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Everything posted by UBinVA

  1. DemoRats are Beta's, Republicans are Alfa's. I'm more Libertarian/Conservative but the GOP is the only vote over the Communists.
  2. This country has turned into a joke with all this Woke crap. A once great country has turned into mush and beta-males.
  3. I was at the Maimi game last year and they spanked us big time. I left in the 3rd qtr and knew at that point our season was over. Never assume your better than a division opponent, they will beat do it every time you do. Unless your the pats of course.
  4. Winston Churchill also knew what was wrong with socialism. "Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
  5. Adding an 'e' at the end of suit is NOT a typo jacka$$, it's a mistake. Got to love you liberals, when you make a mistake, blame the other guy or the keyboard. Typical Saul Alinsky tactics.
  6. The U.S.A. was founded on principles of individual rights and liberty. These rights are not given to us by government or man but are endowed by our creator. They can not be taken away by man or government. Liberals and Socialists believe in "collective rights" and these "rights" are conveyed by man/government to other men. If these so called "rights" by man are deemed (right for food, health care, shelter, etc.) then those same rights can be taken away by man at any time. With "collective rights", all people have those rights but others are forced to pay for those rights. If you can't afford your health care, I'm forced to pay for it. Charity and volunteerism become part of conscription on behalf of the government and individuals are left to rely on the government and not the community. If your a socialist and support these collective rights that's fine, but our country was not founded on these principles nor does our constitution validate it.
  7. Bottom line, they can't or won't. These Statists don't care about process or the rule of law. They want to transform this country into the socialist haven they all love. I tried to warn the people on this board about Obama during the election and was ridiculed as a nut job. Well, I was proved right. He actually is even worse than I had anticipated and that is due to the fact that the Dems had supper majorities in Congress. This President is a true disaster and in a short 14 months has or may destroy the only country willing to stand up for freedom and liberty around the world. Not only are we weak international, we are weak financially and morally. He was supposed to be a new kind of politician that would mend fences and be more transparent but he is nothing of the kind. The American electric was duped by a populist Saul Alinsky radical that used his looks, speaking and demonetization of the establishment during difficult times to foster his image. If you look at history and compare populist leaders of counties, they all have common traits. You figure them out.
  8. It's funny how the Nobel prizes for science are awarded for accomplishments that were made many many years ago that have had a known impact in today's society. Now if we play this same game with the peace prize with the science awards, they would have awarded the inventors of "Cold Fusion" the Physics award for saving the world with unlimited clean power until they had to rescind it based on false science. So to they might have to rescind this bogus award based on the future turmoil that is impending in the world of Obama. The liberal new world order club has just shown it's cards and turned over a 2,8 off suit hand and everyone at the Poker table is laughing.
  9. Our country sucks We have not been good for world peace Our country is imperialistic We do not listen to other countries concerns We are an arrogant country We/I apologize for our countries past actions Oh, by the way Chicago is the greatest city in the world deserving of the Olympics. It must be because I lived there Today, The five rings of the Olympics stand for this: Olympics Obama B. Obama M. Opra Out!!!!!! It must be because all those racists Europeans could not vote with Obama "The One". What a joke this guy is. He stuck his neck out and it got chopped off in the first round. The O magic is no more. The plane has reached altitude as is now in a free fall.
  10. If Bush did this the ACLU would be all over his case and rightly so. But how silent they all seem to be now that a leftist is in the White House. http://www.politico.com/livepulse/0909/Ens...n_.html?showall
  11. With all this "fixing" of our health care system, why isn't anyone talking about tort reform? Everyone knows the cost of health care is directly proportion to the medical insurance doctors have to pay for liability insurance. I know the lawyers give huge amounts of money to the dems and they are protecting them, but why isn't the GOP hammering this issue? If we had a smart tort reform bill that limits lawsuits’ and rewards and penalizes fraudulent cases being brought against doctors, the system would save billions not only in medical expenses but in court time also. We lack such common sense these days I just can't beleive it.
