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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Looks healthy and his space eating makes the entire D better. He is getting off the ball quick too.
  2. I really don’t- the guy is a 2 or a 3 on other teams. Just an average back. Moss should be the 1, and really he is a 2 also.
  3. Exactly- people cannot understand that simple concept. Im not complaining- just pointing out the obvious. No, that was not my point with the fireworks. Point was, a simple 10k makes it messy, imagine 80k. Oh well, doesnt matter they will put it where they want it.
  4. Well, with at least 250 home games under my belt and more with Sabres games, I can with certainty say it is much much different. I really shouldn’t have to explain the differences if you have been to the stadium and arena when at full capacity. Now, add 40-60k downtown and perhaps you can formulate a viable conclusion.
  5. 15-20k huge difference from 60k plus fans and another 20k tailgating. C’mon PTR you can do better than that 😂 Yeah, a boat in November and December when Marinas are closed lol
  6. The problem we face with a downtown stadium is infrastructure. There just is not enough entry/exit points and the ones that are; Route 5, 190, 33 etc just cannot handle the volume of traffic once you hit Buffalo cholk points. Ever leave after a packed Sabres game or event at the Arena? The area would have to invest at minimum 2-3 billion just in infrastructure to make it work. UB is not viable either! Maple, Audobon, Millersport, and the 990 aint gonna cut it either. Leaving UB fireworks with maybe 10k people is comical.
  7. That sums it up! Camel Toe said today- The Biden Administration needs to be investigated for the “horse” incident at the Texas border. Yeah um first, you are part of the administration and second, you were tapped to be in charge of the border! You just cannot make this ***** up lol
  8. Exactly- folks need to relax. The kid had very few reps in pre season and just needs to get into a groove while focusing on fundamentals; Not throwing off his back foot for one. Our O line needs to play better. People forget our stud LT was very sick with CV.
  9. Two games into the season and the third game we would annoint JA a failure after going to the AFC East Championship Game last year? Call me crazy, but I am for the benefit of the doubt here.
  10. A receiver like Diggs needs to run the entire route tree. Our O line does not run block well- a simple harmless sweep can turn into a change of direction and get him destroyed. I do applaud your sarcasm- I forgot how this place tends to operate 😊
  11. How about no! He is one of the best route runners in the league. You want him getting hurt running the ball either on sweeps ornup the gut?
  12. Yeah, keep telling yourself that! Personally, I dont care what a politician says as long as they have good policy- that is what matters. Bidens policies are terrible…but I should not have to point all the ***** over 8 months. Eight months and he is clinging on for dear life. And Kamala: 35 Percent Approval- why- because she is incompetent.
  13. Correct- I lived through it and my guess you have as well, albeit I was 8 but remember gas lines, Iran hostages, and my parents talking about how bad the inflation was. As a nation, we must rid ourselves of all the corrupt 3 letter agencies, career politicians, and dirty judges. Academia could use an overhaul as well- we could go on and on….
  14. Building our stadium on or near ancient indian burial grounds is where I cast blame- just sayin’
  15. I typically avoid this site along with anything NFL for a few days. The Pitt loss stings - it was there but we all know what went wrong.
  16. Singletary was getting the tough yards- analytics speaking I would say the right call was running the ball. You are right, lots of blame to go around. Morse is absolutely terrible in the run game and our tackles were getting owned in pass pro. Daboll must figure out how to run this offense out of different formations. Defenses know exactly what is coming at them. Miami is going to be a tough game and we best get our problems corrected.
  17. Year 4 franchise QBs should not be “jittery”. Swagger and confidence with good mechanics was missing. Daboll did not help him out with a putrid game plan and play calling, especially in critical situations i.e. 4th and 1.5 - what the F was that backwards pass to Breida? Tight games you slam that rock up the gut.
  18. Daboll’s formations are all too predictable- last week was an epic fail on his part.
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