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Prayers for Millbank who is ill


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Grant sent me a message the other day saying that he is in a hospital and not doing to well . Says he has a long battle ahead and the doctors want him to shed 100lbs before they operate on him .





thinking of you Millbank , prayers on the way .


Get well soon .

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Prayers... Also, would someone give the dude a wireless router and a laptop. Nobody should be without TBD access during the beginning of pre season.



he did say when he sent me the message that it was the first he had been on line in a while . I did see he was on line for a bit yesterday .

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Do we need to start a collection? I know grant basically lives off the fat of the land, and may need our help. I would be happy to set something up with paypal if anyone is interested. He was one of the few on here who always took the time to send a nice message when something big was happening in my life, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one he treated that way.

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