  12. Read Thomas Sewell "The Housing Boom and Bust" http://www.amazon.com/Housing-Boom-Bust-Th...howViewpoints=1 or read his summary article to get straight to the points. He blames both parties for the mess but the Dems are the root cause. http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell042909.php3
  13. http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/arti...px?RsrcID=51162 If told my wife the same thing, she'd clocked me right upside my head. And she would be right. Who is going to be one one to clock these guys up side the head to stop this nonsense? And this is the party that called Dan Quayle an idiot? Dan Quayle had his flaws, but Biden has a gaffe every time he opens his stupid mouth. Does the Press care? Hell no. The emperor has no clothes but the press think he's best dressed man in town. This was my 5th Grade play in Buffalo and the premise is below. Sound familiar? The question is, who is going to be that child that tells the truth so everyone else will finally realize what is going on. An emperor of a prosperous city who cares more about clothes than military pursuits or entertainment hires two swindlers who promise him the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they tell him, is invisible to anyone who was either stupid or unfit for his position. The Emperor cannot see the (non-existent) cloth, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing stupid; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they dress him in mime. The Emperor then goes on a procession through the capital showing off his new "clothes". During the course of the procession, a small child cries out, "But he has nothing on!" The crowd realizes the child is telling the truth. The Emperor, however, holds his head high and continues the procession.
  14. I never got a job from a poor person. If the so called rich become over taxed, they have no incentive to produce or create more wealth. Therefor, they will cease to hire additional people and grow their business risking capital that will only result in a marginal gain in wealth. As a small business owner, I would not risk $500,000 in business investment if my rate of return after taxes is only a net 5-10% increase. No sane person would risk $500,000 for such a poultry ROI. I may as well go to Las Vegas, at least the black jack odds are around 48%. Throw in the health care bill and the Global Warming energy tax and we R screwed people. Live it up now because in 3 years, today will seem like the boom era. If this admin gets its way, Inflation, stagflation, energy costs, and interest rates will all go sky high.
  15. How about a white flag of surrender! Religion and politics have been around since day uno. Why shouldn't they be mixed? We have a constitution to deal with the political side of things and a moral obligation of follow our tenets when voting. Go for it Jay, you have my support.
  16. He's my speech to the Muslim World Good afternoon. I want to get right to the point for my visit to Cairo and talk directly to the Muslim people. My country has freed 50 million of you bastards in the last seven years at a cost of over 4,000 American lives and over one trillion dollars from the blood thirsty dictators and terrorist sect your religion has bestowed. The Muslim community has sat idly by while the most left wing radicals of your religion have hijacked your faith. Either you are with them in their ambition to destroy the western world in the name of Mohammad or you are too afraid to confront these radical elements of your religion. In either case, my country has been the beacon of freedom since 1776 and people from all aspects of life and religions backgrounds are welcome to our country to share in the good will of men and prosperity of their family. The only thing that is required of you is to obey the law and respect our constitution and country. We are a country endowed by our creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These individual freedoms and liberties guaranteed by our constitution to all men and women from God Almighty and can not be taken away from us by any man or government. Unlike your Sharia law that is rigid and arcane which conflicts with modern 21st century realities that in it's present form can not coexist with current western culture. Just like our country has cast off and rectified unjust laws and behaviors of our ancestors, so should you in your religion and start treating all human beings equal. Until the Muslim community realizes that the world will not give in to Sharia law, a conflict between these cultures will continue to persist. The western countries have progressed to great technological feats and huge economic development while most Muslim countries have suffered under repressive regimes and regressive laws and teachings. If not for the oil under your soil, your existence today would be that of a third world poverty stricken nation like most of you are anyway. You are being left behind not by the Great Satan of the United States or Israel; you are being left behind by your own doing. Since you cannot blame yourselves for your failures, you have blamed us and thus you are trying to destroy us. The perverted and twisted interpretations of your Koran by the extremists and your unchanging archaic laws have brought us to this point. I speak to you today to start a new dialog and understanding that we both can not co-exist together as it currently stands. Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of the very few can wipe out whole counties in a matter of weeks or seconds. This was not the case even a few years ago so the paradigm has shifted and time is not on your side. The two choices you have are very simple. You either change your Sharia law to be compatible with modern society like allowing Muslim women the same inalienable rights as men, or you will perish by the sword you have branded in the name of Mohammad for the past 1,500 years. We have freed many people in the world during our short 220 year history and we are willing to do it again today. So the choice is yours and yours only. Either come into the fold or you will be terminated. Thank you and good night.
