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Everything posted by Magox

  1. I don’t know man, it appears to me that you are trying to project that you are morally superior because you are saying that he should show some compassion. You should really try to find another coping mechanism for your mediocrity.
  2. For you, he doesn’t have to do *****. That’s fine, that’s your view. I’m not going to overall judge him as a person because he had one moment where it appeared him not having any empathy or care for the woman. Maybe he was too hammered to care or to react like a good human, who knows. But whatever it was, it most certainly wasn’t a good look.
  3. Even if I'm tipsy, I would have at least reacted like "Oh crap! You ok?" As opposed to "I want no part of this, let me dip". Doesn't mean that he needed to hop down and medically assist her, just a simple reaction of concern while others were attending would have at least been human. In any case, it's certainly not a good look. But he did react, he chose to immediately turn his back without showing one iota of concern. That was his reaction.
  4. I made this analogy with my brother and father @Deadstrokewell over a year ago. I told them that after the Broncos game and that how everything had slowed down and his processing skills while evading the rush reminded me of NEO in the Matrix. I do believe he is the one and I do believe that he will bring multiple Lombardi trophies to Buffalo.
  5. If surrounded by a good football team, you can go deep in the playoffs with David Carr. He's easily worth $35 M - $40M a year based off of some of the recent contracts. With that said, Josh Allen's contract was an outright steal for the Bills organization.
  6. That made no sense. The point being that Star didn't mess hardly any games, out of 80 possible regular season games, he started 77 of them for Carolina. When Beane signed him, he was a dependable player.
  7. How many games did Star miss in his 5 years with Carolina?
  8. As great as he talent as he is, Beane values availability and Hunter has only played in 7 games the past two years.
  9. He will be gone by the time the Bills pick
  10. Flores is coming off petty and bitter. His lawyers should have really talked him out of that statement.
  11. I don’t see the Bills giving him a 5 year extension, unless they can get him for around $10m a year. I just don’t see it, and if they don’t give him the extension then I believe the Bills will try to trade him for a 2nd rounder. If they do trade him, I would expect that they ask Klein for a small pay cut, Klein would be the interim replacement until they draft the guy they are looking for. For around $12m, they could pick up a good pass rusher. I like Edmunds, he’s a better than average MLB, but resource allocation is getting tight and honestly I think they getting that pass rusher serves better value than the delta between Edmunds and his replacement.
  12. Lamar is certainly a unique weapon and is difficult to contain. But I just seeing his most potent part of his game diminishing in the coming years. I think 2-3 years from now they will regret that decision to pay him those sort of bucks. Meanwhile it appears that the Bills got an absolute bargain with the Allen deal.
  13. So he’s another burner, some think there is a chance that he may run in the 4.2’s. I was just looking at his highlights and not only does he catch lots of deep passes but he seems to really excel with the slant pattern. Beasley was our slant specialist this past year. They say he has great hands as well.
  14. This is who I want with our 2nd round pick, he may not be available by then. The dude is crushing it at the Senior bowl, no one can cover him and he may end up running in the low 4.3’s at the combine. He would replace McKenzie and probably would end up with more playing time than Beasley. And for such a small guy he would end up being a great red zone option, his separation skills are on point.
  15. I do believe Buffalo is in the market for an early round DT draft choice. However, if it's going to be a first rounder I believe it has to be someone who isn't just going to be a decent run stuffer but it would have to be someone who they believe could put consistent pressure on the QB. You don't draft 1st Round DT's who are just run stuffing specialists.
  16. Diggs. White and Dawkins are obvious restructure candidates. I don’t believe the Bills will see Edmunds as part of their future based at what his market rate most likely will fetch combined with our cap situation. I think it’s very possible the Bills will look to trade Edmunds for a 2nd rounder. The Bills may ask Klein for a pay cut and have him be the interim replacement until they find one via the draft. I think Addison, Hughes, Wallace, Butler and McKenzie are gone. I think Beasley stays, he is most likely a lot more valued from the Bills brass than half the fans are. Aside from Gabe Davis, Beasley the only other receiver that had a pretty good game. Phillips will be retained. The young DE’s in Epenesa, Rousseau and Basham will be counted on to perform. I do believe that Beane will get a marquee DE via trade or FA. Marquee meaning proven pass rusher. I think the Bills may look to move on from Star and count on Zimmer and what I think will be an early round DT to replace Star and Butler.
