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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Why wasn't the false start penalty against #13 encroachment?!? Defense was in the neutral zone. Is that on the line only or something?
  2. If best also includes personality and ability to collaborate, then totally agree.
  3. Would likely result into a high comp pick. They already signed his fifth year option, isn't that guaranteed? Also he'll be two years off an acl. Think he's gonna have a huge year. He's also being paid as a top 10 rb in the league on his fifth year option. I think JA is somewhere around the 20th or so at qb...Baker is in that ballpark as well I believe. Moral of the story, don't draft a rb that early. Second moral of the story. If you can get a potential top 2 rb at top 10 salary, and likely get the pick back that it cost to get him in two years as a comp pick...I think you do that deal, at least in a vacuum, obviously other resignings that need to happen.
  4. I don't know if agree on the Bengals, they were really good for a long stretch. They had a legit shot at a Super Bowl when Burfect single handely lost them that playoff game against the Steelers. Was pretty shocked they hadn't won a playoff game in 30 years. Ah to exist in a division without Brady and Spygate, and to think we could have had that... Right on with the other teams and the Bengals were definitely not great a lot of that time as well.
  5. Saw a stat earlier today that said it was the first time ever, but I have been dreaming a lot about the Bills too, so could be that too...
  6. That's what was going on earlier in the season...he was powering up!!!
  7. Meh, participation trophies aren't weird. Nobody thought they were cause you won. Was more like an achievement for completing the season trophy. Also, I only got those in rec soccer when I was like 6 and 7. All the other trophies we won were earned. If people want to get rid of an end of the season trophy that a six year old feels happy about fine. Then we need to stop making kids feel good by not telling them the truth everywhere...bye big dude in a red coat...😁
  8. Earlier in the year I started a thread saying Josh Allen should run jet motion on punt returns. The first page of this thread reminds me of that thread. To be fair, I really meant a skill player who was at one point a qb. I still think this will be a huge step forward. Imagine this...five years from now, the bills win 10 straight times against the dolphins. Dolphins come out with a jet sweep qb fake punt scheme and they win the game...gimmicks are there only hope, just like with Brady... that's right the 4th down wildcat. The circle is closed, what was is again, just different.
  9. My parents introduced those things to me... I'm 38...
  10. That Nikki Minaj song that everyone got up in arms about just happened within the last couple of years.
  11. I mean avoiding tight indoor spaces with poor ventilation and wearing n95 masks if you need to be in those situations isn't exactly living in a bubble, but I completely get your larger point. I think there is a huge difference between your point of it's not healthy to stress over stuff you can't control and other people who are saying this is a dumb thread because there is no potential risk of him missing a game. There is that risk, it's hopefully low (especially because that picture looks like he's on the field), but it's definitely not zero and it's definitely not super insignificant. Which player impacts the point spread most if they are out: 1) Allen 2) Mahomes 3) Diggs/Hill?
  12. It's just the inconsistency that drives me crazy. "Don't tell me what to do" while at the same time telling me what to think. Thinking is something one does ya know...
  13. I mean a player listed probable on the injury report is something I think about. The weather report a week before a game is something I think about. Why is this different? I'm not losing sleep over those things, but I think about them.
  14. What % of people saying this is a stupid thread, would be all morally outraged if he tested positive for a banned substance? I know the rules for weed changed recently, but please explain to me how it is different if a player ate a gummy after the game and then super randomly got tested and was kept out of a playoff game? What would your reaction be in that situation? Personal freedoms? A few out of the people saying this is a dumb thread sure, but the majority...pearl clutching and saying that player was not putting the team first. Same with cancel culture. Literally tried to cancel NWA in the 90s because: rap lyrics. Literally made it illegal to show a husband and wife sleep in the same bed in movies for like 30 years. The lack of consistency in a moral stance is really confusing.
  15. I watched this the day before the game, and it made me so mad! The pats fan with the mullet. I'm so happy that guy is sad right now...sounded mighty rocking loud to me!
  16. I had that happen on so, so many cards...but I have one right now that is my primary debit card that has a 1/22 expiration date. I have no idea how this happened, I literally went through a stretch where my bank had to cancel a card for fraudulent purchases a few times a year for a while, but I'm so close. Like Josh Allen's ex no red zone interception streak, I am terrified every time I need to go to a sketchy gas station. Hey, on the plus side, we both are going to have to switch a bunch of autopayments.
  17. Would love to drive up from Raleigh myself, but with a 4 y/o and a 2 y/o that I'd be making my wife take care of, a potential ice storm here, a likely few inches of heavy wet snow turning to slush then freezing and shutting down the area...and having to drive back directly through that storm as early as possible Sunday morning through to avoid getting snowed in with a potential foot of snow in Western NY to stand in sub zero wind chills... Checking ticket prices!
  18. 2019 was worse. You know, the year JA was awful throwing deep suddenly, and then 2020 mostly perfect weather and really solid deep game.
  19. Very cool combination! Writing a paper or analyzing a piece of literature is basically just algebra/calculus in terms of building the right formula.
  20. Dunning Krueger and Group Think at its finest! Drives me crazy when people who don't know something try to make people that do know something really well feel like they are doing something wrong because they do not understand. Lean into the ambiguity and watch a couple of YouTube videos to get a base understanding. It's not that complex to understand enough to grasp what is happening (analyzing it is different). @HoofHearted should not change a thing other than paragraphs
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