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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Hodgins? That wr draft class was insane and all the reports out of training camp said both Davis and Hodgins were crushing it, especially in terms of preparation and grasping the offense, before he got hurt.
  2. Way too early to say that based on last season. He was injured and missed a ton of training camp. We have no idea what his success metrics look like for the off-season and how he's tracking towards those.
  3. Couldn't you argue this is a good thing somehow, in terms of finding more value players? Teams are still going to only be able to pay x% to the position group. It doesn't reset the market as much as move the money to the top guys, which means more prove it one/two year deals for the rest. Is that the right type of thinking, or somewhere along the lines of losing to an NFC team boosts your playoff chances?
  4. Gonna throw this out here for you just in case OP 🤣
  5. Gabriel Davis started playing more as well at that point...elite run blocker who gives me a lot of Robert Woods vibes...can you imagine Woods playing with Allen his entire career?!
  6. They had more high wind games in 2019 than this year iirc. Completion percentage compared to the qbs they played against might be a better stat.
  7. I was more thinking trust from the other players in the locker room.
  8. Was just about to say that. If you believe that they were trying to trick KC with that look coming out the same way after the timeout and Levi was supposed to take the inside deep quarter zone and pattern match Kelce and the safety was going to take the outside zone, which to be fair I heard someone on here suggest...if you believe that, which I do, then you also likely believe that the Bills had likely practiced that scenario all the damn time in practice. If that's the case, you can absolutely see that he might have a hard time gaining trust back in the locker room. Don't think that play defines him, or is who he is as a player, but terrible time for a brain cramp/reverting to the wrong muscle memory, which happens to people.
  9. Congress can only investigate things if there is a legitimate legislative reason...WFT, the nfl and some other teams (Cowboys and Rams for sure) are about to get some serious subpoenas imo. See above.
  10. Totally agree, and when I said we can't have a civil nuanced conversation on it, I didn't mean this board, but society in general. I think if you look at the posts so far, 90% if not really 100% are basically saying the same thing, from different perspectives. People get really hung up on the words people use instead of what they are trying to actually say. The other side of that though is people intentionally saying things in a certain way to get reactions out of people to then be able to say see I can't say anything without being attacked.
  11. Nothing about the nfl is free market though. Also, I think the argument is that the money could be better spent to help children in really tough situations. Children made zero choices to get in those situations, so the personal choices have consequences argument does not apply. Very acceptable initial position to take that tax money is consistently not spent wisely (I don't think this is a slam dunk though), but if you take the position that tax money is spent poorly, then spending tax money on a stadium is an example of poor spending of tax money. If all is spent poorly, then that would include sports stadiums. Otherwise, one opens up themselves to saying that tax money is spent poorly unless they see a direct benefit while others do not, and that is just a pretty massive contradiction. Unless you go zero taxes, which then how do you pay for roads and other infrastructure, you are always going to have fewer benefits of some taxes and more from others. And taxes don't always help only those without...taxes spent on a toll road for example, those roads are inaccessible to people without cars or who cannot afford to pay the tolls. It's a messy, complicated, nuanced conversation ultimately that I'm not sure we are capable of having with the current two sides and not being able to acknowledge good points by others because it amounts to some fictitious "win" that we cannot allow them to have.
  12. Nope, didn't see him on the list
  13. Wait, you lived in a world where you didn't feel that way already before this year?!
  14. I agree and people disliking the above comment are not seeing the potential here. A one year rental for a low round draft pick for an elite player who underperformed in his first year post ACL surgery, whose contract is I believe not more than the top 10 running back. So...for something like a sixth round pick you could get the 2nd best RB in the league, who is likely to have a crazy breakout season in his second year after an ACL. Put it this way. Take McKenzie (who I really like) and Taiwan Jones and a couple other special team elite players. Replace them with minimum salary players. Take the difference and subtract it from Barkley's salary for the one year. Who contributes more to wins across the season, Barkley or those guys? Shoot, Barkley would be insane running jet motion with Singletary and Allen running RPOs. Anyway, if you have a chance to get an in his prime Adrian Peterson on a one year rental for a sixth round pick, while paying him top 10 rb money...like are people not appreciating the potential and likely breakout season Barkley is about to have?
  15. The bills defense gave up 17 points after the bills offense failed to successfully execute a four minute offense on Davis' third td. Against the Bills, the Chiefs got the ball back with 1:56 or whatever with all their timeouts. The Bengals successfully ran a four minute offense and the Chiefs had no timeouts. Having to chase Hill on that next td, destroyed their chance to get a stop in overtime imo.