  17. Did you not read the article? Of course ones life influences their perspective with respect to the law but the most interesting point of the article was the comparison of Thomas vs. Stevens and their respective view of the constitution and law. One would think that Judge Thomas would be the liberal and Stevens the conservative based on their repsective backgrounds. But that is not the case. The fact is not how they we're raised or their background per say, but how they view the constitution. Conservative judges view it as it is written and are considered constructionists, liberal judges view it a a means to a justifiable end in their own sense of right and wrong. The oath for the Justices is this: "I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God." Now, do your really think Judge Sotomayor will put the poor and rich on the same playing field when judging or will she "be sympathetic and compassionate" as Obama stated that that's what he wants on the court. Come on people. He wants activists judges that will find "justice" in the constitution that do not exist in the constitution. He wants judges that will create laws and policies without having to go through the legislative process.
  18. Interesting article about the SCOTUS and the perceived influence of background/life experiences and how they rule on the court. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/05/sup...ontortions.html
  19. Elections has consequences and the GOP lost. During the election, the questions of Judicial appointees and philosophies were few and far between. In past presidential elections, this topic was covered extensively and each candidate had to explain their views and judicial prudence to the electorate. Well, we now have the most liberal President and congress ever to run these United States with a super majority. She will be confirmed and the GOP will put up little resistance as it has done for the past 40 years. As bad as she will be in following the constitution and the rule of law, we conservatives are stuck. I believe Obama will have the opportunity to appoint two more to the bench before the next election. Hopefully by then, the GOP will have gained more seats in the Senate to provide some push back on his agenda to push the court towards the left. BTW: Three of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed. A 60% rejection rate of her opinions that reached the Supreme Court.
  20. You're sentence structure sure proves your point. If we only had spent $2,000 more per student in your school, maybe you would have written this. If we had more money, think about how much more education our children would receive. I guess you just proved you are from Stupid Nation. People like you equate more money to better education. That relationship is not true. D.C. schools spend more per student than most other communities and they are failing miserably. As a side point, the 1,500 students in the D.C. school voucher program are doing very well. But since those schools are private and not beholden to the teachers union, they are stopping the program after these students are finished. So you tell me who has the best interest in providing these students a good and safe education?
  21. Yes he does, and so does congress in many circumstances. It's called three equal branches of government (they are not co-equal as some would like to say). The Supreme court is not more powerful than either of the other branches but the precedence and perception is that what ever the Supreme court rules is law. The supreme court does not make law it supposed to interpret the law. Laws can only be made by the Legislature. The supreme court formulates opinions, but those opinions are only (should be) based on constitutional grounds. The President has the responsibility to defend and protect this country and any prudent action deemed by the President that does just that can be executed by the President. Many Presidents including Lincoln set aside court rulings and just ignored them based on their constitutional roles and duties regardless of what the court has ruled. Read "Men in Black" by mark Levin of one really wants more information on the Supreme Court and how it has been perverted.
  22. Sad but true. When the people realize what has happened, it may be to late. The only thing I see happening now is that we are falling so fast and so hard to socialism that people will notice more and be more aware of it. I think Obama is acting too fast down this road and it may be our saving grace that people in mass will start to resist it in mass (ala Tea Parties, etc.) . I can only hope that that is the case.
  23. The only thing that can save this country is if the government gets back to the constitution. That is limited government, states rights, and the rule of law. No system is perfect and the government should not try to make it perfect which is an oxymoron, but they sure try hard while F&*^ing up even more. The free market capitalist system is the best system in the world. People win and people lose. When the government is involved in who wins and loses, the system breaks down and everyone loses. The people who lose the most when government gets involved are those same middle class families the government says they are helping. It's not unlike the civil rights movements of today. The Sharptons and Jacksons of the world say they want to help their people but in reality, they are only keeping them down by playing on their fears and giving them cover and excuses. They do this because if they stand on there own, they will lose power.
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