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Everything posted by Magox

  1. We can take Ogbah off the potential Edge acquisitions board.
  2. Before his injury last year, he had 26 total sacks the two previous years.
  3. This is another quality pass rusher that is now available to be had. There should be a pretty hot market for this guy.
  4. They're coming. Expect Diggs extension any day now and a restructure from Dawkins as well.
  5. Is it possible the Bills make a splash? Sure, but this signing does not indicate that at all. The Bills have at least 15 holes to fill and I think the probability of a Splash move doesn't appear to be likely. I hope that I'm wrong.
  6. Yes, he has a "pay raise", most likely in the form of a bonus that will be spread out over the remainder of the cap and probably his Salary will probably be converted into a bonus to be spread out as well. Probably a cap savings of around $3-$4 million for this year. This actually appears to be a pretty good value signing, if he is able to maintain his play which is above average on pass protection and average for run blocking, it's a good deal for the Bills.
  7. I would but I'm on vacation with the family and this just came off the top of my head.
  8. It’s another hole that will have to be filled. Departures/possible Departures QB - Trubisky RB - Breida, Taiwan Jones WR - Sanders, Beasley OL - Mongo, Darryl Williams,Boettger, Bates, Ford TE - Gilliam, Sweeney DL- Addison, Hughes, Obada, Butler, Star, Phillips LB - Klein, Matakavich DB - Levi Wallace That’s 21 possible departures with a high likelihood of somewhere between 15-18 of them not being on the squad next year. Thats potentially more turnover than we have had in years.
  9. I think the Bills wanted Beasley and when Beasley asked for a trade they went to plan B. Not sure of the contract details but I wouldn’t be surprised that some of it is with incentives and that the cap hit is less than $3m for this year. With Emmanuel and Beasley most likely gone that still means the Bills have to find another two WR’s. The draft is deep with receivers, I think they pick up both there.
  10. Obviously Gronk would be better than Engram, I don't think anyone really disagrees with that. However, if you can't get Gronk or anyone else they really covet as a TE, Engram could serve as a quasi TE/Slot receiver in essence replacing some of Beasley's snaps. He would be a much better blocker at that spot who could come down and do some effective crack back blocking. I think they could get creative with him in the lineup and with his elite athleticism he would present matchup problems for the defense. Does anyone really think that Engram with Josh Allen wouldn't produce a revived Engram? I think we would see the best version of him yet. I think the Bills have a compelling argument to make to obtain his services, reviving his career with a 1-2 year prove it sort of deal which could be had around the $5mish sort of range.
  11. As you know, Buffalo uses heavy rotation, if they can't get plan A such as a Chandler, Miller or even Jadaveon, then I wouldn't be surprised that they will look to get someone who is good at getting after the QB and wouldn't be used on many running anticipated downs. The guys I listed would fit the Bill just fine for that purpose.
  12. No doubt that Chandler and Jones are 1 and 2, but any of the guys you just mentioned would be an upgrade to a current version of Addison or Hughes. Obviously we all want one of those two guys, but if you are unable to get them, there are upgrades still available. I think too many people think that there has to be some sort of a remake or something along those lines to win a Championship, I honestly believe we were good enough last year and as luck and a bad decision or two would have it, we didn't do it. Improvements on the margins gives us an excellent shot at Home field advantage.
  13. I think Chandler is #1 or #2 along with Von Miller on the top FA target, but there are other good capable 10+ sack guys to be had.
  14. Out of all those the only two contenders for the Superbowl are the Broncos and Bills. Dolphins and Eagles are playoff contenders, the Seahawks and Falcons are on the outside looking in. I do think the Bills will make a strong push for Chandler.
  15. Lavrov is Baghadad Bob. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised that that at least half from what you are hearing from the Ukrainians is untrue as well. Let's not forget that Ukrainians are cut from the same cloth as the Russians.
  16. There is so much propaganda and disinformation from both sides it’s hard to know what is true or not, specially so war time propaganda. With that said, it’s pretty clear Russia miscalculated. They thought this was going to be a Crimea Redux, where they would roll in and it would be a lay down within a few days. Not only did they miscalculate their Military efforts but they underestimated the response by the rest of the world and now their economy is in tatters. It will take a decade for them to recover.
  17. There is a small movement but a movement none the less within the educational system to attempt to teach children distorted views on race and gender. There are educational crazies and academics who believe that parents should have less parental rights and cede some ground to the state. It absolutely exists and those voices are growing. I would have never have imagined how amplified the voices of the unhinged and radical left have become. They have the backing from many of the editorial boards of major newspapers such as The NY Times. Even though the DeSantis bill is in part performative it also draws distinct political fault lines of those that want to defend in this case Classroom instruction on sexual orientation from our educators for 5-8 year olds and parents who want more say of what is being taught in school. DeSantis is one of the most politically astute politicians that I can remember in a very long time. This is a great political battle for him and for those that are defenders of “parental rights”. Maybe some years back it would have been very risky to undertake this fight because of how dishonest the media is when it comes to correctly describing the hat the bill does and doesn’t do. Predictably the left and their media lapdogs are distorting the bill as some sort of homophonic bill that shuts down free speech. Where they and Hollywood can vapidly chant and tweet “Gay Gay Gay” as if they are being defiant to some tyrant. It’s a boogeyman, there is no there there. The days of the legacy media having an outsized influence are long gone. Their role is diminishing and the fact that DeSantis is able to deftly pick his battles and articulate his views presents a threat to the left. This is yet just another attempt of the left trying to tear down DeSantis and they will lose this argument as well just like they did with all the Florida COVID hysterics. DeSantis will cruise to victory in Florida and defeat Crist by anywhere from 5-9 points. Then he will be well-positioned to take on Trump for the GOP presidential primary.
  18. He could actually play a quasi slot/TE role. Extremely athletic and you can see that he has a somewhat thick build.
  19. I’m all for getting an elite or high end pass rusher, but Mack’s production has been declining. He hasn’t had over 9 sacks since 2019. He is just coming off of an injury. He has a huge cap hit. I know money can be moved around but this is a lot more money that would be tied up for next year than let’s say a Von Miller or Chandler Jones. It is a legitimate question to ponder why his sack totals have declined. I would much rather go after Chandler Jones or Von Miller, pay less and not have to give up picks. Mack may pan out, but I think there are better options considering the above.
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