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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. I don't think he's saying it's an excuse. He's saying stop judging a human by the way he plays a game for 40 snaps a week. He's definitely a dirty player. The comments about him as a human that some people are making here are dumb. You don't know him, you will never know him, he is more than a football player...a very dirty football player, who needs to be fined and receive a threat of a short leash for a suspension.
  2. His performance in the 4th quarter was insane. That damn back shoulder to Diggs that the wind blew wide was the game.
  3. This narrative that the Bills defense didn't control the game, or should be embarrassed is crazy. New England winning time of possession by only two minutes in a game they ran like 44 times for over 200 yards is really not impressive. How is that even possible? Bills just couldn't finish drives. Yes, some of that is great red zone scheme I'm sure, but the wind impacted a sure back shoulder td to Diggs late in the game that busted that scheme dead to rights. Agree with McD here 100%, they should have won that game and it wasn't good coaching by the Pats, it was poor execution by the Bills o and bad luck for the Bills due to weather in key moments. The long td to Diggs that he just couldn't track, that back shoulder where Diggs had the guy dead to rights, plus the missed fg by Bass...all three plays doomed by the wind. Though I will say, I think Belichick just showed ATL how to not blow a 28-3 lead, while only having a 1 point lead!
  4. All out punt blocks every punt? Fielding them might be riskier then just letting then roll. So interesting potentially.
  5. Is he that different from Drew Brees? Not mobile really, but can move in the pocket...super accurate and can make quick decisions...I don't know about arm strength, but I don't recall ever hearing about Brees having a rocket arm. I'm not calling Tua the same as Brees by any margin, but isn't that a potential comp to be equally fair?
  6. Will they let you bring in a clear bag at all? Maybe bring some extra layers in a gallon zip lock bag or two? Also, watch some videos on tips for dealing with weather when doing through hikes, like the Appalachian Trail. Look more for concepts, cause they are looking to get super light weight stuff (aka $$$) if they are gonna carry it for 1000 miles.
  7. I realized at some point fairly recently that my automatic move is ball dry then face dry coming out of the shower. I've been doing it all my life. Now that I'm aware of it, you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to change an automatic behavior.
  8. Maybe the Giants see a bit of Tua in Fromm with potential to run effective RPO?
  9. TKO, Stevie, Evans (unless he was there in 99?), Fletcher, Clements, J Peters off the top of my head... I'm sure there are plenty more.
  10. I think for the very very most part where the d has been so much better this year is getting teams behind the chains. That's what made the Colts game so stark to me, there was a stretch there where Colts didn't have a 2nd and 7+ for a long stretch. I remember they had that one sequence where they finally stuffed them on a first down run, got it to third and long, got a stop and then they had a penalty that gave a first down. Then a nice first down run, they scored and it was kind of over from then on. I think that was the drive that really put a ton of pressure on the bills to have to score each drive from there out.
  11. Yeah, donated Saturday and didn't post that I did it. Would love to know how many meals $27 helps get. Guessing it's not insignificant.
  12. So he's making progress potentially?
  13. Or he was not letting himself get beat deep on a double move. For all you know he sniffed out the shot call and let him take the first.
  14. A $1 billion dollar stadium paid off over however many years the loans would be for is a whole lot more than $1 billion. Check out how much the total cost of the Miami Marlins stadium is going to cost Miami. It's astounding.
  15. Ripped off the Le Batard Show's looks like game, and they likely ripped it off someone else first...or in other words
  16. You don't think he might have seen the unblocked defender and decided cutting right into him would be a mistake?
  17. Here's the thing, it's just like the players union and the owners negotiating about where to slice the pie. The owners known its all about the pie size, everything else is secondary, and the owners control the media so they leak stories to get public perception a certain way to exert pressure on players. Really makes you wonder what is in those emails they are so worried about coming out (guessing concussion stuff is a big concern). But anyway, your saying how smart they are to use legal bribery to manipulate the tax system to make it so they can do a sneaky end around to change the slice of the pie when people did not agree to that...it's not smart, it's unethical, undemocratic and unfair. It's all about the size of the slice of the pie, just like in sports leagues.
  18. Hasn't McD lost a couple super poor defensive performance blow outs every year? The crazy thing is they might have put up one of those in the 2nd half against the Titans, just now the offense is good enough to put up 30+ to keep you in the game. Sounds like they the Jets flat out got out schemed (didn't watch), and for all we know they were covering screens a lot, the Pats just wouldn't run the screen unless they had them fooled to give up the screen. Let's not get too excited, Saleh seems like he can build a solid culture.
  19. To be fair they were 2-5 in the red zone. Wondering if they felt their best chance to score was a deep shot. Also, I'm wondering if they felt that a 7 point lead with a fg there and punting deep with a 4 point lead were largely the same thing. A bit counter intuitive, but you gotta think Tenn goes for two if they score a td down by 7. No reason to think Henry is not gaining two yards. If you have a team down by 7 planning to go for two if they score...they are going to bleed the clock, especially with a rb like Henry. If they are down by four, two fgs can still win you the game easily, you just need to go quick in case that's what needs to happen. With a 7 point deficit it's touchdown all the way and you don't leave any time for your opponent to score on you again. That's what ended up happening basically, the titans scored too quickly, but they had to because the two fg option had to be left on the table and there is only so much clock you can kill once you get in the red zone.
  20. If he was running with the ball in both hands the whole time he would have been able to. Not calling him out at all in this slightest, can't imagine the level of difficulty just to get the edge on that play and running with the ball likely helped him get that edge. Just if he puts both hands on the ball a split second sooner I think he reaches it out before contact. What a game though. It really comes down to those two red zone field goals in the first quarter I think. They had a chance to all but take Henry out of the game in the first quarter. Does Henry even get that long td if the bills score tds there? The safeties are likely playing different, etc.
  21. Absolutely, it's not the greatest analogy, but I do believe the Bills FO and training staff believe they can extend players' primes using proper sleep, nutrition and player usage. The best inactive call I've seen in a really long time was Harrison Phillips. I think he plays if it wasn't for the rain in the forecast, and just a smart call given his knee history. The benefit of an 11 deep dline rotation that has a ton of flexibility is they are going to be able to rotate some guys as inactives over the course of the year for match-up and random day off reasons. The best of course being when the matchup allows for a random day off...put your players in the best position to succeed a shot and rest two.
  22. Have to imagine it helps with injuries too, and helps maintain a high level of play for the entire season, instead of burning out. Not saying this is a fair analogy, but would you rather have Bruce for 60% of snaps for 100% of games or 100% of snaps for 60% of games?
  23. Yet passer rating has his at #14 and QBR has him at #6... And numbers don't lie? Mind clarifying that?
  24. I thought it was completely overblown until I saw the video of him touching her inside her butt cheek. Even touching the outside of her butt while dancing would be crass, but likely in the rhelm of who are any of us to moralize from afar without knowing the specifics of their marriage, etc. You could argue it was just a dance move and not anything more (not sure you'd win that argument, or should win it, if she thought it was inappropriate, but you could make it). The video of that touch though...he could (and probably should) be in actual trouble...touching someone like that gets people arrested. Also, you think the person taking the video just happened to start recording at just the moment he did that, or was he doing it for a bit and they started taping and got some of it on camera?
  25. Someone grinding on you does not give you permission to put your hand inside someone's butt cheek. Also, she wasn't grinding on him, she was dancing...that's not grinding. Would it be appropriate for him to have touched her chest because she was dancing with him like that? If he was at a strip club getting a lap dance, which this was nowhere near by 100 miles, what would happen if he touched the dancer without her permission, especially where he touched her in that video on page six of the thread?
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