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  2. It means commuting to work while avoiding all street painted pride flags. Even if it means driving 20 miles out of your way. You have pride in your work before you even begin working. You're a hero, an oppressed hero.
  3. This is a big story Billsy, can you give me any more details? When did he know, who told him, what did he do after?
  4. We have done Jets, Giants, New Orleans, Arizona, Buffalo, Tennessee , Miami, Detroit (as a home team and away team), Jacksonville, Green Bay, Kansas City and Washington.
  5. I'm sure there are a posse of very well paid tax lawyers that have the Pegula's estate and inheritance plans well laid out. According to an article I read written at the time of Ralph's death, his basis in the Bills was stepped up.
  6. Here's a question, what does it mean in 2024 to have "pride in your work"? I'll hang up and listen.
  7. To a closed minded bigot, the letters are all the same.
  8. Commie Shi.t Poster Report Commie Shi.t poster: Finding Qanon (The Frankish Reich) Abstract: Fromer poster Deranged Rhino was known to post and comment regularly about Qanon. What / Who is Qanon anyway? We have no clue. Nevertheless shi.t poster The Frankish Reich (Finding Qanon) has made it her mission to find evidence of 4 years long gone poster Deranged Rhino's Qanon conspiracy theories. Therefore we at the PPP commie shi.t posting analytics department asked a simple question. Who has posted more about Qanon, DR or Finding Qanon? Key word search Qanon + user Deranged Rhino: Posts: 1 Key word search Qanon + user The Frankish Reich: Posts: 61 Conclusion: Commie shi.t poster The Frankish Reich needs to officially change their screen name to Finding Qanon or be banned.
  9. It should be noted that Josh Rosen definitely did NOT go to USC. He played for that ‘other school’ across town. Fight on!
  10. Like I said previously in this thread, “ I hope he proves his doubters wrong” but in effect being tossed to the curb so frequently says that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed, I suspect he has a small window of what he can wrap his mind around, so as long as he stays in that realm he may make himself a useful addition…, Shakir Kincaid and Samuel will be the main three pass catchers, Coleman will be worked in as quickly as his learning curve success allows for, Claypool and the rest of the gang will be fighting for the back end of the roster spots. Knox, Cook & Davis are likely to consume a bunch targets as well, so all this noise about Claypool is just that” noise “.
  11. Claypool either straightens up or he doesn’t. Simple. As for the rest of the WRs and the offense in general, when it clicks and Josh is spreading the ball around and the offense is among the league leaders I hope some here will have the decency to come back and acknowledge they were wrong.
  12. What other fanbases the Bears and the Dolphins I don’t remember him having any as a Dolphin , and maybe one as a member of the Bears ?
  13. I was just checking out the 2002 Detroit Red Wings roster and stats. They had nine hall of famers plus Pavel Datsyuk. But most of those guys were past their prime - I didin't realize that Shanahan was the leading scorer on the team with 75 points!
  14. You mentioned listening to Billy Joel a few posts back. But I think a more appropriate and applicable song for our discussions and issues of the era would be Shades of Grey.
  15. I don’t know Allentown, but probably not. It’s plenty for me, however, with multiple options for live music and places to eat and drink.
  16. Where does he insinuate life was better overall? Your quote here does not state anything like that. Or did you not read what you posted again? 1% of abortions are from rape, so assuming he is referring to the 99% is a safe bet. Why do assume black men are rapist though?
  17. Is that area more fun/lively/safer than Allentown?
  18. Great post!! It feels to me that the Bills backed themselves into the corner a little bit. It’s reasonable to say that Claypool is the most talented WR on the roster. We all know the issues in his previous stops. The Bills gambled on him because of the talent in the room. Miami let him walk knowing that they have a couple of guys that can do what he can do when he’s at his best. I hope that he turns a corner and revives his career and character in Buffalo. I’m not counting on it though.
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