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Losman should be our starting QB


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I resent that statement! B-)


I've noticed that you've been down on Edwards for a while now, even when he was playing well. And even his last three performances haven't been as bad as some have described. IIRC, Edwards did pretty well from a yardage and yards per attempt standpoint against the Jets and Dolphins. The problem has been turnovers. But how many of those turnovers are Edwards' fault, and how many are because of poor or nonexistent offensive line play? I think that if Edwards was an established, name quarterback, people would (correctly) point the finger at the offensive line for most of those turnovers. But because Edwards is new and largely unproven, people forget about the massive contribution the line has made to the Bills' problems, and point the finger solely at Edwards.


As for Edwards' most recent performance, think of all the times Peyton Manning has played against the Patriots. Has he looked good on each and every one of those occasions? Now consider that Edwards was playing with a much weaker supporting cast than I can ever remember Manning having had. The fact that the offense was ineffective against the Patriots--and that Edwards contributed to that ineffectiveness--shouldn't cause us to begin entertaining doubts about his long-term future. Of course, the operative word here is "entertaining":it seems you really do find it entertaining to express doubts about Edwards. And that's a shame, because he's going to be a solid player in this league.


this is laughable to compare a player of Peyton Manning's caliber to Trent Edwards.

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i have been one JP's biggest supporters...


You are clearly full of sh--.


Given Trent's nose dive, you probably should rethink your very negative opinion about the prospects of Losman's NFL future. This team is run by a bunch of jackasses and none of us know what Losman will do on another NFL team. One thing Losman has that Trent never will have is a strong arm. We'd probably be better served with that strong arm when the wintery weather hits.

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You are clearly full of sh--.


Given Trent's nose dive, you probably should rethink your very negative opinion about the prospects of Losman's NFL future. This team is run by a bunch of jackasses and none of us know what Losman will do on another NFL team. One thing Losman has that Trent never will have is a strong arm. We'd probably be better served with that strong arm when the wintery weather hits.


First you are correct about the Bills being run by a bunch of Jackasses,

Second..I wouldnt even say JP has a half of chance as being as good as Jeff George ever was and he had just as strong an arm.

He has a good enough arm to be a better than average QB in the NFL..

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this is laughable to compare a player of Peyton Manning's caliber to Trent Edwards.

In my earlier post, I stated that Peyton Manning has often looked bad against the Patriots, so writing Trent off because he also looked bad against the Patriots would be a mistake. What's laughable is that you thought this was a "comparison" between Edwards and Manning. Next time, try to understand the points other people are making before attempting to criticize those points.

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Dont try and make sense..Like I said many times before..Belichek has outsmarted alot better Qbs than The Buffalo Bills have ever had....ITs really not worth wasting time on it..They want to beleive what they want and thats it..You nor anyone else will ever convince them otherwise..I start to post only to stop myself 85% of the time knowing its a waste of motion on this subject..I look because sometimes I feel the need to remind myself that sometimes fans dont know squat about football...I know all :wallbash:

I'm with you on this. Think of all the times over these past few weeks when people have mentioned "Trent's" turnovers, posts written by people who made no effort at all to determine whether, perhaps, the offensive line might also have been to blame. On some other team, if a defensive lineman rushes untouched toward the quarterback and strips the ball away, the offensive line would get blamed. But when something like that happens to Trent, it's somehow all Trent's fault! Like you said, there are a lot of people here who believe what they want to believe, and aren't amenable to logic.

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In my earlier post, I stated that Peyton Manning has often looked bad against the Patriots, so writing Trent off because he also looked bad against the Patriots would be a mistake. What's laughable is that you thought this was a "comparison" between Edwards and Manning. Next time, try to understand the points other people are making before attempting to criticize those points.


indeed you did. maybe i should fine-tune my reading comprehension. :wallbash:


I'm with you on this. Think of all the times over these past few weeks when people have mentioned "Trent's" turnovers, posts written by people who made no effort at all to determine whether, perhaps, the offensive line might also have been to blame. On some other team, if a defensive lineman rushes untouched toward the quarterback and strips the ball away, the offensive line would get blamed. But when something like that happens to Trent, it's somehow all Trent's fault! Like you said, there are a lot of people here who believe what they want to believe, and aren't amenable to logic.


Oh, you mean like earlier this year when Antonio Smith rushed in, untouched, and tackled Marshawn Lynch just as he received the ball, yet the fumble was JP Losman's fault?

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indeed you did. maybe i should fine-tune my reading comprehension. :thumbsup:


Oh, you mean like earlier this year when Antonio Smith rushed in, untouched, and tackled Marshawn Lynch just as he received the ball, yet the fumble was JP Losman's fault?

I have to say that this post significantly increased my opinion of you. :wallbash:


To address your second point, I agree that many people blamed that fumble on Losman. I wasn't one of them. In my opinion, 100% of the blame for that play belongs directly at the feet of the offensive line.

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I resent that statement! :wallbash:


I've noticed that you've been down on Edwards for a while now, even when he was playing well. And even his last three performances haven't been as bad as some have described. IIRC, Edwards did pretty well from a yardage and yards per attempt standpoint against the Jets and Dolphins. The problem has been turnovers. But how many of those turnovers are Edwards' fault, and how many are because of poor or nonexistent offensive line play? I think that if Edwards was an established, name quarterback, people would (correctly) point the finger at the offensive line for most of those turnovers. But because Edwards is new and largely unproven, people forget about the massive contribution the line has made to the Bills' problems, and point the finger solely at Edwards.


