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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. He had one pulled hamstring for sure, so his injury history includes a pulled hamstring. Someone doesn't have a history of heart attacks unless they've had more than one? Those articles talk about various sports medicine approaches to ensuring hamstring pulls don't become a chronic thing. Once you pull it once, you get a bit of scar tissue because the muscle fibers never heal back exactly the same. It increases the chance of re-injury. My whole point is that the bills sports medicine department is easing him into the season. One of those articles talks about the importance of core strength in preventing hamstring injuries and re-injury. Running fatigues your core, more plays means more core fatigue. He is on a pitch count until he gets into game shape given his injury history.
  2. Yes. https://www.thephysiocompany.com/blog/michael-owen-and-the-curse-of-his-recurring-hamstring-injuries http://chicagosportsinstitute.com/articles/how-to-prevent-hamstring-pulls/ https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/2017/07000/A_Multifactorial,_Criteria_based_Progressive.25.aspx
  3. This was my favorite: Also, everyone said he couldn't throw with touch, like he literally couldn't do it, then he threw a td in the Senior Bowl with touch and it was like um wait a second, people are not being objective! Check 43 seconds and 1:40
  4. The bills didn't go qb first though, they traded Mahomes for White and then traded a bunch of players for assets, and used those to trade up for Allen the next year. I know Beane joined after the draft, and you would have a point that the team didn't actually start rebuilding until Beane joined. To me there is a huge component in looking for and exploiting value. Allen's lack of coaching, being incredibly smart, being off the charts dedicated and showing he could throw with touch in the Senior bowl after a week of nfl coaching... this really wasn't that difficult of a choice if you had the information and valued the right things. I don't have a point I don't think, or maybe I do. I haven't slept more than three hours in a night since Friday night, I'm up again and I'm losing my mind a bit 🙃
  5. Come on, Singletary has a history of hamstring pulls. Anyway, different positions and different players would have different individualized ramp up plans. Look at Jamal Adams, that's a muscle fatigue injury as well leading the muscle not being able to support the force and causing the tendin to tear. Knock on wood, but how many of those have we seen the last few years outside of potentially Tre, but that might have just been an unlucky cleat stud grabbing at the wrong time. Also, the Bills are the most likely team in the league to divulge usage threshold to their opponents. /s
  6. It’s about getting muscles into game shape before you put that much fatigue on them. So yes, 8 carries might very well be where their sports science drew the line before there was a risk of a soft muscle injury. Diggs played less than half the offensive snaps, part of that was putting formations on tape to set up tendencies they can exploit down the line, part of that might be trying to keep him fresh all year, part of that is sport science pitch counts I’m sure. Want to see a reason for early season pitch counts while players get into game shape?: TJ Watt
  7. It was week one, not much of it matters in terms of telling you about a team overall. I think the craziest thing of the entire weekend is that the Browns won…their week 1 record is brutal since they came back.
  8. You're not getting what a pitch count is...has nothing to do with an existing injury, it's about protecting players from future injuries. They don't pull a pitcher after 100 pitches because he was hurt, they pull him because the fatigue on his arm increases the risk of injury for each pitch after, with each subsequent pitch being more risky than the last. The Bills have an elite sports science department. My guess is Singletary was caped at 8 carries, because pre-established thresholds had been crossed based on in game data they are tracking.
  9. There's also money post retirement to be made, and a super bowl winner I would think makes that bigger. Also, this team tries and gets players their incentives in terms of opportunities (see Diggs playing last game last year) and scheme (though think the incentives are likely aligned to scheme). What I'm saying is, Poyer hitting his incentives makes him more money next year. The Bills just committed to helping him hit those incentives by giving him opportunities. He hits the incentives, he'll make more money on his next deal...don't think that deal is going to be in Buffalo though.
  10. Pitch count means he would only be able to play a certain number of snaps or get a certain number of touches. They do it with their d line and other positions a lot. Probably why allen had to run, they couldn't trust Moss or Cook not to fumble and Singletary was at his pitch count.
  11. No you said you didn't like his personality, which you don't know at all. Maybe he has anxiety, my 5 year old son has high functioning autism and I could totally see having unexpected facial expressions in situations where there are a lot of people, shoot I make unexpected faces that don't convey what I actually am thinking and I'm about as genuine a person as you'll find. Like chill a second on your take, because it's based on what exactly. Fact, Singletary and Moss train with him and without question would have vouched for his character. You don't know better than them, you just don't. Also, have you been drinking op?
  12. It's about staying ahead of the chains really and being able to convert through the air when you aren't. Bills didn't need to run more last year, they needed to run better early in games. You know what I don't miss, is the third and 12+ draw play dive that was the hallmark of the drought years. My hope is the new o-line coaching and a new running scheme where they use receivers more as actual inside run blockers will allow them to get away from having Allen run designed runs, because they won't need a full extra blocker to make it so the run game has a hope of consistent success.
  13. Came in to say this. Need to look at how many of those yards were gained after the team started milking the clock. If anything, that stat might actually show you that 100 yard rushers are likely to lead to losses. Have to think if you're running a four minute offense, you're more than 70% likely to win.
  14. Anyone know if there is a Bills Backer bar in Raleigh with outdoor seating? In general, any recommendations for a non-bills backers place(s) around Raleigh to watch games outside that would be good for a 5 year old (he's super into football)?
  15. I don’t know why, but I trust this guy!
  16. I don't think it's about being right, the decision was made already. I do personally hope that Hodgins crushes it on another team as well as long as he's not playing against the Bills (if he is not able to get on the Bills practice squad). I'll definitely continue rooting for him though, I don't think it's wrong to root for players on different teams you like. My guess is there is a contract aspect to this. Maybe Hodgins feels like they did him dirty last year when they put him on IR during camp, which iirc was not a full season injury and they don't think he'll re-sign.
  17. Interesting, so you're not saying you don't like dark theme, just not pure white text on a black ground? What are your feelings on stark black with slightly gray text, slightly lighter black with stark white text or slightly lighter black with slightly gray text? Contrast is such a cool piece of perception. I build dashboards and find this stuff super interesting, so forgive me interviewing you on your preferences!
  18. So you should post this on the etiquette sub section of this board. It totally exists, go find it and don't post again till you do... 🤣 People clicking into threads, complaining they exist, then everyone else who's actually interested in the topic (how is Phillips doing, I'm rooting for him) get all excited thinking there is a lot of conversation about it... instead, get off my lawn!
  19. Not just his vision, his explosiveness out of his cuts looked different than anyone else on the field (I was there). Like his acceleration and decisiveness (which I guess is a part of vision) kind of shocked me on one or two of his runs. Duke Johnson honestly looked amazing against the Panthers, though maybe that's because there wasn't much to look at, but I thought overall the Bills ran the ball nicely, outside of some key short yardage plays where you've got not even practice squad lineman going up against panthers backups, so what would you expect.
  20. The game still stinks and these are sponsored by EA. Funny though
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