. So I was told. I figured I’d drop on by and check out who they were.
  17. What about @Doc Brown ? He seems to be pretty moderate, he gets PPP and everything that comes with it.
  18. Maybe, but I saw it more as a "Oh *****, I don't want to be involved and let me just look away".
  19. I'm sorry, you felt the need to respond to my innocuous first post of this thread on the subject and for some reason it triggered you enough to project the criticisms that you have on the person who started the thread onto me. Nowhere did I say that Stafford should have jumped down to save the guy or call him a scumbag or anything of the sort. What I said was that he never exhibited not one iota of concern. Which is not a good look, no matter who you are or what socioeconomic class you come from. And yeah, sometimes when you are hammered it can cause you to not do things that good humans would do. Doesn't mean it's a reflection of who you are, it's just a bad personal moment. Lord knows that I have done plenty of things in my past when I have been inebriated that I've been embarrassed about. Personally, I'm just going to chalk this up to him being hammered and Stafford just having a bad moment.
  20. Judging by Beane's comments, it looks like he wants to try to upgrade some components of the O line. I suppose I will never be opposed to that but I thought the offensive line in it's latest iteration of it was pretty good. I'd rather have them look to add more speed and dynamism with the skilled positions but if they decide to improve upon the O line, I'd be just fine with that.
  21. Empathy and compassion are not the same as virtue signaling. Virtue signaling would be to post on social media how you were there to care for that person so that everyone knows. Empathy and compassion would be shown in the actual moment showing concern for the individual. However, you and Drdoogie have somehow twisted it that if someone points out that Stafford didn't appear to show empathy that it must be because they want to virtue signal their moral superiority and that they are coping with the failures of their life, or some sort of dime store psychology BS.
  22. I don’t know man, it appears to me that you are trying to project that you are morally superior because you are saying that he should show some compassion. You should really try to find another coping mechanism for your mediocrity.
  23. For you, he doesn’t have to do *****. That’s fine, that’s your view. I’m not going to overall judge him as a person because he had one moment where it appeared him not having any empathy or care for the woman. Maybe he was too hammered to care or to react like a good human, who knows. But whatever it was, it most certainly wasn’t a good look.
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