  17. The window will always remain in provided we have a healthy Josh Allen. The question is how big is that window and that window for the next couple years is still pretty big.
  18. I hear what you are saying but I do not agree with it. Legislation or rule making don't serve as catalysts to social change but rather people and movements do. The Rooney Rule has been around for quite some time and we still only have 1 black head coach. That's proof in itself. Sometimes stereotypes and prejudices take a while to overcome, specially for the older Boomers (no offense fellas) who happen to make up most of the owners. It will happen, it's just a matter of time before a more proportionate percentage of minority coaches are in place. And the cost of the Rooney rule to what Black head coaches have to go through, knowing that often times it's just a sham of a process. Essentially the rule in 98% of the times is not a genuine interview but rather a tool to satisfy this rule. I suppose if I were in that position, on one hand you gotta go, you have to play ball and see what happens but deep down I would find it somewhat humiliating knowing that I was just being interviewed for the Rooney rule. It's time to end this rule and move on to something better.
  19. I always thought the Rooney rule was a sham and truth be told very insulting for a lot of these minority coaches that have to go through this song and dance knowing that they were simply a manufactured tool to suffice the Rooney rule. I was hesitant to bring it up in the past because the fault lines were apparent and it would just devolve into this basic argument where one side would be cast as racists for making their case and the other side as nonsensical. But I do believe that this Flores court case will allow most people to reexamine the Rooney rule and understand that even though it was well-intentioned, that it wasn't the right solution. It's difficult to legislate or in this case create a rule to help create the change in having a more diverse coaching league, there clearly is something wrong in the vetting process considering that over half the NFL players are African Americans and that at this particular point less than 3% of the NFL teams have an African American coach. Typically change like this is brought upon by society not rules. With all that said, we don't have all the facts but there may be a chance that Flores being sacked from the Dolphins had nothing to do with race and that the allegations against the Giants and Broncos may have not either. It looks like Flores didn't want to play along with Ross's unsavory plans and that Ross didn't think he could trust him going forward. The Broncos say they have all the receipts to prove what Flores says is false, whether that is true or not I suppose we'll find out. And there are reports that the Giants satisfied the Rooney rule before they were set to interview Flores.
  20. I would have to imagine the allegations against Ross are true. Pretty damning and I would suspect a full blown investigation. Flores strikes me as an honest straight shooter. With that said, he is burning bridges along the way and without doubt he is limiting his opportunities. He’s entangling a number of other people in this ordeal and I cannot imagine that there are quite a few influential people who are unhappy with this.
  21. Bottom line, the Bills were good enough to beat the Chiefs and possibly win the superbowl under it's current construct if it weren't for the last 13 seconds, which if the Bills were to have the same situation 10 more times, they most likely win all 10 of those games. With that said, the more I think about it the more it makes sense to play Mahomes on obvious passing situations with 3 pass rushers and one spy, and the spy should never look to have his hands up so that he gets juked with the pass attempt by Mahomes and his only job is to drop back, Spy and take out any passes in his area and when the moment presents itself, to go in like a heat seeking missile on Mahomes. That should be part of the blue print, along with two deep safety play.
  22. The point is that they have not prioritized via the draft or any real substantive value in FA at the DB spot, they have used caste offs, aging vets, low draft picks and UFA’s to fill in the roster. Grant it, there is a question mark of when Tre will return and with Levi most likely heading off for bigger bucks, so there is more uncertainty this year at that spot than in years past. I as well want to spend our draft capital on the offensive skilled positions and hopefully they go into the season with Dane and Tre and draft a couple early mid to mid rounders on DB’s and develop them.
  23. The bottom line, when the Bills needed players to make plays on offense, Beasley showed up against the Chiefs. I think they will ask him to take a pay cut. McKenzie I believe is as good as gone. Buffalos offense is playing at an elite level, that doesn’t mean you stop getting him more weapons. As far as I’m concerned, let’s continue to load it up and make it even better.
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