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Nobel Prize Has Officially Become a Liberal Joke

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Great. He wins the Peace Prize and the first thing we do is bomb the friggin moon!


What a consolation prize for losing the Olympics for Shoekago.


He should turn it down as an unwarranted attempt at influencing American foreign policy.

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I honestly thought it was an Onion headline. My liberal wife is even laughing at it. "What has he done" and "Isn't he debating about whether to send more troops to Afghanistan" were her initial responses. Then she remembered that he's not against torture! How deserving.


BTW, nominations were submitted in February.

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There is absolutely no tangible justification for it.


Bill Clinton has done infinitely more than Obama on the world stage and should have gotten the award based on whatever criteria they're using.


Wouldn't you imagine that the global nucular stockpile should have been reduced maybe by one gram for the award to be justified? Has the US taken out any nukes out of commission in the last 9 months?

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History is going to look back upon this and see it through the prism of race. In 20 years, anyone looking at his accomplishemnts will view this as the set-aside Nobel.


This is unfortunate on several levels. It is unfortunate because there is a grain of truth to it, for affirmitive action is indeed the reason for his meteroric rise and instant acceptance at every level - it's not every law student who gets a book deal while they are still in school! But it is also unfortunate because it is only a grain of truth, and somewhat incidental at that. Race does not fully explain the whole hope/change/we are the future pied piper spell that the nobel comittee has fallen for. But for future generations looking at his name and accomplishments to this point, the context may be lost and they will reach for the simpler explanation.

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Fascinating tidbit -


Obama entered office 12 days before the nomination deadline for this years peace prize.


Which raises the question: what did he do in his first 12 day's of office to shake the world so? The only thing I can think of is (possibily) his promise to close Gitmo within a year. Wow - that was easy!

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Unfortunately for Obama, his detractors will EASILY point out the reasons why he doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize while his supporters will labor to find any kind of reason why he DOES deserve it.


It's gonna get real ugly!


We need to know who the other nominees were that DIDN'T get the award and why Obama was selected over them! :P

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Fascinating tidbit -


Obama entered office 12 days before the nomination deadline for this years peace prize.


Which raises the question: what did he do in his first 12 day's of office to shake the world so? The only thing I can think of is (possibily) his promise to close Gitmo within a year. Wow - that was easy!




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