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Nobel Prize Has Officially Become a Liberal Joke

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Peace Prize? He just dropped a bomb on the Moon for Gods sake. Starting a war with another Planet is not a really good idea when you've just won the Nobel Peace prize. :doh:

What better time to do it?


The moonmen definitely couldn't have seen the attack coming.

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It's funny how the Nobel prizes for science are awarded for accomplishments that were made many many years ago that have had a known impact in today's society.


Now if we play this same game with the peace prize with the science awards, they would have awarded the inventors of "Cold Fusion" the Physics award for saving the world with unlimited clean power until they had to rescind it based on false science.


So to they might have to rescind this bogus award based on the future turmoil that is impending in the world of Obama.


The liberal new world order club has just shown it's cards and turned over a 2,8 off suit hand and everyone at the Poker table is laughing.

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Can I get a chorus of "God Bless America"? Anyone who doesn't sing will be deported.

Please note- I never said love it or leave it- I believe that is a garbage statement. To me, if you don't criticize it, chances are you don't love it....but that's just the opinion of one person, for what its worth.


I reserve judgment on Obama- he hasn't even completed his first year, but I am happy as an American that he got the Nobel.

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I am happy that our President got it cause I love this country. If you don't love it, I guess that's your decision.

Then I have good news for you. Since they gave him this based on his first two weeks in office, he could run the tables for the next three years. He could literally double the number of Nobel Prizes awarded Marie Curie, which makes sense because, really, her accomplishments pale in comparison to the relative amount of peace that Obama brought to the first two weeks of his presidency.

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Then I have good news for you. Since they gave him this based on his first two weeks in office, he could run the tables for the next three years. He could literally double the number of Nobel Prizes awarded Marie Curie, which makes sense because, really, her accomplishments pale in comparison to the relative amount of peace that Obama brought to the first two weeks of his presidency.


Good point.


Mahatma Gandhi was nominated 5 times and never won but obama has less than two weeks in the oval office and wins. Astounding!! :unsure:

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I am happy that our President got it cause I love this country. If you don't love it, I guess that's your decision.

The country and the President are two separate things. Love the country. The pres...not so much. No matter how much you polish up a turd it's still a turd. Noble Peace prize award is just more propaganda by the cultural elite.

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Our allies in the UK seem to have had more than their fill of Obamamania...:wallbash:




"Urkel joins Arafat, Gore and Jimmy Carter in the pantheon of despots, terrorists, charlatans,losers and hard-left hacks that the Norwegian Socialists have given their offiial stamp of approval to. The Nobel Prize has long been a "thank you for your anti-Capitalist, anti-Western efforts" award, with few exceptions."



Jeeez, and to think this guy was the biggest narcissist before winning the Nobel Peace Prize... :unsure:


I think Obama should be forced to go back to his "hometown" Chicago. You know, the murder capital of the nation where he was such a great success at community organizing that he was able to parlay it into becoming the President of the United States. We live in a very disturbingly bizarre world.

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Then I have good news for you. Since they gave him this based on his first two weeks in office, he could run the tables for the next three years. He could literally double the number of Nobel Prizes awarded Marie Curie, which makes sense because, really, her accomplishments pale in comparison to the relative amount of peace that Obama brought to the first two weeks of his presidency.

Holy ****, that made me laugh. Hard.

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