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  2. If the anti Ukraine stooges got out of their bubbles they'd see Russia is losing troops at a staggering rate. Defection is rampant. Yeah they'll keep throwing troops. Losing 1k troops multiple days in a week is not sustainable though.
  3. Gundlach has been saying this for a while now. Quite a while now. He's a Buffalo guy so I am inclined to give him a pass, but he's now looking like the personification of that old joke "economists have predicted 5 out of the last 3 recessions."
  4. Not a lock but I believe it will be heavily discussed. I see 3 RBs plus Gilliam and the 4th on PS. Extra DB is also a possibility, I agree.
  5. True, but it's bothering me that instead of America becoming like the rest of the world and eliminating tipping, much of the rest of the world is becoming more like America. Tipping used to be so unheard of in parts of Europe that the waiter/barman would assume you left money on the table by mistake and would try to give it back to you. Not anymore. It started innocently enough with the "leave the change (coins) on the table as a small token of appreciation ..."
  6. We haven't been discussing whether it's to much money or not, we've been talking the WRs on the roster relative to one another. I also do not agree with just about anything we do re: or offensive MO/strategy, you should know that, I'm among our biggest critics. But to think that we sign a bunch of WRs that have achieved nothing in this league, then sign Samuel for $23 M over three years with the thought of possibly cutting him, ... I honestly don't know what to say about anyone that would think that. IMO or strategy for stocking WRs on Allen's watch has been nearly criminal. While it may not be saying much, and whether or not I like it (I don't), Samuel's currently the second best WR on this team with a wide gap between him and #3.
  7. So on the same theme of "to know what a GM will do, look at what he has done" theme: Beane has typically kept more at a position when it is uncertain, or when there are a larger number of promising players who might get sniped by other teams. DE comes to mind. One unheralded look-out is: how do the Bills feel about the TE position? They had 3 last season. Does that change, especially if Brady is interested in 2 TE sets? How do they feel about Zach Davidson (on IR last season) or Tre McKitty? I can't get excited about either based on their pedigree, but the Bills may be keeping them around for a reason. I don't view it as a lock that the Bills keep 6 WR. I think the more likely position to gain an extra body count is RB and CB though.
  8. Curtis Samuel is number 34 on WR AAV list. When you consider all the #1 WRs still on rookie contracts that puts him nearer the 2nd half of WR 2 pay. $8M is not a lot and I'm betting he will be worth it playing with Josh. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/contracts/_/position/wr/sort/average/dir/desc
  9. When a couple of posters go head-to-head over a topic and both know they will never change the others point of view, it's foolish to keep it going thread after thread after thread. Let it go.
  10. There is only one Teef, and you sir are no Teef! You're more of a TWSS...
  11. For 35 million dollars that is a hard sign... Our own Gabe Davis IS NFL quality But just got like 14 million a year... We couldn't pay that either
  12. I know you wanna leave me But I refuse to let you go If I have to beg and plead for your sympathy I don't mind, 'cause you mean that much to me
  13. Agree. But one thing I have been considering is IF the Bills keep 6 WRs (and I think so) keeping Hollins for ST means he dresses every Sunday. Good chance the 6th WR may not dress every week. I'm not sure if McDermott and Beane would demand that the 6th be good at STs. He may be kept for WR duties in case of injury to any of the top 4.
  14. Either way bringing up Kyle Shanahan kind of dodges the whole point of the conversation. Ditto for John Harbaugh and Mike Tomlin. Because none of those coaches have had a QB of Josh Allen's caliber in recent years. When Harbaugh and Tomlin had QBs performing at Allen's level in the playoffs they parlayed that into a Super Bowl win. It kind of tells on itself that nobody on the pro-McDermott side has any facts to bring to the table. It's all a bunch of whataboutisms and finger pointing. Because frankly that's all there is to defend him. Not one statistic, not one data point, works in his favor as far as being a championship caliber coach. Quite the opposite actually. When you're at the point in your argument where you've stopped defending the man in question and you've instead started criticizing his peers, you've already lost the argument. There's nothing anybody can point to that says McDermott is going to suddenly become a championship caliber coach. It is just blind faith. I just hope everybody is on the same page about what needs to happen if the team once again falters in the divisional round. If we're having the same exact debate next offseason with the same exact points that would really just be absurd, yes?
  15. Agreed but I think....1 for offense, 1 for defense and 1 for special teams
  16. I think we all understood that the OC doesn’t sign players… I dont know if Brady and Samuel meshed. My guess is that the Carolina FO, which has the power to sign or not resign players, concluded they did not
  17. REMINDER: This is what the Moms For Liberty support. . . . . . and what the Left hates. Local Control of Education Accountability Support teachers not unions Fund kids not bureaucrats No dudes in girls bathrooms Save girls sports in K-12 Schools No porn in schools .
  18. I think that's a pretty good take. One wild card is, depending on how well and how fast Coleman adapts, I could see MVS or (if he sheds the "poison" label and makes the team) Claypool getting more snaps early on. If they just play nuts, I could also see Shavers or Shorter outplaying Hollins, but there would have to be a high degree of confidence there. They had the ST chops coming into the league, though.
  19. The words his clan used right? How do you even know Trump is real? You see him with your own eyes?
  20. From now on I only get paid in tips! I’m going to tell people what to pay me, all in tips! people believe this #######? He’ll never do this. Just like Mexico paying for the wall.
  21. We focused grouped and got one we love. Bill Bumps Def: when the news of the day goes bad to horrendous, Bill gets to work bumping thread after thread hoping to bury said catastrophic Democrat news. Our analysis continues on….
  22. Did Samuel and Brady mesh in their offense? Sure... Do pro personnel scouts, think about which impending free agents will play good in your system? Yes... Do they relay that to the front office... Sure But Brady did not have any power to re sign or not resign a player... That is total front office... With some head coach opinion He just coaches the players he gets... And has an opinion on which players fit or do not fit in his system on pro personnel side
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