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  2. There is no mention of "gangs" in the reason the NFL (per Jacobs) said to avoid green--the reason is clearly mentioned in the article. As others pointed out, the Brazilian team wears green. This is only a story because of Josh Jacobs fever dream s of armored vehicles, etc. And it's always a treat to see people blame this on Goodell--even though it clearly isn't his decision to put teams out of the country for NFL games. To such posters, Terry, Jerry and the rest say: "oh bless your little heart!".
  3. Is Allentown the place? We wanted to go to Anchor and Duffs, someone said Snyder Bar is cool and allen venture burger?
  4. I think they want to see what Josh can do without high-priced receivers and to see what he can do with the receivers and the scheme he's given. We'll find out.
  5. Good point. I just figured that since he eventually became a starter he did not really qualify as being a career back-up for the Bills.
  6. No fly zones? I been to every country south of the border except Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname. The only place I would never leave the airport since about 2013 is anywhere in Venezuela. Caracas was horrible so we stopped laying over there, and most companies stopped all service. The rest of them are fine if you know what you're doing. The cartel thing is a mostly Mexico thing. There's still a bit of it in Colombia, but they don't bother tourists for the most part I really like Colombia. Took my wife there a few times. If you do stupid things, like wear expensive jewelry, flash money, go to bars alone or be obviously loud and stay late, you're asking for trouble. I would never use an ATM unless it was indoors. Ten years of doing it and never had a problem. Whenever we had a new person, I would tell them that unlike the NFL, there is no "incidental contact." If someone is in your "space," you are either being robbed, have been robbed or will be shortly. Again, never had a problem, but we never left the hotel compound in Caracas, and then they ended all layovers. The other thing about an NFL game is that the Brazilians know it is extremely high vis and they will aggressively police the area to make it safe. They pulled off the Olympics in Rio, which with there favelas, is far more dangerous than the nice areas of Sau Paulo. Just my view.
  7. Agree! Start the best 5. If SVPG is just as good or almost as good as McGovern and McGovern is better than Edwards then it should be SVPG from week 1. Why waste a year. The kid played a ton of snaps at Georgia. He should be plug and play. Dorian Williams - love Milano but he is coming off a bad injury. Would like to see Williams at least split time with Milano early. They need to know if he can play in case they need to part ways with Milano after this year.
  8. Any topic can and should be discussable, even if you disagree. If kept in an honorable and respectful tone there is no reason to close it.
  9. So if it’s not “everyone’s cup of tea,” then they are all wrong?
  10. Nothing gets done at any level in NY until someone in government gets paid. This place is a suck hole. What a mess.
  11. Have to win the division first and the Jets and Dolphins will be challenging the Bills for that this year.
  12. Maybe we are in a simulation. The end holy freaking cow
  13. We. Haven’t. Beaten. Mahomes. In. The. Playoffs. Historical perspective is irrelevant to this current situation. We’ve met Cincy once while meeting KC 3 times in the playoffs. KC will be there more often than Cincy will. So you go ahead and worry about a Bengals team that may or may not be there most year, especially given Burrow’s health. Most Bills fans will be focusing on the team that keeps blocking us in the playoffs and that’s KC hands down.
  14. Bleep you you commie! Truly my wife is still trying to get me to do yoga and if she can't get me you don't have a shot in hell.
  15. Hunter's going to nail Jill after Demented Biden dies and get her hooked on crack. What a mess.
  16. I'm interested in a couple battles: WR depth: I've seen several posters on this site predict that the WR room will look something like: Coleman, Shakir, Samuel, MVS, Claypool, Hollins. I just don't see it happening like that. At the end of the day, they're not just going to take the best five, or six WRs. This will be the first time Joe Brady gets his offense installed, and the WRs who make it will be the ones who fill certain roles in that offense (plus special teams). In the above list, I would assume Coleman, and Shakir to be locks, and Samuel to be pretty close to a lock. After that it's a battle, and I very much doubt there will be so much redundancy on the roster. If they don't like one of the smaller, speedier guys, like KJ Hamler (my dark horse), or Isabella, they may only carry five. JMO. But looking at how they've been building the roster so far this offseason, it's evident they want size on this unit. So, look at MVS, Hollins, Claypool, Shorter, and Shavers, and pick two. O-Line: Losing Mitch Morse is still a head-shaker for me. He wasn't really costing us that much. That being said, I do not think the plan of McGovern at center, and Edwards at LG is written in stone. We know that Kromer is going to spend much of training camp looking at different configurations. Van Pran Granger could certainly compete for the center job, and I've been saying for weeks now not to sleep on Will Clapp. I think he's better than people suspect. Beyond that... I know that Brady was working with a system that Dorsey had installed at the end of the season, and this will be his system in '24. BUT... it seemed as though he loved those jumbo packages with a sixth lineman-- he certainly ran them enough! Edwards played that sixth lineman, and reported as an eligible receiver when he did. Of course, he never had the ball thrown his way. If Edwards does end up at LG, who would be that sixth guy? Could it be..... Travis Clayton? OK, I'm just dreamin' here... but come on! 6'7", 300+lb, super athletic, knows how to catch, and run with a ball, ran a 4.79 40... how much fun could that be???
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