  16. Who are they paired with today? Looks like they're in 10th place?
  17. I'm in Raleigh too (Garner area)...love it here, but moving from Ft Lauderdale in Sept of 2020, the food is just not on the same level. So many random hole in the wall strip malls with absolutely amazing food down there. I'm holding out full judgment until I've actually had a chance to really try a bunch of places, but I've lived in Rochester, Boston, South Florida and Raleigh. Granted I was just driving around downtown Raleigh today and there are a ton of restaurants I need to try before I give an honest judgment, but no chance it beats South Florida in terms of amazing food per capita. Best Raleigh pizza I've had so far in my opinion is Demos and then Frank's in that order. For what it's worth South Florida didn't have the best pizza either and I agree, Rochester pizza is legit...Pontilos ftw! Acme's on Monroe has amazing pizza, especially during Tuesday dollar beer night (not sure if that's still a thing like it was back in 2006, which is sooo long ago now!).
  18. The Bengals also properly executed the four minute offense, and KC had no timeouts and a bit less time when they got the ball back. Bills gave it back to them with 1:50ish left and all their timeouts. That third down loss to set up 4th and 13 or whatever right before the two minute warning was the sneaky play of the game last week.
  19. Also could have people saying who cares what he schemed, it was all Allen.
  20. 13 seconds with 3 timeouts...huge difference.
  21. That is how this game should have ended, and I think this was the best game I’ve watched since that game. The 17 play drive for Davis’ third TD should have been a 25 play drive that took the Chiefs time outs, and ended like the first drive of the game. That play where Singletary caught that dump off was the key play of the game. If they gain even a few yards, they would go for it on 4th and short, most likely convert and have four shots at the end zone after using some Allen read options to get another first down. USC, playing in college with wide hashes, automatic clock stops on first downs and Reggie Bush, was down by three with 19 seconds, but no timeouts. Obviously not comparing the Chiefs to USC, but with that little time, you just can’t attack the middle of the field without timeouts.
  22. 90% of people in here have no idea what they’re talking about (I don’t either). All echo chambering the same drivel, it’s like a freaking episode of black mirror in here. You all really think the most likely scenario is that the Bills defensive coaching staff, who have near 50 years combined experience at the highest level of the sport, that they simply didn’t know what to do? Or is it more likely that an extremely tired player had their brain freeze up in the moment and just accessed the wrong muscle memory at the worst possible time? Look how close Hughes was on that pass to Kelce. If, as the poster earlier suggested, and Wallace played inside leverage and having the shell disguise trick the Chiefs into attacking a disguised double coverage, and Mahomes had to actually double pump it, Hughes crushes him. Holy crap, the whole thing, was a set up to fool the chiefs, and the four rushing lineman was a trick to manipulate the line call to get Hughes an open run at a sack fumble game over. It almost worked. McD said they practice that scenario over and over throughout the year, wanna guess what they likely were trying to do? Seriously, if you think the scenario of we’re up by three in Arrowhead with under 20 seconds left and Chiefs have all their timeouts wasn’t practiced day one in their first closed training camp. I mean come on guys, it’s just way too likely a scenario and would motivate the heck out of the players all year. Anyway, my favorite are the people saying that Diggs and Knox were taken out of the game so effectively, while Davis put up 201 with 4 tds, including a 75 yard bomb at the (first) key turning point of the game. That sequence should have gotten the Bills the win, there should not have been a drive for KC with 1:54 on the clock. After that Davis bomb TD, iirc the defense got the stop and the bills got the ball back and went on the 17 play drive. Biggest reason they lost was the briefest lapse in execution by the Bills offense that lead to the 4th and 13 or whatever where Davis caught his 3rd td. The goal was to score with under a minute and KC taking all their timeouts. That dump off to Singletary that he didn’t drop (or really whatever the play call was there possibly) was low key they reason the Bills lost, because they basically had to call a winning play there, there was no choice. That drive was set up to be a 25 play drive to salt the game away going into the end zone like the first drive of the game. Think Texas vs USC style (honestly, Josh Allen’s performance in this game was really similar to Vince Young’s in that game). You give the ball back with 2 min and three time outs to Mahomes, what do you think is going to happen? Worst part, they were already clearly spent, but then ended up chasing Hill 90 yards across the field on that touchdown and that just totally gassed them for overtime.
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