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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Oh for sure! Plus it got Matt some much needed reps and probably why we let him throw some more when we could of ran the clock out on the ground.
  2. Ha I was thinking you may have been tippin a few lol
  3. Was thinking the same things! They had a tough time with our 2s and 3s. There is zero controversy
  4. Ohio State to UNC to Bills via un drafted FA practice squad downhill power back- good?
  5. Thats up to you. I never mentioned an elimination of anything or anyone.
  6. Imagine that TD drop happening in say, the AFC championship game, down by 5, 4th quarter, 4th down with 5 seconds left. This is where the dilemma is.
  7. Then Mahomes does not play- its the rules that every team has had to adhere to all season.
  8. PCL backside, ACL front side, MCL inside, LCL outside - quick anatomy via nurse Dave
  9. Time of possession against the Pats for us right around 40 minutes. The Pats D was gassed from our high octane office.
  10. You have to beat the teams you are supposed to beat and step on the neck of wounded ones- we have done that this year minus Arizona. We let them off the hook at the end on the Hail Mary.
  11. How many years were you in school? SUNY schools are not all that expensive. Are you not getting a return on your investment?
  12. Season ticket holder here- I have not heard anything about who gets the opportunity or not but most likely it will be based on seniority. Thats my non political answer and damn that was hard!!! 😜
  13. Not me, always thought Gilmore was a jerk and glad he is gone.
  14. Love the power ranking and all but nothing trumps wins and hoisting the Lombardi.
  15. Fromm? No you play Barkley and get him the reps.
  16. Im a healthcare worker and should be vaccinated soon. I would soooo go!!!
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