As for Edwards' most recent performance, think of all the times Peyton Manning has played against the Patriots. Has he looked good on each and every one of those occasions? Now consider that Edwards was playing with a much weaker supporting cast than I can ever remember Manning having had. The fact that the offense was ineffective against the Patriots--and that Edwards contributed to that ineffectiveness--shouldn't cause us to begin entertaining doubts about his long-term future. Of course, the operative word here is "entertaining":it seems you really do find it entertaining to express doubts about Edwards. And that's a shame, because he's going to be a solid player in this league.

Turnovers have been a big problem, but to me the bigger problem is Trent not being able to lead the Bills to TD's. When you get into the red zone, you have to get 7 points more often than not.

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To address your second point, I agree that many people blamed that fumble on Losman. I wasn't one of them. In my opinion, 100% of the blame for that play belongs directly at the feet of the offensive line.


Fair enough .. all I ask for is objective analysis, despite one's like/dislike of a player.

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Turnovers have been a big problem, but to me the bigger problem is Trent not being able to lead the Bills to TD's. When you get into the red zone, you have to get 7 points more often than not.

I agree 100 percent..Running on three straight downs from inside the 5 yard line is a bit of a reach..How bout throwin a playaction pass in there a bootleg..Something to give the defensive coordinator something to think about..This team has no imagination on offense..Trent needs to start throwing the ball more downfield and taking the occasional chance even if its in the redzone...He is playin qb a bit to conservative..On top of that he has become inaccurate all of the sudden..Whether thats because he and the wr arent on the same page or he is just mis throwing the ball.Either way it needs to get fixed...

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I say start JP


Surprised? Don't be

I admit that I've been rough on JP since he was drafted.

Some people here called me a hater and told me that JP never had a chance. He was a rookie in his 2nd 3rd 4th season because he never had a chance


Okay, start him.

Now is his chance


If he succeeds to leading the Bills to the playoffs, I'll never post here again

If he flops yet again, the Apologists will enjoy watching him in the Mark Cuban Football League

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Please don't tell me this is a 10 page thread about Losman's ability to throw one deep bomb to Evans per game and that's valid reason to start him? Losman isn't a leader. Edwards is. I'll take the Walsh endorsed Edwards as a leader with a subpar arm anyday over Losman. And I'm not gonna blame Edwards for the lack of leadership/intensity on defense.

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if you are older than 10 and you have not been out of the country the last 4 years then you definitely have issues. concerning QB play in this league you are definitely clueless to make a statement that JP should be a starter anywhere in this league.


i have been one JP's biggest supporters however he simply does not have what it takes between his ears to play in this league. i will bet you my first child that he does not have a starting job in the league next year when he leaves. I'll even take it one step further he may not even be in the league next year if he is he will be some teams third stringer.

Edwards plays good againts weaker teams and bad againt good teams.He was lucky last year that Losman played most of the good teams witch makes Edwards record misleading.You look at the overall records of the teams that he started againts ,it below .500 record.Everybody talks about his supporting cast but Edwards has a better supporting cast than Losman ever had ,plus you think this offensive line is bad ,it is actully better than we had for a while.But everybody blamed the qb before fore holding on to the football to long.

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I'll be glad when Losman is gone so all of this can STOP! If Edwards isn't the answer why take a step backwards. At that point suck it up and go after someone else.



If it isn' Losman, it will be whoever is #2. This NEVER stops. Have you learned nothing?

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Geez Louise.


Look folks...there are SO many flaws on this team that any QB going to have his respective weakness magnified. With an O-line that can't protect the QB or establish a running game, a subpar receiving corps with the #2 WR out, no quality tight end to offer an escape route on blitzes or good pass rushes, a defense that can't get the ball back or shorten the field via turnovers and gives up long drives at key points of the game...the QB is in over his head. Montana, Elway, Brady...they'd all be hosed.


When Trent is shoveling $#%# against the tide with this team and not connecting on his checkdowns as he's getting pummelled and there's no run game to keep the defense honest, people are gonna say "Dammit...throw the long ball and stretch the field!!"


When JP is forcing an ill-advised pass or holding the ball too long, people are gonna say "Dammit, read the defense better and get rid of the ball and hit the hot read!!"


There are aspects to both their games that, without a good supporting cast, are very exploitable. Maybe the Bills record wouldn't be worse with JP under center, but I'm hard pressed to believe it would be better.

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And then what? So he'll get to go to another team as a free agent, and TE lost 8 games to possibly learn in. No matter what happens the end of this year, JP will be gone even if the Bills wanted him to come back as I'd say I'm about 95% certain, he'd never re-sign with the Bills regardless of what was offered. I will give him the utmost repsect for taking the high road and minimuly complaining for all he was jerked around. Even this season, he could have demanded a trade and/or forced the Bills to cut him as many athletes do. But he said fine, if you can't trade me, I'll honor the contract. For that he does deserve praise. and I wish him luck, but I aslo seriously doubt he will ever becoem a consistent starter. IMO he may come in a look good for a couple of games until teams adjust to him, then will be back to the old JP again, just wearing a different jersey.


TE certainly looked terrible in the NE game. In the Jet's game his turnover resulted in 10 points for the Jets which take those 10 points away, the Bills are leading. Certainly without the points and if the Jets are behind, they'd be playing the end of the game differenly and may have still won, or maybe not, who knows. So if you want to blame TE for the turnover and the 10 points, that's fine, but then you also need to give him credit for the ten other points he did get in that game as he pretty much singlehandly was their entire offense. Special teams did nothing and excluding the one Int returned for the TD, there were no sacks that generated good field position, no running game, no other turnovers. TE did keep the chains moving, kept the defense rested, and moved the ball.


While I wouldn't say he played well, I won't blame him for the lose either as he was their entire offense and that's alot to ask of a second year player.




Okay, start him.

Now is his chance


If he succeeds to leading the Bills to the playoffs, I'll never post here again

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