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Harold Reynolds


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Hey man, don't hate the playa, hate the game... <_<



Paraphrasing Chris Rock:


A boss says to his female employee, "Sleep with me or lose your job." That's sexual harassment... and THAT'S THE ONLY THING THAT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Everything else is just trying to get some. Hell, if my Daddy didn't sexually harass my Momma, I wouldn't be here!


Too bad, I like HR.


Edit: Here's more rumor/innuendo from Deadspin.

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The younger sister of a girlfriend, who is very hot, once told me that at work, several guys have grabbed her ass. She then said, "if he's cute, it's a turn on, if he's not, it's sexual harrassment."



EXCATLY. And this is what's wrong with all these nonsense speech-code laws

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I remember when Harold Reynolds first went on to Baseball Tonight... I was interested because he played for the Orioles for a time. He was quite awful initially. Tripping over his lines, saying a lot of "ums" and "you know." I was quite impressed with how polished he became as time went on and soon he was one of my favorites.


What I hate about ESPN is that they won't explain what happened so all there is is innuendo. Remember when they fired Gregg Easterbrook? ESPN deleted all his past articles and acted like he never wrote for ESPN.com without an explanation. The fact that it came from a quick aside about Eisner and his religion/ethnicity was speculated before coming out through other channels. (Now of course he's back, but that's another story.)


It's understandable that an employer wants to avoid embarassing the fired employee or risk some sort of defamation lawsuit, but when someone is in the public eye as much as these people, that isn't realistic.

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Thats messed up, Michael Irvin can hit the pipe and blame it on his buddy. And Harold was just tryin to get a handful and gets fired. This is ridiculous.



I think the difference is that ESPN might get sued for what Harold Reynolds did, but not for what Michael Irvin did.

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Hopefully he went down in a blaze and was trying to score some of off Erin Andrews like this youngster did.



I mentioned this over on the baseball board, but I saw Erin Andrews in person last winter at a UT basketball game and she is incredible. TV doesn't even do her justice. I don't see how any guy could be around her every day and not make an ass out of himself.


Erin Andrews is so super hot she's almost in Mandy Moore territory (but obviously not because no one is).

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Maybe he hit on Lance Bass?



Erin Andrews is so super hot she's almost in Mandy Moore territory (but obviously not because no one is).


Irony of ironies Lance Bass, Erin Andrews and I were born on May 4. Though I was born two years before Bass and one year before Andrews.

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