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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. And you could totally try and be safe and get a home test kit, but with how potent fentanyl is, the only real way to have it show up in my mind (assuming it is even a powder) would be to dilute the entire amount, test that and then dry it back out. Otherwise, how the heck are you going to catch a few grains of the stuff in a sample. It's just not realistic that people are going to do that, particularly people doing it casually as a one off thing.
  2. No caffeine and nicotine are absolutely drugs, as is alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol are basically the leading causes of death in the US (cigarettes obviously, but alcohol aside from the obvious impacts also gets converted into cholesterol by the liver). The War on Drugs was beneficial in what way exactly? The way I see it is that the war on drugs literally caused this situation we are in. I don't want to get into a situation where we get this thread locked and I think this could be a really positive conversation where we both learn and grow, just probably not in this thread. That said, I strongly encourage you to read about what has been done in the Netherlands and their approach to drugs. Also, check out the research around psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and mdma (ecstacy)and the impacts on PTSD and major depression. It's insane. I've lost way too many friends and acquaintances to this crap (at least five in the last two years, and at least ten overall). None of them were into any serious drugs when I was hanging out with them either (most got into it post college). One wasn't even an addict, just took some benzos and drank too much just about 10 years ago. She was such an amazing person and I miss her so much. Another was one of my best friends from high school's brother. Was close to the brother too. Think that was fentanyl. That one, of all of them got me the worst, like very much not close to starting to even really process it. To the point that I haven't even talked to my friend in almost two years since it happened, let alone written him a text saying I was sorry for his loss cause I don't know what to say. Abstinence only education and punishment are not going to solve these problems.
  3. Well, it was coming from China, so they banned it coming in from China, so then it moved to being made in Mexico and other places. Fixes tend to have unintended consequences, and when people take a perspective that something is easy and not a nuanced problem...you get into the mess we're in now.
  4. Only read the first page, so might have been said. My understanding is it comes down to two main things. The weight of the baseball is a lot less. Throwing a baseball is much more like dry firing a bow...go outside and throw a heavy ball vs a feather with the same arm speed, you'll feel the force on your elbow with the feather. Second, it is the position of your hand when you throw a baseball vs a football and the release point that puts more strain on the elbow. I read an article on it a while back on ESPN.com or the athletic maybe. Definitely interesting.
  5. The first 2:30 might be my favorite Pat McAfee Show moment I've ever seen. Just had me grinning!
  6. Did the study(ies) differentiate between players in the middle of big contracts and players on deals that are easier to get out of?
  7. It's not the au pair duties, it's the stuff he has a personal assistant take care of, or really the personal assistant he likely hired for his wife, since the mental load typically falls on the mom. Honestly, I should really just hire a personal assistant on the sly, I'm sure it's not all that crazy on something like Fivr...I'd to blame it all on society, which to an extent it is, but I'm just not good at multi-tasking on top of having adhd.. Sorry for the moment of vulnerability on a Bills message board, but just like in the nfl, actually playing the game is the fun part, the real work is in all the preparation and planning.
  8. The point is do you realize how absolutely insane it would be for the numbers to be a sequence from one through seven or whatever? Like that is mind boggingly low, but it is just as likely as any other set of numbers that comes out. The lottery is a scam, don't play it.
  9. Eh let's maybe avoid comparisons to Greek mythology? Roy Hobbs?! Oh for the love of Zeus!
  10. I like the idea in concept, but lotteries are evil things that prey on the poor. 50/50 drawing in the stadium though sounds like a good idea, but 8 games a year for 10 years is 80 games to get $200m... you'd need to raise $2.5m per game! Oh and you had said $300m! You'd need an actual lottery, which again are evil evil things...not against gambling, I'm against deluding people through intentional and targeted marketing, who only have $5 a week extra maybe, that they could win the lottery. That should go in the bank, not a lottery, where the heat from the cash would be more valuable than the ticket if they just lit their cash on fire. There are some cool banks that are doing cool things like that actually in terms of ethical lotteries. /rant and yes I'm a blast at parties! Also, I always put 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on my lottery tickets...before you tell me I'm nuts, it's just as likely that comes up as any other combination. Stop playing the lottery people, it's a scam.
  11. Unless they go up on you by 10 early and can run on you all day and you can't stop them to get the ball back. I think you'd almost rather get in a shootout where the other team is scoring 42, but in less than five minutes a drive. Scoring 7 points on a 12 min drive and getting one stop to give up 0 is the same as scoring 14 pts on two six minute drives, but giving up 7. I have a feeling the bills defense will become very aggressive this season and play a wide 9 style like Schwartz did... they just have the offense to pull that strategy off now.
  12. Interesting the Bills are on ESPN instead of ABC right? Wonder if that has something to do with Minnesota being central time zone?
  13. He's a 6'4" receiver with a huge catch radius, amazing hands (like elite) and reports out of the first part of his first camp was him and Davis were extremely impressive in terms of route running and grasping the offense as rookies. He could be a huge asset as a red zone target if nothing else.
  14. Hodgins? That wr draft class was insane and all the reports out of training camp said both Davis and Hodgins were crushing it, especially in terms of preparation and grasping the offense, before he got hurt.
  15. Way too early to say that based on last season. He was injured and missed a ton of training camp. We have no idea what his success metrics look like for the off-season and how he's tracking towards those.
  16. Couldn't you argue this is a good thing somehow, in terms of finding more value players? Teams are still going to only be able to pay x% to the position group. It doesn't reset the market as much as move the money to the top guys, which means more prove it one/two year deals for the rest. Is that the right type of thinking, or somewhere along the lines of losing to an NFC team boosts your playoff chances?
  17. Gonna throw this out here for you just in case OP 🤣
  18. Gabriel Davis started playing more as well at that point...elite run blocker who gives me a lot of Robert Woods vibes...can you imagine Woods playing with Allen his entire career?!
  19. They had more high wind games in 2019 than this year iirc. Completion percentage compared to the qbs they played against might be a better stat.
  20. I was more thinking trust from the other players in the locker room.
  21. Was just about to say that. If you believe that they were trying to trick KC with that look coming out the same way after the timeout and Levi was supposed to take the inside deep quarter zone and pattern match Kelce and the safety was going to take the outside zone, which to be fair I heard someone on here suggest...if you believe that, which I do, then you also likely believe that the Bills had likely practiced that scenario all the damn time in practice. If that's the case, you can absolutely see that he might have a hard time gaining trust back in the locker room. Don't think that play defines him, or is who he is as a player, but terrible time for a brain cramp/reverting to the wrong muscle memory, which happens to people.
  22. Congress can only investigate things if there is a legitimate legislative reason...WFT, the nfl and some other teams (Cowboys and Rams for sure) are about to get some serious subpoenas imo. See above.
  23. Totally agree, and when I said we can't have a civil nuanced conversation on it, I didn't mean this board, but society in general. I think if you look at the posts so far, 90% if not really 100% are basically saying the same thing, from different perspectives. People get really hung up on the words people use instead of what they are trying to actually say. The other side of that though is people intentionally saying things in a certain way to get reactions out of people to then be able to say see I can't say anything without being attacked.
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