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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. A tad harsh- his choice not to get vaccinated. He certainly did not help himself by spouting off on social media. The smart play would have been to retire if your convictions are that strong. For what it is worth, there is a significant amount of people residing in this country that do not want the vaccine- roughly 30 percent will not get shot number 1 in the arm for a myriad of reasons- tolerance is key.
  2. Not wise to air your bs on social media. He could have announced retirement gracefully without the LAMP. The NFL lost so much revenue last year that Coles stunt will not cause the league to blink.
  3. You are right- my only point is he appears to be choosing a path of freedom- through his lense.
  4. Devils advocate- maybe it is not about the “5 minutes”. Maybe he doesnt want the vaccine. Americans have choices and consider he may just have had enough and ready to move ahead, on his own terms.
  5. No- guy is a cancer- our culture says not a chance he is welcomed here.
  6. Have you watched him run the past 2 seasons? Bell has lost a step and is a cancer- hard pass.
  7. Now that really is painful! You are definitely scarred lol
  8. Eh you Williamsville boys were always a bunch of wimps lol- disclaimer: My boys went to Casey and North 😜
  9. Ive always felt that Mitch is fixable and was in a terrible situation, much like Darnold.
  10. The moderators work very hard on arguably one of the best fan forums in sports. I have been here for a long time- so there is an ad you have to click to get in? Damn what a sarcastic idiotic LAMP. Been here a long time, appreciate what you all do. His sarcastic rhetoric is ridiculous.
  11. And also sends a horrible message through the locker room. Also, future restructures or reductions may be more difficult.
  12. And we will have 9 home games Ever been to Yuma?
  13. I did not see anything wrong with her either.
  14. I am a club holder- the email I received on the 6th of May stated a promo code would be sent on the morning of the 13th and I will be able to purchase up to 6 for each game.
  15. Let this fuel us! Last I checked, Diggs led the league in yards. This is all offseason fodder. I saw we put our foot on every teams neck that we play.
  16. This may be an unpopular take, but my hope is Ford excels in year 3 and becomes that mauling guard we need in the run game. On to Morse, as good as he is in pass pro, he doesn’t do overly well when we run and his concussions are a concern. Feliciano as the starting center might be the better option. Feliciano is much better than average.
  17. If he could play OT - I am hopeful year 3 is his year in the interior
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